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MICHK; ix To THE FRONT! What Yoar Friends aml Nelghbon Say on n Mntter of Vital lmMrtiwin The following unpolicited opinions froni your friends and neighbors, men and women, whotn you know and respeet, ought to carry conviction to any doubung mind. These words of gratitude ai e from those who have beec afllicted but are now well, and the persons giving them are naturally sohcitous that others, troubled as wers they, may know the means of cure lhere is no reason why you should longer be ïll from kidney, liver or stomach troubles. You can be curec as well as others. Do not longer delav treatment, but to-day obtain that wnieh will store you to permanent nealth and strength. Clio, Mich., Dec. 29th, 1887- Previous to moving to Michigan, I resided fe bt. Cathannes, Ont., where I was engaged in the wholesale oil business My residence was in a deep vaüey on thebanksofacana!. I was taken with fever and agüe. I also was troubled with pain in my back and loins. I took "Warner's Safe Cure" and was greatly relieved of both ailments. Detroit, Mich., Dec. 19, 1887.- I have on several occasions used a bottle of "Warner's Safe Cure" for purifying my blood. In every case it has given good á satisfaction. k Am. Ex. Co., M. C. depot. M Grand Eapids, Mich., Jan. 12tli, ifl -I have recommended "Warner's éM ? my nei8hhor, who is usindU and finds much relief. B 40 Second Ave. Detroit, Mioh., Jan. 13th, 1888.- 1 have used "Warner's Safe Cure" for general debility, and it bas brought me around in good shape. 259 Brush St. Noordeloos, Mich., Dec. 2Sth, 1887.- We use "Warner's Safe Cure" in the family and receive much benefit from the same. Romulus, Mich., Dec. 5th, 1887.- I am a Iong time patrón and avócate of the merits oí "Warner's Safe Cure" E. Sagina w, Mich., Jan. 7th. 1887- 1 nave suffered for ten years with what pnysicians pronounce congestión of the left kidney. I have suífered untold agony for the last six years. Physicians have done nothing for me except to advise me against taking cold. Four bottles of "Warner's Safe Cure" have done me more good than all the doctors x liavenaain ten years. I shall keep on taking "Warner's Safe Cure" as this is the longest time I have escaped intense Buffenng for so many years. 510 Aetor St. Grand Rapids, Mich., Dec. 16th 1887 -"Warner's Safe Cure" is our favorito' when anything is the matter with us It is a "Godsend" and a joy. 102 N. Ionia St. Mullett Lakb, Mich.- "Warner's Safe Cure" cured me twiceof inflammation of the bladder. The first time J had been under the doctor's care and suflered a Ion time before I took "Warner's Safe Cure." One bottle cured me. Ckdar Sprinos, Mich., Dec. 17th, 1887. - I have used "Warner'a Safe Cure" and I think it an excellent remedy. HüDSONvrLLE, Mich., Dec, 21st, 1887 - Warner's Safe Cure" has met with great suceess in our fainily My brother was taken, as it were, from the the wonderful "Warner's Safe I v.urG. The following unique sign appears in Toccoca, Ga.: " Lampa fixed, razors houed, fresh oysters, Vienna bread, and tombstonee." - Enquirer-Sun. A Blcod Tomo. - Hibbard's Rheumatio Syrup ia the greatest blood purifier in the I wond. Keascm tesones the lesson. Kead I their formula, four.d in their medical pamphlet. " Somebody must have given the strikers more rope," observed the snake editor. "Why?"asked the horse editor. "Another road is tied up." VJVXW CJVVV coinplaint of tkousands suffering from Asthma, Con. sumption, Coughs, etc. Did you ever try Acker'a Englisli líemedy? It is the best preparation known for all Lung Troubles, Bola on positive guarantee at 10c., SOc. John Moorí, Druggist. A Richmond sister gays: "lam tired of so much talk about the woman ques tion. We have bad our way in the past and intend to have it in the future." - Ee ligious Herald.


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