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OUR 85 CEHT (Ol,ln. Advsrtlsements, sucii as To Rent, For Sale, or Wants, not exceedlng three Unes, can be Inserted -.ree weeks for 25 cents. tf OR SALE on very Reasonable Tenns- A well established Law and Insurance Office, sltuated In one of tbe flnest villagcs in Mich Addreas Box 300, Cedar Springs. iflch. fH)R SALE- at Aucüon, near tbe Conrt House, in Ann Arbor, Monday, April 2, at 8 o'clock p. B., one Span of good Working Horses, one Doublé Wagon, one Set of Doublé Harness, two Pioughs, one Scraper. one Doublé Buggy, one Single Harness, etc. C months credit. Thomas Collier. FARM FOR SALE-80 Acres in Lodi, 1 mile I Southwest of citv. Address Samuel Fay Bx. 1438. Ann Arbor. ÍT'OR SALE- A good Horse, Buggy and Cutter. ' Inqnire of Fred N. Henion, P. O. Bx. 1112. tf OR SALE OR EXCHANGE - House wlth 9 Rooms, good Well, Barn, with 4 Acres of Land in city ; running Stream adjoinine. B. J. Conrad. FOK SALE- Light pair of driving Horees, good style. For partleulars, inquire of James H. Murray, Saline, Mich. ÍpOR SALE.- A strong, well-made phaeton In good condition. Can be neen at No. 26 N. State St. For terms inquire at 23 E. Caiherine-st. tjOR SALE- QenUeman s Driving and Saddle Horse; Bright Bay. Best Saddle Horee in the County. J. M. Alleu, Dexter, Mich. IOR SALE, CHEAP- Four or flve grade Jersey F Cows, new Milch, just the C'ows for family use. JU P. Hall. HOR SALE- Fruit Farm, 50 Acres, near city of Ann Arbor, % mile Irom Court House, on Whitmore lake road. Brick House. Frame Barn, Hen House, Qranary and Crib, 3 good Wells, Peach Orchard, Apples, Pears, Quinces, Cherries, Plums, Qmpes, Strawberries, Blackberrles Raspberries, all cholee varioties. Price, J6.000. Geo. L. Loomis, Ann Arbor. tpOR SALÉ- 10,000 cholee Snyder Black-berry ' Koots at 15 per 1000. Apply to Wm. Looker or to John R. Mlner, Register Building. tf_ Ff ARM FOR SALE- 66 Acres; can be divided. Located In Müau, one of the best towns in Southern Mich. Splendid Farm, fine locatlon, Terms reasonable. For particulars, cali on or Addresa H. H. Allen, Milan. Mich. IT'OR SALE- Farm of 150 acres, good buildings, r fences. timber, soll, ie., % mile north of Delhl Milla. Wm. W. Tubbs. 682-89 FOR SALE- Farm of 80 acres, good building, soll, etc. Location unsurpassed. Long time, Iüw rate of interest and on easy terms, or will sxchange. Correspondence solicited. Q. C. Crane, Stony Creek Mich. 656- lt IfOR SALE OR EXCHANQE- For City esld ence, farm of 65 acres, one mile south west of City. Or will sell or exchange 15 acres with buildings. Enquire at B6 South Bth St 8. A. Henion. 656 t f. Í7"OR SALE- Horse Wagon and Cutter, Jersey Cow and Calf, three Fire Proof Safes, Stock of Hats, Caps and Furs. House on University Ave. for rent. Not. 9th, 1887. C. H. Richmond. 672 tf REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Houses and lots valued from (1.000 to $6,0üü and contaiulng from unelifth ol an acre to twenty acres- ali in the city Umita. Houses rented on reasouable terms in central localities. Farms exchanged for city property. Enquire of J. Q. A.SKSSION3, 632tf Attorney and Eeal Eslate Agent. Office over Expiesa Office. Main St„ Ann Arbor. WANTED - One or two Kooms, partly Furnlshed for llgbt housekeeping, near High School, by Lady. Terms, moderate. Address BoxJ VI7ANTED- By a young Lady, office work or TT writing of any kind. Address Lock Bx. 84. WANTED IMMEDIATELY - Two good reliable Coat-makers and one Vest-maker. Good prlcea. Plenty of work. Solid lrons. Pleasant shop. Cash every week. N. H. Winans, Bátele Creek, Mich. 612 tf WANTED- Subscriben) to the New York Weekly Mail and Expres. A clean no i-polltii'&l and good Newspaper. Priee, il.ou, or $1.10 with two picture. 8. S. Gartigues, 45 E. Ubertyat., Aun Arfcor. ATKaMSïkr, with good Team, would like steady etnpl'iymeut. Cali at No. 10 Manu -st, or address B, Box 113 , Ann Arbor, Mich. MAGNETIC PHYSICIAN- Mre. N. H. Pierce can diagnose dl ase by letter. Send name, age, lock of nair, and one leading symptom, and recetve by return mail a clairvoyant diaguosto of your diseas?i2ncloe 10c. Addrtss Mr. N. H. Pierce, box V25S, Ahn Arbor. MONEY TO LOAN.- On farms only, from one to flveyears, interetpayable annually, with privilege oí paying Ï100 oi over at any time, and stop Interest. No commlss on charged. For pardculais, cali on or address. W. J. Permar, tt Nq. 5 South Main-st. DRESSMAKING - iiisi Butll's üressmaking Ko' m, at 69 S. Main-it Cloaks ana Wraps a speel al ty. LOST-IIOOOBillon Main-st, or uetween RlnsevA Seabolt's Stor and M in st. Return to Rinsey Se seabolt and receve reward. FURNISHED and unfurnlahed rooms for rent, at No. 13. North Dlvisiou-st. THEgreat Bwtou Maihine of the World. Any peron. eliher lady or gentleman wanting buttons to maich their dress or suit on eall at Burch eld. the Merchant Tailor. and have them made. Bring a pieee of your gooda with you, ïf you want it like your dress. No. 6 E. Huron-ts. TO RENT on Shares. Vi Acies of land in the city.Miitable tor Onimis or Celery. Address Heury C! Waldron, Wonien, Mleh. 'T'O RENT- Two 8uites of Furnlshed Rooms, J. Nu 53 Nrth et. TO FaRMKRS- We have about 100 los. stout Twlne, good lor bag siring, and handy to have aruuiiil ui any time. WiU sell it cheap. Reqistkb Offick. "pROFITABLf EMHLOYMENTfor any GentleI man or Lady Kx ra percentage, immediaie returns, no risk Agen'8 WHnted io sell The Mis in Sense ; tHlsea-ily at s'g t; no snbsenptions ceeded. r. W Wooliiridge, Ann Arbor, Slich, or cali al 45 8. Ingal s-sl. 1OAN1NU - Money to loan on flret clans real j estáte mongage ai curren! ratee of Interest, íatlsfactory arrauxerneuts maje wlth capitalista lestrlug snch luvestment. Every conveyance ind transactlon In abstracts of tltles carefully eximlaed un to legal effect. Zina P. Klmt. Ann Arbor Mich. tf.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register