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" Purgatory Ballet." An excited Irishman lately rushed into a Boston drug store, having a"brokenup " appearance generally. " Be jabbers "I he yelled, "I'm all wrong entoirely. I want some shtuff to straighten me out. Some o' thim 'Purgatory Bullets' will fix me, I'm thinkin.' What d'ye tax for thim " ? " What do you mean " ? asked the clerk. "'Purgatory Bullets,' sor, or somethin' loike that, they cali thim," replied the man. " Sbure, I'm in purgatory already, with headache, and liver complaint, and bad shtomach, and the divil knows what all." The clerk passed out a vial of Dr. Pierce's Pleasaot Purgative Pellets, and Pat went off contented. These little Pellets cure all derangements of liver stomach and bowels. Sugar-coated, little larger than mustard seeds, and pleasant to take. Druggista. The man who wears no collar is never troubled with a tie up. - Journal. An Imperatlve Jfecesslty. What pure air is to an unhealthy locality, what spring cleaning is to the neat house-keeper, so is Hood's Sarsaparilla to everybody, at this season. The body needs to be thoroughly renovated, the blood purified and vitalized, the germs of disease destroyed. Scrofula, Salt Rheum, and all other blood disorders are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, the most popular and succesgful spring medicine. " Helio, Jim, come along and help me select a spring overcoat." " All right; I'm going to the rubber store myself." - News. A Michigan Central Railroad Employé WIiih Hls t'aae After a Nevón Years' Content. Albion, Mich., Dec. 20, 1887. "While employed as agent of the Michigan Central Railroad Company at Augusta, Mich., about seven years ago, my kidneys became diseased, and I have been a great sufferer ever since. Have consulted the leading physicians of this city and Ann Arbor, and all pronounced my case Bright's Disease. After taking every highly recommended remedy that I had knowledged of to no purpose, and while suffering under a very severe attack in October last, began taking Hibbard's Eheumatic Syrup, and am today a well man. It affords me pleasure to render suffering humanity any good that I can, and in speaking of the remedy, allow me to say that I think it thegreatest medicine in the world. E. Larzilere, Agent M. C. R. R. An exchange refers to a certain young lady as one of the most popular women in the 'country, but this must be a mistake. Her portrait has never appeared on a brand of cigarettes. - Norristown Herald. Now comes the time of the year when young men's minds lightly turn to thoughts of loaf. - Cali. DrgpíPsiA or indigestión always yields to the carative properties of Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup, containing as it does nature's specific for the stomach. Mme. Carnot is said to look not more "than 25." The Empress of Austria "cannotbe over 35," says impartial observers. An Excellent Investment. The majority of men in middle life remember when Illinois or Wisconsin landswere thought dear at $2.50 per acre. Preeent value, $25.00 to $50.00 an acre. Careful examination of the records has discovered a number of scattered pieces of the very choicest land in Minnesota included in original land grant lyingnear railroads recently built, and adjacent to market. These will be sold cheap, and in five or ten years will unqustionably be worth seyeral times present price. A profitable investment. Por future paaticulars, state quantity desired and address J. Bookwaltek, Land Comr., St. P., M. & M. By., St. Paul, Minn. Orange (New Jersey) blossoms- mosquito. - Epoch. READz=r "AH tTie wonderful and miracuious cures." The unnvalled and peerlcss medicines." And note the following :- BK. THOMAS' ECLECTRIC OIL has made the followine cures, proof of which the pioprietors can íunush on applicalion. Tootbache in 5 Mi nul es Earacbe " 2 " Backache " a Hours Lamcnegs " a Days toughs " ao Minutes Hoarseness " x Hour Colcis 34 Hours SoreTliroat. . " ia " JDeafness " 2 Days PaiiiofBurn.. " 5 Minutes Painof Scald." 5 ' Croup ït wili case in 5 minutes, and posïtively cure aiiy cabe when used at the uutct. Remcmber that Dr. Thomas Eclcctric Off ís onty 50 cents per bottlc, and one bottlewillgo fkriher t han half a dozen oí an ordinary medicine. SLADIES-FOR YOU! Save 15 top coyers from Safe Yeast packages with labels thereon; cut ofFtbe rims and mail covers to usf together with ten 2-cent stamps and we will send you promptly a copy of Warner's Safe Cook Book, containing 5C0 pages of Valuable Housefiold Receipls. Warner's Safe Yeast Ts guaranteed to be an absolutely Pure Dry Hop Yeast, and bread made with it will remain moist and sweet for Be sure and ini6t upon gettiiig Warner'a Safe Yeast, the priceof which ís notmorethan the cheap and impure Yeasts with which the market is flooded. Address, Rcheter, N. T. WABNER'S SAFE YEAST CO. Y VTUta Swelllng. Mr. M. S. llamlin, one of the best known Insurance men in North Carolina, writes from Winston, as füllows : " Ever since I ■was seven years of age I have had what the doctors cali hip disease, and which I cali white swelling. My hip was drawn out of place. There was a swelling at the knee-joint, where there is a profuse running, which has been there for years. Of course this has greatly depleted my system, together with surgical operation on the leg bone. I tried very known blood purifier to build up my system, but none did me good until I took S. S. S. I use it erery spring. It always builds me up, giving me appetite and digestión, and enables me to stand the long, trying, enervating, hot summer days. To me there is no iuch medicine for purifying the blood and building up the wasted system as 8. S. S. On using it I soon became strong of body and easy of mind. My color changed from a palé, worn look to a healthy, robust complexion " Mr. G. N. Frizzel, of Farmersville, Texas, writes : " About August lst, 1865, an eruption appeared on my arms and lega, which pained me much and seemed to affect my physical condition generally. On the advice of a physician at this place, I finally commenced using Swift's Specific. I am glad to say that after U3ing three large bottles the sores have all healed ." Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailtd free. Thb Swiït Bpkcific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. J. Beaver Webb, the English yaoht designer, will build a cottage at Bar Harbor, Me. ________ Habitual constipation can be entirely cured by the use of Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup af :er all other remedies have failed. A recent Iowa weddine was a decided symihony in color. Ivory White was married to Misa Olive Green, Rev. Mr. Black performing the ceremony. THE CREAT g Germán RemedyJ mTRUTHSFORTHESICK.n II Kor tliosi! leathl 1,000 will 1)0 palcllll lBiliousSpcllRdepend for acase where SilIiI lllonSULPHURlilTTEBS PHUR BITTERS WÍ11III Illit will cure yon. notasslstorcure. It W nn „.,...;„ „ui, "evcrfails. n Ithattiredandallgone cieansctlieTitiatedHI feelmfc; if bo, usc hlood when you sec II Sülpihtr Bittebs its impurlties burst-MI I cure yon. nf, through the skin! II Operativos who are In Pimples, BlotchesJW i-lnapiw mn.,i in and Sores. Kely on QihrmTllsTnïwork" SULP.UIH Birrks.Q I8hops;clerks,whodo nd ttealth WlU iolSSS Illnot procure eufflcient Ü, n_ III exercise, and all who c i llareconflnedindoorfl, wni rc Liveicom 1 1 IIIBITTERS. ThCVWÜl '. 1. :....:n III g oot then be weai am I ..','■'' '' " s lU "' g I ItosuíerfromRheTím ""l" yu Pd[ ati8m, use a bottle oí "ae. yu strong and II III Sülphur Bitters; healthy. II Ilitpeverfailstocure. SülphurBittersII m Don't be without a will make your blood SS I8 bottle. Try it; you pure, rich and Btrong.M will not r. x-ri-t It. 'f'.l v..ur Üesh hard. Ijl Ladies iu delicate Try Sdlphdr BIT-II health, who are all rERS to-nlght, and III rundown, should use you will sleep welllil SULPHlMMimTRS ;mJfMj_hrltvrfMrltjll Do you want the best Medical Work published? Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ordway & Co.f Boston, Mass., and receivo a copy, free. lew Advertisements ■■ TTH I A 26 PAGE FREEii"?kít" Descriptive of the Soll, limatp. ProdiirlioiiN. il iiiulin luiinr IiKliiNlrics and Itlineral Wcallli of Viriclnln and other Southern States. Write to W. H. BEI 1 I.I.. ;■■■■ Pass. AKetit. KOAKOKK, VA., Enclosing 2-cent Stamp. SALESMEN WANTED. Permanent positions guaranteed with SAIABÏ ASÍU EXPENSES PAU. Any determined man can succeed with us. Peculiar advantages to beginners. Stock complete, included many fast selllng specialties. Outfit free. Address at once, 'Name this paper.) BROWN BROTHERS, NUBSERYMEN, CHICAGO, ILL. Henry Richards la again in business. This time in the rear of John Finnegan's . Agricultural Hall, O Kiri'ltOII' STREET. ALL KINDS OF Hard and Soft Wood ON HAND and Orders taken for COAL I will also lay in a stock of HARD -WOOD LUMBER! For the Spring Trade. Old customers and friends are invited to aee me. II IMC V RICHARDS, - Aan Arbor. MMHMIMNWh:v rcviiliitionizoi'. the work durTSÏÏPHTïnSi1'!! toe last half century. Not IA 1HII 1 iUUleast mu ng the woudera of ini ■ ■■ veutive progress is a method and Fystem of work that can De performed all over the country without scparating the workers from their homes. Pay liberal ; any one can do the work ; either sex, young or old ; no special ability required. Capital not nceded ; you are started free. Cut this out and return to us and we will send you free, something of great value and importance to you. that will start you in business, which will brinK you iii more money right away than anythingelse fnthe world. Orand outfit fret. Address Tkue ..t Co., Augusta, Maine. THE CmU of all SOOKS of ADVENTURE Condensed into One Volume. PIONEER ,,,,, DARING HÉROES Ay DEEDS. The thrilling ailventures of all the hero explorers and frontier fighters with Indiar.s, outlaws and wild beasts, over our wliole country, from the earliest times to the present. Lives and famous exploita of DeSoto, LaSalle, standih, Boone. Kentuii, Brady, Crockett, Bowie, Houston. Carson.C'uster, California Joc, Wild Bill, Buffalo Bill, Generáis Miles and Crook, great Iudian Chlefs, andsepres of others. Sil-iilili.v IIInatrated with 2_o fine engravms. AUEXTN WAXl'EU. Low-prioed, aud beats anythiug to sell. Time for payments allowed Agents short of funds. LANET PI 6081, 9t Lobxb, Mo. EBEEBACH & SOIT, DBUOKHSTS And Pharmacists, No. 12 South Main Street, Keep on hand a large and well selected stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye-Stuffs, Artists' and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet Articlesjrusses, and PURE WINES & LIQUORS Special attention paid to the furnishing of Physicians, Chemists, Schools, etc, with Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus, Bohemian Chemical Glass-ware, Porcelain Ware, Pure Reagents etc. ' Physicians' PrescriptioBS carefully prepared at allhoure. Lïï'UBES LT7MBERÏ LUMBER! If you contémplate building oall at FERDON 11 YARD! Corner Pourth and Depot Sta., and get our figures for all kinds oí LUMBER We manufacture our own Lumber and scuarantee VERY LOW PRIOES í#-;i ve ns a cali nnd we will iimke 1 1 unir Interest, as onr lárice and well Krnll stock llllly ntiNtnlu onr naner. tlon. JAXS8 TOLBEKT, Prop. T. J. Kll'.ÍH, Sopt. BINSEY & SEABOLT 1ÑTOS. e JH.15TJD 8 Washington Street, Ann Arboi Michigan. Have always on hand a complete Stock of even thingli iuc GROCERY LIIE! Teas, Coífees and Sugars All prime Articles bougbt for Cash and can aell atlow figures. Our frequent large invoices ol Teas is a sure sign that we give bargains In QUALITY AND PRIOB. Weroastour own coffees every week.alwayi fresh and good. Our bakery turns out thevery best of Bread, Cakes and crackers. Cali and seeiis. PATENTS FRANKLIN H. HOUGH, Solicitor of American iForeipPatents, 95 F St., near IT. S. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, D. C All businoss befara tbe United Btata Patent i Ifflce attended to ibr moderate fees. PateBta procared in the United St;i iisnndallForeien ('ouiitrii s. Truile tlarVs and labelt ri-gistered Rejected appllcations revivid and prosecutoil. Information and advlce as to obtaining Patentsclieerfullyfurnished without charge Send Sketch or Model for f ree opinión as to patentability. Copies of Patents furnished for 25 cents eacli. !& CorresponUencc invited. Ê lililí PAIIMT i ?"■ Paint FrUlay, run it to Church Sunday. Eight g - E Fashiorwble Sh.ides: Elack, Muroon, Vermilioii ,. „a Ulue. Yellow, Olive Lake, Brewster and Wagon ii cS LJ% Greeaa, Ño VafnhMng nccessary. Driet hard t.2 w" wllh a "fchine." One Coat and job is done. jq S YOUR BUCCY lis 5fc Tip top for Cliairi, Lama Seat;, Sash, FInwcr % ïy i Pots, Baby Carriayei, Cuitaln Pok, Fundtme, -L„0 UJ Froot Dw r.. Store-fronU, Screen Doors, Boats, ? y Hantles, Iron Fencis. in fact everything". Just .So "mm ctie tliin iür the Jadíes to use about Üic house ; L FOR ONE DOLLAR j 2 COIT'S HONESTÉ 0J Are you going to Paint this yearl If so, don't %+Ú r buy a paint containing water or benzine when - ■ forllic mmc moiiey(ornearlyso) voucíih procure .„" (OITJLHi'S I'IKK IINT th;it is warran(ed to - a ■ bean H0NE8T, (.ksmnb mnhkkimhl paikt S and free frorn witcr and benzine. Uomand thU u m J - _ braad and talt othcr. Merchants handting 3 g a J it are our sienta and auih rizcd by us. in writing, -3 3 to warrant il l.-wpur 5HU I wftl ÍCOATSr Jl" ƒ I TKABI iin -' (t)lTS. Our Sh.ides are th = L '■' I.atest Styk-s nscd in the East now becoming - UJ M DOPul T in - - West, and Up wilh the times v rt -- Tni I'mMst IMIVT and you wül -S.3 "■ imver re t : It to the wise is sufficient „,U o HOUSE PAINT j Í COITS FLOOR PAINTËii a-!i Paint that never drïed beynnd the sticky point, C h wast a weck, poU tho Job, nnd thca swear? - ■ Ncxt time ItforCOITi iO'n FLOOB PACT? ;SS 3C ■ popular" üi!'l BUit i1" shades, wHrrntc(l to dry Ímhb ay hard in a rock ovir nigbU No truublc. fto - S SsaWDWT DRY STICKY SS


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