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Notice to Creditors. STATK OF MICHIGAN, 1„ COUNTY OF WA8HTENAW, I ' Notii e is hereby given. that by an order of the Probate Ctmrt furthe County of Washtenaw, made on the oth day of Mareh, A. D. 18, six months from that date weru aliowed tor creditore to present their ciaims agaiust the estáte of Stephen Kairchild, late of said county, deceased and tliat all creditors ol said di-eeased are rtquired to present their claims to said Probate Court, at ihe. Probate Office In the city of Ann Arbor for examinationan.i allowanco.on or befurc the 5th day of September nextand that such claims will be heard beiore said court, on Tueaday the 5th day of June and on W'eduesday the 5th day of September mxt. at ten o'elock in the forenoon of eaeh ,1 said ft$AERIMANi Judge of Probate. Dated, Ann Arbor, March 5th, A. D. 1888. Probate Order. STATE OF MICHIUAN. j sg COUNTY OK WAS1ITENAW, ) At a session of the Probate Court f r tiie County f Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Thursda , the eighth day of March in the year one thousand eight hundred and elshty-eight,. Present, Wiliiam D. Harriman, Judge of ProIn the matter of the estáte of Alvah Keep, On rea'dlng and filing the petition, duly verified of Wiliiam R. Hamilton, Executor, praying thHthemaybe llceiised to sell the Real Estáte whereof said deceased died seized Thereupon it is ordered, that Tueday, the tenth day of April uext, at ten o'clock in the fore noon. be assiRiied for the hearing of said petition, and that the dcvisees. legatees, ani heirs at law of said deeesed, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required t appear at a session of said Court. thento be holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause ifany there be, whythe prayer of the petitioner shoulcl not rie ranted : And it is funher ordered, that said petitloner give notice to the persons interened in said estáte, f the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereot'. by causinga copyof this order to be published In the Ann Arbor Register, a newspaier printedand circulated in said eounty, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, [A true copy.] Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. I'robnte Kotice. STATE OF MICHIGAN,} CODNTY OF WASHTENAW. JAt a session of the Probate Court for the Connty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probata Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the 27ih day of FeVuary. in the year one thousan1 etaht hundred and eighty-eight. Pres. nl, WILUaM D. HARRIMAN, Judge of in iliê matter of the Estáte of CarlSeblImmer deceased. On reading and filing the petition, dul verified, of Louisa Osborne. praying that a certain instrum nt nw on flle in this court, purporting to be the last will and testament of said deceased, may be admitted to probate, and that she and Margaret Schlimmer may be appointed executors thereof. Therev,pm is Ordered, That Monday, the 26th day of March ncxt, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of aid petition, and that the devisees. legatees, and heirs at luw of said deceased and all olher persons interesied in said e tate. are required to appear at a sexsion of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, nd show cause, if ai y ihere be. why the prayer of the petitionershouldnot be granted: And it is further ordered that said petitionergive notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of ihe pendency oi said petition. and the heariig thereof, by causing aeopy of this order to be published in the Aun Arbor Rkmtkr, a newsnaper printed and circnlated in said county, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HAKRIMAN, [ A trae copy.] Judge of Protte. WM. G. DO1 V, Probate Résister. Mortitase Sale. Whereas, default has been mode in the paymem of a certain mortgage made by Dwight Riggs and Mary A. bis wile, to Henry Pratt, dated the becpnd day of Jauuary. A. D., eighteen hundred aiidsixty' secure the paj men tof live hundred dollars, which mortgge is recordert in the regifcter's office of the couniy of Washlenaw, State of Michigan, in Liber 38 of mortgages page 27i. and which was duly assigned by said Henry Pratt to Cyrus Bcckwith by deed recordel in Liber 9 of Mortgage assignments, page 412, and by Cyrus Beckwith to Amarilla H. Beckwith, by deed recorded in said Liber 9. page 413 and b Amarilla H. Beckwith to 8idney Beckwilh, by deed recorded in said Liber 9. page 4 14, andwhertas, theie ia now claimed to be due upon said mortgage 'he sumof nve hundred and ninety-seven 25-100 dollars at the date of this noli ie and no proceediiiK at law or in chancery h&ring been taken to recover thè principal sum or interest or any part thereof, now therefore notice is hereby given that in pursuance of the power of sale contained in said moitgnge and of the sttttute in such case made and provided, the premsesdscribed in said mortuage tn-wit: The north-east quarter of the north wist quarter of seciion thirty two, townsbip two south of range ihree e. st sitnate in said couDty of Wa-htenaw, wi 1 besold at public auciion at the south donrof the cnurt tiouse in Ihe city of Ann rbor in said c ainty. that beip? the place lor holding the circuit court of the eounty, on 8at rday. the 7th dav of April next, A. l. 1888. in the hour ..f 10 o'clock in the lorenoon, tomake theamouni then due on said mortgage and the coitsnf these proceed ings aud the sum of twenty-five dollars attoiney's feeasprovin d iheiein. Dated this4th dar o' Jannary, A. D. 1888. 680 9 SIDNEY BECKWITH, Ass:gnee, flte, PENNYROYAL WAFERS Pa Are auccessfully usel ni-'Uhly by over 10.l0 OPl.miii's. Are .Safe, Effect! and Pleasant. il Sf ƒ per box by mail, or at drugKlsts. SeaUd PurJr J ticulara 2postage stamps. Address W The Eikeka Chemical Company, f "tehw Block. 131 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mioh. LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STUDENTS! 'I he (rent I nul mIi lreMiritin W'U restore that 1 #t Vila'ity and a Rugged, Bealthy Cond tion follow its use. Buy at your druegisi's, onc pnekage. tl ; slx for 85 EUREKA CHEMICAL CO., Detroit, MiCH. Sold by H. J. Broum Jt Co. Where Are You Qoing? When do you start ? Where trom T Howmanjr in yonr party? What unionat ol freight or haggHge have yout What route do you preferf Upou rectóipt of an answer to the above questious you will he fiirnished. ree of expense, with thelowestBM SliiSSi.. k ratea, also map, time KI ?"M?Z ?L A tables.pamphlets, rW ANITuBU "rr valu ftble Iwl ailwa% ïk ition which will gave troubiB. time and money. Agenta will all in person where ners8ary. Parties not leady to answer above questions should cut out and preserve this notice for future reference. It may become useful. AddreHu C. H. Warrkn, General Pasmneer Agent, 8t. Paul, Mimi., or I). W H. Morelnnd, Trav. Pass. Agent, 179 Jefterson Ave., Detroit, Mich. 8ud lor new mup of Northwest. JTTTTa "D A 1T?TJ may Do ronnd on nie at Gflt AiilO JJiilTilllV p. Bowell&Co'aMeWHpnuit AdTertlainK Biireau Í 10 Sprooe S', Vwhprjttdvprtljlna gobacts nay be mada tot It JJS CtKW ÏOBK. INSURANCE, REAL ESTÁTE AND LOAN AGENCY OF A. W. HAMILTON Offices, No. 1 and 2, First Floor, Hamilton Block. Parties desiring to buy or sell Real Estáte wlll flnd It to their advautage to cali on me. I repreent the followlng first-class Fire Insurance Oom pañíes, having an aggregate capital of over tS,')UO.000: The ilritnii RnplatH Fire Ins. Co., Ihe li 'itrmer'M Iiih. Go., (iusnre only (lui-ll iiKs '. The -. Tinan Fire ln. Co., iiiicni'ili lire Iiih '., TheCillzenx' rir ItlM. ., Ttie Wcrlrlii'slcr Klre Iiin. Co., The Milwaukee Mechnnic'H Miitunl I"ir' Ins. ., The - ■ llniiiiishirc Fire Ins. Co., The Amazou l-'ire Iiih. Co. Eates Low. Losses liberally adjusted ani oromptly pald. I also Issue Life and Investmeut Pollciee in Uu Conn. Mutual Life Insurance Company. A tets (55,000.000. Persons desiring Accident Insur anee, can have yearly Poiicies wrltten for them oi Traveler's Coupon Insurance Tickets lssued i Low Rates in the Standard Accident Insurance Compam of North America. Money to Loan al Cnrreni Ratea. Ornee hour from 8 a. m. to Vu. snd 2 to . k. ALEX. -W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block ' Don'l let that cold of yours run on. Vou thiak it is a light thing. But it may run into catarrh. Or nto pneumonía. Or con8umptioo. Catarrh is disgustiog. Pneumonía is dangerous. Consumption is desth itselt. The breathing apparatus must be kept healthy and clear of ll obstructions and offensive inatwr. O herwise taere is trouble ahsad. All the dKeases of these parta, head, nose, throBt, bronchial tubea and lungs, can l?e delightfully and entirely cured by the use of Boschoe's Gefman Syrup. If you don't know th s already, thousands and thoussnds of peopla can teil you. They have heen cured by t, and " know how it is, themselven." Bjttle only 75 cents. Ak any iiruggist. If suddenly submerged the stiffest liat at once becomes ducked-tile. Womaa- the crown of creatioo. - Herder. Judge of a government by tha mn :t produces. Judge of a man by his deeds, a iree by its truits, r medicine by its results. Time Iried and fue is Dr. Bigelow'g l'oaitive Cure, which containg the good qualities of all the best cough remedies without the defect of any of theii. A safe and speedy remedy for cougha, colds and all throat a:id laag troubles. Sold by E jerbach 6c Son, in 6tiy cent and dollar bottles. Uealmg to the lungs. Safe and pleaant for chilren. All that I am my mother made me. - Johr, Q. Adains. Bncklen'K Atmíc-m Salve. The best salve in the world for Guts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcera, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chillblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cure Piles, or no pay required. It i guaranteed to give perfect satisiaction, or aioney refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Forsale by Eberbach & Son. Narrow waists aud narrow minds go together. - Comfort. 3v tr-e m" c Blood Elixir is the only TVV,Yi.6 Blood Remedy guaranteed. It is a positivo care for Ulcere, Eruptions ot Syphilitic Poisoning. It purifies the whole aystem, and banishes all Kheumatic and Nearalgio pains. We guarantaa it. Johk Moors, Drnggist Shakspeare has no héroes; he has only heroines. - Ruskin. The peculiar combination of Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup enables it to do what no other remedy has ever accompliahed, and it ís daily ciiring those who yeara ago had given up all bopes of beine cured. ín wishing to exiend her empír, wonun destroyi it. - Cbanis. HALE'S HONEY ü the best Cough Cure, i5 30c, tí. GLENICS SOLPHOR SOAP heals and beautifies, 85c GERMÁN COBN REMOVER kills Coras & Bunioas, SSc HILL'S H AIR & WHISKER DYE- Black & Brown, 60c PIKE'S TOOTHACHE DROPS cure in 1 Mirnue, 85c DEAN'S RHEUMATIC PILLS are a. sur: cure, 50c The price of sugar mav reaaonably be expected to advance. The first Florida strawberrii? are in the market. - Journal. The great sources of the extensivo curntive range of Dr. Jones' Red Cloyer Tonic are its great blood purifying qualities and its gentle aperitive action, thereby removing all restraint f rom the grcretive organs, curing promptly and thorotighly dyspepaia, coativcess, bad breath, piles, pimples, low spirits, sick and nervous headache, ague, malaria, and all tomach, liver and kidney troublesu The most d-l cate stomaoh accppts it with relish. Price 50 cents, ot Eberbach & Sou. SFALED PROPOS ALS For removinft the buildings a d l'enct-8 from the present fair grounds to the proposed ne fair grounds will be received by the. Koar.l of Manageisot the Wt.htenaw Couiuy Agricultura! and Uorticultural Society, THURSDAY, APRIL 6th, '88. Also Proposals for building a truck on said new grounds Th - Society reserv. the right to reject auy and all bids. Kur partiiubirs to A. V. KOBION, F. B. Braun. Superintendent. Piteident. Keicibtration Notlee. Notice is hereby gtven thBt there will be a meeting of the Boards 01 Regisiration of tno City of Aud Aibor, on Wt'diuvsday, March 28, 1888. at the fullowiiiK places: M Ward- Albert org'spaint hop. 2d ' - Wm. hop. W. Washington t. 3d " - griiliural niom, cuurt house. 4ih " - Fiiemen'i Hall. tith " - i th Ward tngine house. 6th " - 6th ' for the purpoee of registering electora. GEO. H. POND. Recorder. An Adjonrned Annunl 'leptins of the Washienaw Couuty Agricultural and Hortlcultural s.u-ieiy. Ihe members of the eaid Society wlll take noliif, tliat in acrordance with Acl N . 47, of the Sesión Laws ot lhS, there w II be held a iidjournedauuUHl meeting of taiilso ie.y.onFrlday, April '2 tli, 1HS. at J P. M.. at their room in llie Bnsementoi the Conrt Uouse. i Aun Ar or. iu said (Jounty, f"r the puriMe of votiiiK to autnorize and i i reet the l'r bid nt. eerelary and Tr. a-nriT fif hanl society lo m-11 the real estáte and Fair Orounds of ih: Socieiy situatod in naid City of Aun Arbor to Israel Hall uno invest the proceidsuf s ch caie iu the pur hse of tweniy twoacre-o1 land. lying abimt sixty ruds Kuth and east of the stild Fair Grounds, a d beloiixing to said Israel Huil, to be ueit for ihe Fair Urounds of said Soiieiy, and to niov tne buildings, lene 8 etc. uowon said Fair Oroiuuis, to said tweniy two acre.s. an I the Board of Mana? 'fita heretiy give notice that Kt such meeting they ntend lo tthk loran order lor such Mile n ►aid Israel HhII or to such oi her pereon or persons as aald .Society shull at cli meet ng direct. Deied Ann ArtuT March I th HS. The Boanl of Maimgcrs ot Mild Society by FREDKIOK B. BHUWN, Piesldent John R. Minkr, Jessie A. Uki.l. Secretary. Treasurer. be?Tpreparat!overoouceo For Coughs, Hoarseness, Weak Lungs, Whooping Cogsh, Pry, Hncking Coughs of long stnmling, and all ürunchial and Lung Anections. Try lt. Warranted to Cure Consumption In lts Eariier Stages. RAIL-R0 ADI Absolute Dominion over Pain- PAIN URf (Will Cure ■"lic, Siire Throat, Crimp, Frost liite,Vcninds, etc, in lcsstime than any 'tlifr medicine on earth. Guaranteed to Cure Rheumatlsm and Neuralgia. Warrantéd by your druKgist. ■_'."c , 50c. and $. Tor $1 wt1 wil] seml largest alze of either Cure, expresa prepaid. dflress Rail-Raad Remeay Co., Box 372, Lincoln, Neb. Trade supplled by Farrand, Williams & Co., Detroit


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Ann Arbor Register