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THE REGISTER THTIRSDAY, MAY 10, 1888. BlïlL Too many things to teil. You wouldnt stop to read, and the printer's bill might surprise us--although we are quite used to large bilis Besides all the things referred to in this Column, there are scores of others clamoring for recognition. Could flll a page daüy in telling what we ought to .telt, and you ought to read. I. i The conclusión is simply, come to us to supply your wants, even though the newspapere don t reler to them, and remember that there are many bargains here that never get publlshed. The whole town seems to De looking this way for Black and Colored Frenen Sateens, and for a half dozen othei kinds. 60c and 65c Dress Qoods for 50c. DreBs Goods that have never before sold under 60c and 66c, that have been thought rare value at 65c, a happy trade turn Iets us drop 16c from last week's prices. aome very pron-y wua.-"" w brellas have just come. They will be in great demand soon, as the aeason ia young. We commence a HosierySale tomorrow morning that for quality of goods and lowness of prices will eurpass anything we have ever done. 50 dozen Women's Stnped Cotton Hose, last week 25o, Friday 16c No restriction as to time, they are ready now. No restriction as to quantity. You can have what you want, and you will want a lot when you see them. We have been advertising fast BLACK HOSIBRY the last two months and yet there seem to be but very few laoies in Ann Arbor who know that we have in stock suenan article. Well, we have, and we guai antee them stainless. The Color is immovable even atter waBhing any number of times in SOAP and SODA. Every Stockirg Is Stamped VICTORIA FAST BLACK, none Others are genuine. Try them, aad if they aro notas representel return them and get your mo&ey. Bach & Abel. NIRS. S. VOLLAND, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND 8URGEON Office and resldence No. 37 Thompson st. Office honre from 9 Uil 12 a. m., and from 6 till 9 p. m. GENTS!. This is the time of year when the OLD give out and you need Sswta! We meta! ALLSTYLES. ALL PRICES. SEE OUR ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF Fnll-Dress, Patent-Leather SHOES. Genuine Kangaroo Shees, $3.Shhir! Bicycle, Lawn - Tennis and Sporting Goods in Season. GOOOSPEEÖ'S, 17 South Main St., AnnArbor. SAMUEL KRAUSE. The pereon is blind to hiB own in terest who does not examine our goods before purchasing. We are offering 360 pairs LADIES' KIDSHOES -A.T $1.00 A PAIR. WOBTH $1.75. Ladies' Glazed Dongola Kid Shoes at $2.00. Imitation French Kid at $3.00, a clipper to wear and fit. Gents' Dongola Gaitere at $3.50 Remeter Our Specialties. (rilninim Wear as I.oiik as an Two Pair or Valf Skin Shoes Yon can Boy. TKY A PAIR AND YOU WILL BOY no OTHEE. The largest and most COMPLETE STOCK In the country. We Warrant Our Goods; Any Qoods not Satlsfaotory, We ■want back at Our Store. 48 SOUTH JHAIN KT., - ANN ARBOR.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register