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BUSNESS CARDS. LKX. W. HAMILTON Attorney at luw. Will practlceln both State and Cnited States Courte. Office Rooms, one and two, lst floor of the new brlck block. corner of Hnron and Foorth Streelt.. Aun Arbor, Michigan. DÜ. H. DR. .A-IRIsriDT. (Office o rer First National Bank.) Hoürs: 10:30 to 12 u. and 2:30 i o 3:30 p. m. Can be reached at residence. West Hnron -st ., a the "Prof. Nichol place"; by telcphone No. 97 and will reply to calis in the evening. KBLLET' PEERLESS TRUSS Ibgiven on trial and wart anten" to give sati&faction or money rtfunded. CBKONIC CASES A HPEC1ALITY. Office, No. 6 Washington-st., Over Rinsey & Svabol t's store. Ann Arbor. O. HOWELL, M. D., PHYSICIAN &, SURGEQtf. Office i! Masonic Block, ROOM 4. Telpptaone Ooiinectlons, Ann Arbor. NICHOLS BROS., DENTAL OFFICE tecoud Floor Maxonic Block, over 8Tingn ISmik. Ann Arbor, Mieta. reeth extracted without pain by the use of gas or vitalized air. ■k KUiTUKK! UfiK, EGAN'S IMPERIAL TRUS8 Ik Mp Rpirul Snring with grailed pre sure 1 to 6 pounds. Woru day anr T_ nigbt by an Infant a week oM o adultofRO years. Ladles' Truaw _. a Bjiectalty. Enclose stamp lo i"" fe Testimonial ot (Sires, meanurr "L5fSsSmeiils, etc EKANN IMI'KRIA' THU88 CO., Hamilton Block, Ann Arbor, Micb. WM. BIGGS. Contractor S Builder And II kimlw of ork in conneetlon with I !! pr .inpil} ex cutí 1. W Shop Oor. of ('hurch-Bt and Universitj ave. Telephone 9 ; P. o. Box V43. WZLLXAM ARNOLD, SELLS 1847 R GERS BROS.' SPOÜNS, FORKS AND KNIVKS, At bottom prices, engravln lnclodeC. full line of the j ustly celeb t U d ROOKFORD W ALTHAM and ELGIN WATCHES. pen face, Key and Stern-winding alwaje n hand and regulated, ready for a man e pcket. If you cannotre&dthis get one of Johnstor & Co'. eye-glasses or spectacles for sale bj WM. ARNOLD, 36 Main St. Ann Arbor, Micb . SHINGLÉÜ The best Rooflng in the world ia Walter's PatentShingles Made of Iron, Tin or SteeL Cheaper More Durable and Ornamenatl Than Slate "Wnrranted to firive satisfaotion. Por partioulars and prices address CEOECE SCOTT, Architect. Sole Agent forWashtennw County. ÏTj!Tw2 lTwi 17? ' SURE CURE FOR NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, HEADACKE, BACKACHE, HEART CORRECTOR, OR PAINS. It is the gTttndest femalb rkmbdy known. It Is the ladles' friend. Try it. No one tiiould be without it. Valuable Testimoniáis. DONT ÜSB THB KNIFE. A Bemaiikable Case.- Doctors gavo U-r ip fis incurable and tier iaw bonc muf=t !te removed, butissavedbytbeuseof Stekotoe's Xeuralgia Drops. The undersijmed herewitb wishes to say what a remarkablo cure Stolrctee's Neurahrla Drops dono in curing the undersigned of neuralgia. I had been troublcd with pain in my jaw for a time. I cmployed a sklllful physlclun in this dty. IIi declded that my case was incurable uniros my )aw ïxme was removed. I callod on M r. Stokotee for adi8e. Headvised after haring 6xamined my case to use hifi Neuralgia Drops. The result of uslng; aneJialf bottte of eid Neuralgia Drope entireíy cured me, anl u-ltAout tho use of a knlte or violenoe. Miss G. Hoest. Corner of Claney and Cedar Btrcets. Grand Bapids, Mioh., Deo. 5, 1883. Many people have wrtrten me if the above wTtting1 are true. I now answer all inquirís Lhatovery word of the above wriünit is true. HJenoarlyfouryearssincelwag cured: h1 no more pain nor neuralgia. Itisworththe weight in gtld to me. Miss Hoert, November 1, 1887. Nöw Mre. B De Korae. Ask your druggist for Steketee's Neuralfria Drope. If they have not rt for Bale, then tAke nothing1 olse, trut Bond direct to O. G. .teketee. Grand Rapids, Mkih., wbo will eend tiiree bottles on roceipt of $LfiO; expresa paid. P. 8.- Trial bottte sent on reoeipt of 12 cents in V. S. postoge stompe. i GEO. 6. STEKETEE, Grand Rapids, - Mich. An Excellent Eoute. e Tourists, Dusinesa men, settlere oud other deeüint! to reach auy place In tfcntral or 1 n Moutana, Oakota, Wiunesota, or Piiget honml and Pitoiflc Coaat poluts sbuuld lnvestiQateregarding the ratea aud advaiitages ofTered by this route. A rale I rom Chlcugo or 8t. Paul to Puget Sound or laclfie Uoast points 6.001ower than vla any other line Ib piaranteed. Accommoda-m aj STiRtUL A tionB Helen ME M'NNEAPOUS A - ton.iWi RAILWAYi iM o litan Wiitertown, Abertieen, EUendale, Fort liuford and Bottineau, Dakota, are few of the principal pointe reached via reoentenleiwionsof tina road. Por mapg or other Information ad'Iress (. H. WAKnEN, General Passenger Agent, St. Paul. Minn.. or I W. H. Uforeland, Travelinc ' ttsseugar Agent, 179 JeBerson Ave , Detroit. Uich. Send for new map of Northwest.


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Ann Arbor Register