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Wells, Richardson & Co. Prop's

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Paine's omfiound ENervous Prostration, Neivous Headache. Neuralgia, Nervoua Weakneas, Stomach and Liver Discases, Kheumatisni, Dy'pepi, ad all affeaioos of th Kidsey. ' WEAK NERVES PAims's Cslebt Coifpor Kp is a Serve Tonia which never faun. Contining Ceder; aiuJ Coca, thoee wonderf ui nerre utimnlanta, 1 1 Bpeedily cures all nerroua disorders. RHEUMATISM FAim's Cklebt Courovm) purifies tho blood. It drirea out the laetic acid, which oases Rhfumatimn, and mtom the bkiodmakinR organs to a healthy oondition. It is the tme remedy f or Kheumatism. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Paikb's Cfíebt COMMiim qnieklr reatons the liyer and kldneTS to perfect health. Thig curatiTe power, combined with ite nenre tonics, makes it the best remedy for all kidney complaints. DYSPEPSIA Pathe'b Celïbt CoiipocifD streorthena the atomach, and quieta the. nerres of the digestiré orgrans. Tbia is whj it cores eren the worse oases of Dispepsia. CONSTIPATION I' aisx'b Oclzst Compooot) ia not a eathartic.. It in liiatiTe, giTiw b7 and natnml action to the bowels. liegulanty eurely f ollowsits use. Becommended bj professional and bosiaeas men. Send for book. Price $1.00. 8old by DrnggwW. BUBIJKGTON. VT.


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Ann Arbor Register