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llrwnr of Imitation. We find that in varlous part ef the country unscrapulous d; ugKists for thepurpose of making a profit, are palming orf on a tooconfiding publica worthless counterfeit of Pomeroy s Petrolne Piasters, under the pica that it ü ' just as good '' and ia some cases Ihat tt is Pomeroy s Piaster. Trust no druggtet who makes any sjich represeniaiion. Bewa.e of a'l such impositiou. Insist upon getting the genuine amele, take nothiiielse anrlsee that the words " Pomeroy's Petroline Piaster" are upon each envelope. For bale by H. J. Brown, Dist. Agt. for Ann Artoor. Woman is most pefect when aiost womanly. - Gald-tone. Scrofula, dispepsia, gout and erysipelas, or any of the diseastw ariHin trom an enfeebled condition o( the system. ca:i be efffCtuallf cured by the great blood purifitr, Ilibbard's Rheumatio Syrup. Woman is mitacle of divine conti dictions. - Michelet, Henry Eichards la again in business. This time In the rear oí' John Finnegan's Agricultural Hall, O!ï DETROIT STRJEKT. ALL KINDS OF Hard and Soft Wood ON HAND and Orders taken for COAL - - - I will also lay in a stock of HARD -WOOD LUMBEHÏ For the Spring Trade. Old oustomers and frienda are Invited to Beo me. HEXRY RICHARDS, - Ann Arbr. "MAY GOD BLESS YOU !" A Boston Pnier-HHHKT' Tronbl imd Huw He Clot out of il- Plaln Words frout the Snnny South. When we are In trouble we cry for help When we are relieved we often lorget to be thankful. But not always. Mr. W. W. üriffin, of Tront Creek, St. Clair Co., Ala., writes : " I had a bad attack of chills aud fever. My systeni was full of malaria. For two years I was Bcarcely able to work at all. Some times my heart would palpítate for two hours at a time. My legs would getcouldto the knees, and I fully expected to die. In September, 1881, I bought a bottle of Shaker Extract of Roots, or Seigel's Curativa Syrup, of your agent. Mr. E. M. King. and bolore I had taken the flrst bottle I feit better, aiid in a short time was able to go to work. May God bless you for the gnod you have done." Mr Wm. J. McCann, 99 Ranoall-st.. Boston, "Sixmonths ago I began to Ihrow up niv food afier eating. I thought I was going into consumption. I soon began to have pain in the chest, stotnach and sides. I got little s.eep anrl woke all tiied out. 1 once lost flve pound in four day. I began ut-ing Shaker Extract of Roots. or Seieel's Syrup, and when I h rt finished the sixth bottle I could eat three i-quare meáis a day, and go to sleep the minute I struck the bed. i am a paper hanger hy trade. and have worked every dav slnce I took the seoond bottle. and gained elshteen pound. I ought to be thankiul and I am." This remedy opi ns all the natural passages of the body expels the pnison from the blood and enablee nature to rebuild what disease has des"Suiker Extract of Roots. or Seigel's Syrup, i sold by all dniRKists. or send to the proprletor, A. J. White, 54 Warren street, New York. I so Wonder exist in thoucands of nyPUforms, butare snrpassed by the marvels UllÚlof invention. Those who are in need of "■ profitable work that can be done while living at home shouid at once send their addres to Hallet &Co.. Portland. Main and receive tree, full Information how cither sex. of all ages, can earn from 5 to $ '5 per dsy and npwards wherever they live You are started free. Capital not required. Some have made over 50 In a single day at this work. All euuceed.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register