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Five eloping couples were married at Jofersonville, Mi , on Friiiay. Present indications are for an unusually arge psach erop in Delaware Ibis year. Thomas White, Minister of the Interior or Canada, died Saturday nifjhtat Ottawa. The Tiudlay (O.) windOW-gJasa factory nirned Friduy. Loss, $33,000; tully insured. The business portion of Wiiiona, MiRs., was mostly des:royed by Ere on Saturday. Ex-Lieut-;naut-Governor Lewia Catlin died at H.inford, Conn., Monday, aged 90. Prairie fires in the vicinity of Aljerdeen, 3. T., were doing gTeat dun ge on Tuesday. F. D. Biake & Co., wool coramission merchants at New York, failed on Tuosday for S150.000. A National association of railroad tiain dispatchers was organized on Aionday at Cansas City, Mo. For the murder of J. T. Lañe, a la-.vyer of jebanon, Tenn., in Ju'y, 1887, N. B. Lesr was hanged on Friday. Simon Cassady, the oldest man in Northwestern Ohio, died at Findlay on Saturday, aged 99 years and 9 days. Fred Held, a farmers at Lo Mars, Ia,, shot and instrmtly killed bis mother on Saturday in a qüarrel over land. Dexter, the famous trotter, died on Saturday at the stable of Robert iionner in New fork. He wns just30 years old. WUliain. B. Dinsmore, president of the American Express Company, died in New t'ork on Friday, aged 78 years. Meyer Oberdorfer, a dealer in clothing at Staunton, Va., assigned Tuesday. Liabllities, $25,000; assets, $10,000. N. P. B. Wells, treasurer of the Séneca Falls (N. '. ) Savings Bank, a def uulter for $12,000, was arrested on Monday. A fire on Monday destroyed eight large larns and several thousand Itons of hay at the Btock Yards in Chicago. Losa, $100,000. The Edgar Thomson Bteel works at Braddock, Pa., resume J operations on Monday, several hundred non-union men to work. John A. Rice, proprietor of tlie Tremont Jouse, in Chicago, and a vridely-known ho,el man, died on ÍSaturday af ter a protracted illness. Eobert W. Peechin, Jr., of Phüadelphia, Pa., WfcS arrested on Satnrday for embezzling 583,000 belonging to the cüildren of lis únele. H. L. Mugford, a 60-year-old broker oí íew York Cuy, has sued Mrs. Norry, a Brooklyn widow, for $110,000 for breach of promise. Thomas C. Hance died at Macedón, N. Y, Thursday, aged 107 years. At the last electlon Mr. Hance cast his se ven ty-eighth Democratie ballot Fred Rota pleaded guilty to manslaughter n Cleveland Monday for killing his wife, and was sentenced to twenty years in the jenitentiary. The annual convention of the Germán Baptists of the United States will be opened at Harrisonburg, Va, , the flrst Tuesday af ter Whit Sunday. The Ancient Order of United Workmen began its annual session at Springfleld, 11L, Tuesday. Official reports show the order to oe prosperoua The Gettysburg monuments, erected by a committee appointed by Governor Abbett, of New Jersey, in 1881, will be dedicated July 26, 27 and 28. Wright & Davis, of Saprinaw, Mich., have purchased the logs banlted at West Superior, Wia. There were 3,000,000 feet, for which they paid $30,000. James Cumminge, manager of the Dun commercial agoncy at Dayton, O., who committed suioide Sunday, was $6,000 short in his accounts. George W. Goff has sued the city of Logansport, Ind.. for $10,000 damagea for injuries sustained by falling on a sidewalk in November, 1887. Mrs. Ellen Buckmister's mother and eon were burned to death at South Vineland, N. J., Sunday whlle trying to rescue stock from a barn tbat was on üre. Thomas SuUivan and Heiwy Vondergotten, both udvanced in years, committed suicide Saturday at Indianapoüs, Ind. No causo was known in either case. Three Indiana, camped near La Crescent, Minn., went to La Croase on Tuesday and pot drunk. and while returninsj they upset tb. ir c: noe and all were drowned. Paul Hoynton, of Chicago, the noted swimmer, terminated bis 800-mile swim at Evansville, Ind., on Saturday. He said it waf his laBt long-distance switn. The 4-year-old boy of William Stringer, of Hot Springs, Ark-, was attacked by a game-cock on Monday and so badly injured that he died in a few minutes. The white marble mansion of the late A. T. Stewart, on Fifth avenue, New York, has been sold to the Manhattan Club for $800,000. ItcostMr. Stewart $2,000,000. While on a train near Wiesbaden, Germany, on Friday George H. Pendleton, the American Minister, was stricken with apoplexy, but he was not dangerously ill. The new State House of Texas, the larg. est State capítol building in the United States, was opened for the first time on Baturday to the Legislature and citizena Postmaster Benbow, of Warren, Ind., has been suramarily relieved of his official dutles on the discoverv of a bhortace of SSfiOO in bis acoounta The shortage was made gooi The Woman's PreBbyterian Board of Missions f or the Northwest opened at Freeport, HL, Tuesday evening its seventeenth annual session, over 200 delegates being present. John B. Swinney was sentenced at Kansas City on Tueeday to twelve years' imprisoninent f or attempting to rob an texpress-car on the Wabash road on the night of January 8. Daniel Oestoldt, of Columbus, 0., was arrested Tuesday on the charge of embezzllng $900 from his sister, who was driven crazy by the act Their mother died a few days after learning of her son's crime. Dr. Junker, the explorer, in a lecture bef ore the Berlin Geographical Society expressed his tirm conyiction that Stanley Is now with Emin Bey. This is the opinión oí all th leading Germán explorers. Miss Etta Pinney, of Dublin, 0., whilo driving Tuesday was thrown froin her carriage, and as she feil her hair wrapped around a wheel and she was dragged some distance and seriously if not fatally hurk The First Christian Church of Louisvllle, Ky., is considering the propriety of expelling two of its members who are prominent whisky dealera The move corner of the recent Moody and Francis Murphy meetings.


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