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OCR 25 CENT COI, I 11 . Advertisements, such as To Rent, For Sale, or Wants, not exeeeding three Unes, can be inserted t ree weeks for 25 cents. "pROFITABLE EMPLOYMENTfor any GentleX man orLady. Kura percentage, immedlalo returns, no ris.k. A genis wanted to sell The Missing Sense ; sella eaMly at sigtit ; no subscrlptions needed. Address C'. W. Wooldridge, Aun Arbor, Mich, or cali at 45 8. Ingalls-st. THE WOMAN'S ENPLOYMENT BÜREAU is located at No. 88 E. Washington-st, in charge of MlssSperry. TO RENT.- My Dwelling, No. 41 S. Fourth-st. Eleven rooms, Is in complete repair, never before rented. William McCbeery. LOST.- Small mink colored úog with sllver collar made of dimes, "Bessie'on collar, and owners inltials J. J. C. on clasp. Suitable reward will be paid by retuniing to 51 Liberty st. IADY living alone would take a lady to board, -Jteu minutes walk from postoflice. Inquire at Kegisteb office. FfOR 9ALE, CHEAP FOR CA8H.-Two New Carriages. O 11 at or address Schultz Coal Office Duity Block or No 29, córner Spring and Hiscock-sts. FOR SALE.- A side bar top buggy eood as new, íor sale cheap, at 33 N. 4th-st, opposite John Finnegan's, Aun Arbor. OR SALE OR EXCHANGE - House with 9 Kooms, good Well, Barn. with 4 Acres of Land in city; Cheap. B. J. Conrad. FOR SALE- A large House and two Lots, directly frontiug Campus. Also about 4 Acres oí Lana on same Street, with large new Barn. Will exenange either place for other Property in City. J. P. Jqdsou. 22 State-st. TOR SALE- A Piano. Enquire at 6 Packard st. FOR 8ALE- One House, price, $1400 ; One New House, Í2500; One Vacant Lot ; one-third down; Iiiqulae 90 Washington -tt, S. D. Alleu. ÍfOR SALE on very Reasonable Terms- A well established Law and Insurance Office, situated in one of the finest villages in Mich. Address Box 300, Cedar Springs. Mich. TjX)R SALE- at Auction, near tbe Court House, -T in Ann Arbor, Monday, April 2, at 3 o'clock p. m., one Span ol good Working Horses, one Doublé Wagon, one Set of Doublé Harness, two Pioughs, oue Scraper. one Doublé Buggy, one Single Harness, etc. 6 months credit. Thoma Collier. FARM FOR SALE- 80 Acres in Lodi, 1 mil Southwest of city. Address Samuel Fay, Bx 1-138. Ann Arbor. ÍTOR SALE- A good Horse, Buggy and Cutter 1 Inquire of Fred N. Henion, P. O. Bx. 1112. IfOK SALE- Light pair of driving Horses, good style. For particular, inquire of James H Murray, Salem, Mich. ÍpOR SALE, CHEAP- Team of Horses. Wagon ' Sleigh, Racks. J. P. Judson, 22 State-st. 1?OR SALE.- A strong, well-msde phaeton il good condition. Can be seen at No. 26 N State bt. For terms inquire at 23 E. Catherinest _ tt FOR SALE- Gentleman s Driving and Saddl Horse; Bright Bay. Best Saddle Horse in th County. J. M. Alleu, Dexter. Mich. IfOR SALE- 1000 choict) Snyder Black-berry F Roots at Ï5 per 1000. Apply to Wm. Looker o to John R. Mlner, Register Building. tf_ I7IARM FOR SALE- 266 Acres; can be divlded " Located in Milau, one of the best towns in Southern Mich. Splendid Farm, fine location Terms reasonable. For partícula, cali on o Address H. H. Allen, Milan, Mich. jOR SALE- Farm of 80 acres, good buildings JL1 soil, etc. Location unsurpassed. . Long time low rate of interest and on easy terms, or wil exchange. Correspondence solicited. Q. C. Crane 8tony Creek Mich. 656- 1 f. FOR SALE OR EXCHANQE- For City lesidence, farm of 65 acres, one mile south west of City. Or will sell or exchange 15 acres with buildings. Enquire at 86 South 5th St. 8. A. Henion. 656 -t f. ÍpOR SALE- Horse Wagon and Cutter, Jersey Cow and Calf, three Fire Proof Safes, Stock of Hats, Caps and Furs. House on Univeraity Ave. for rent. Nov. 9th, 1887. C. H. Richmond. 672 tf REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Hous es and lots valued from f 1.000 to $6,000 ant contaiulug froin onefifth of an acre to twenty acres - ali in the city liinits. Houses rented oí reasonable tcrma in central localities. Farms exchanged lor city property. jEnquire of J. Q. A.SESSION3, 632t( Attoniey and Real Estáte Agent Office over Express Office, Main St., Arm Arbor WANTED.- Sewing girls at Mrs. Howe's drese making rooms, 22 S. Filth it. WANTED - One or two Rooms, partly Furnished for ligbt housekeeping, near Bigh School, by Lady. Terms, moderate. Address Box 1484. WANTED IMMEDIATELY - Two good reliable Coat-makers and one Vest-maker. Good prices. Pleuty of work. Solid irons. Pleasant shop. Cash every week. N. H. Winans, Battle Creek, Mich. 672 tf WANTED- Subscribers to the New York Weekly Mail and Express. A clean non -politioal and good Newspaper. Price, $1.0u, or $1.10 with two pictures. S. S. Ganigues, 45 E. Libertyat., Ann Arbor. TO RENT- Very pleasant, convenient Unfur nished Rooms, Water in House, 21 Ueddes Ave MONEY TO LOAN.- On farms only, from one to flveyears, interest payable annually, with privilege uf paying $100 or over at any time, and stop interest. No commission charged. For pariiculars, cali on or address. W. J. Permar, tf. No. 5 South Main-st. DRESSMAKING - Miss But-ll's Dressmaking Room, at 69 S. Main-st Cloaks ana Wraps & specialty. WANTED- responsible party to represent the Ball Electric Light Co., in the city of AnnArborand vcinity. Best of references required. Address BaLL ELECTRIC LIGHT CO., 18 Cortlandt St„ New York City. nPHE great Button Machine of the World. Any JL peron, eithcr lady or gentleman wanting buttons to match their dress or Buit cn eall at Burchtteld, the Merchant Tailor. and have them made. Bring a piece of your goods with you, ïf you want it like your dress. No. G E. Huronts. rpo FARMERS- We have about 100 lbs. stout X Twine, good for bag strings, and handy to have around at auy time. Will sell it cheap. Rkoister Office. LOANING - Money to loan on first class real estáte mortgages at current ratea ef interest. 3tlsfactory arrangementa made wlth capitalista lealring Buch lnvestment. Every conveyance nd transactlon in abstracts of titles carefully eximlned aa to legal efl'ect. Zina P. Kimt. Ann Arbor Mich. tf. Probate Itolice. 8tats of Michigan, j COUHTY OF WaSUTENAW. "" At a sesslon of the Probate Court for the County of Washte aw. holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor. on Thursdiy, the lïth day of Muren in the yearone thousand eight hundred and eighty eight. Present, Willlam D. Harrlman, Judgepf Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Willlam Cheever, deceased. Onreadlng and flllng the petttlon, duly verifled, of Emelite Cheever. Jennie E. Cheever and Laura E. Cheever, praying that administratie de bonus non wiih the will annezed of said estáte may be granted to Noah W. Cheever or some other mltable person. Thereupon il 8 ordered, that Monday the 16th day oi April next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said ietition, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons in trristed insald estáte are lequired to appeur at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Pp. bate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor. and show cause if any there be, why the prayerofthe petitioner should not be granted. And it is further ordered that said petitioner glve notlce to the persons int? rested in said estáte, of the pendencv of said petition. and the hearing theeof by causing a copy of this order to be published in the ann Arbor Rkgistkr, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. Wii.uam D. Harriman. f A true copy.] Judge of Probate. Wa. vi. Doty, Probate Register.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register