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Reducing The Revenue

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Washington, Murch 7. - -The ucw interualrevenuo bilí was Btibmitted by the Democratie naajority of the Ways and Means Commiítee to tlie full cominittee yesterday. It ticvins by removing the tax trom tobáceo on July 1. 1888, afterwhich date munufacturers of cigars wül pay a special tax of three dolars eaon, and pealen in tobáceo shaD each pay one dollar annually as a special tax. Drawbacks rebated to the iull amount of the taz wül bc allowed on original and unbroken packasres held by manufacturers and dealers on July 1. Tlie statute and all the laws imposing restrictions upon the sale of leaf tobaoco are repealcii. ■ Wherever minimum punishments are laid down for infractions of internal-revonue laws in the statuets they are abolished. and it is left n the discreiion of the court to tix the punishment, not ezceeding Die maximum limit flxed by the Btatutes. Warrams undur the intern:il revenue laws, upon tffidavit making charges upon information and belief, shall only issue when tbe affldavit is made by a collector or deputy collector; witb. this exception warrants will only be issued on a eworn complaint setting forth the facts and alleiring them to bc within the personal knowledge of the amant. Fees to court offleers in prosecutions ander the internal-revenue laws ihall only be paid in cases where a convictlon s secured. or wherein th. district approves of the prosecution, or wherein the prosecution bajan with information or indictment. Persons arrested upon warrants un'dertheinternal-rcvenue laws must be taken before a designated judicial oftlcer in the county of arrest, or if there be none, in another county nearost the county of arrest, and this judicial offleer fchali have power to make the prelimnary ezammatlon and discharge, admit to aail, or commit to prison the penoo arrested. This sect.on does not apply to the Indian Tcrritory. The Comniissioner of Infernal Revenue, with :be approvai of the Secretary of the Treasury, may civil or criminal cases and reduce or remit Jines. penalties or ussessments under the internal-revenue Itívn, When the returns are not made or are made 'raudulently the collector may enter the premses of any one having taxable property and trepare a lux return upon wtUch the tax shall De assessed with a penalty of 25 per cent. and interest at 10 per cent. AU fruit ïirandies made from any fruit are brought under the provisions of the act of March VTbeu ;. ö si Uery is ge;ed the machinery and apparatni must be sold without -leinjr mutilatt-d or de&troyed. D.stilleries which mash lc. tlian twcijy-flvi bushels of grain per !n.v shall :- laxed upon ;heir capftcity, and may be opcratcd without store-keeper or gauger. Special warehouses may be established where the product of any designated number of these distilleries may be deposited. which product shall then become subject to the customary laws. All speolal t&xes oa manufacturera of stills, retail dealers in liquors and ïetail dealers in malt liquors are repealed. The act provides that it shall go into effect July. 188a The totai reduction in revenue made by the act ip about $5,000,000, made up of $:0,000,00ü on tobáceo and $5,000,000 on the special taxes removed. The Democratie raembere of the Ways and janB C'ommitte have resolved to add this uill to the Mills Tariff bill, raakinjf it an integral ]art of the scheme for revenuo reduction. The total rfduction by the two bilis will be about $75. 000,000. Mr. Randall says that his Tariff biü is completed except as to the cotton schedule. It ie understood that the bilí reduces the revenue $17,000.000 on tariff; $30,000,(KP(i on to'iacco; $50,000,000 by reducing the whisky tax to 00 cents per gallon.


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