Real Estate Transfers
The following is a list of the reaPestate transfers in Washtenaw countv, as recorded by the register of deeds, for tl.e week ending May 6, 1888 : F. K. Howlett. to W .J. Howlett, Lyndou, $ 3500 Catherinc Wolff, to Barbara Wolft", Saline, 5000 N. Martin, byAdm'rtoGeo. Nollar, fcalem, 58,45 S. A. Wheeler, to Mary A. Deckert, Dexter, 600 Samuel House, to Izora O Manly, A. A 4000 Chas. V. Hicks. to Carne B. Hieks, Lodi.... 227 lilizabeth Etustman, to C. T. Eastman, York, 800 Faunie Heuion to A. H. Roy, A. A 100 Lewis Fritz, by Ex to JohnC. 8chmid,A.A. 2500 Maria Halligan, to Wm. Ludholz, A. A 350 Wm. Yocum, to C. T. Conklin, Chelsea Village. Agreement. Wm. H. Fay, to H. L Merrill. Ypsilantl 475 i Wm. Yocum, to Lucila H. Park, Chelsea... 600 Henry Gale, to Fredrick II. Gale, Superior 1 ' Jos. Pray, to Tobías Holmes, Nortbfield... 132.50 John Ivory, to Jas. Ivory, Dexter ]60 Jacob Lutz, to John F. Lutz, Lodi 800 John Schlplock, to Christlna Schiplock, A. A „_ j Elizabeth Walburga Eisele A. 100 W. B. Smith, to A. W. and M. Fellows A. Lewls Fritz, to Jacoii Baesier. A. Á""'.... .. 26O0 E. R. Aldrich, to Chas. Burkhart, Saline... 3000 John T. Hoover, to E. L. Culver, Agusta... 4000 Chas. Conklin, to Eliiabeth Andrews Chelsea g00 S. W. Richmond, to W. B. Rlchmönd, Bridgewater 9qq Geo. Lazell, by Probate Court, to Slade Lazell Assis;nment Adelia C. Cheever, to Wm. McCreery. Agreement E. W. Morgan, toChas. K.Wead.A.A. " 20 E. R. White, to Eli Ward, Lima 500 Jos. T. Niethammer, to Wm. Feldhaeuser, A. A „ j85 D. Niethammer, 10 Wm. Feldhaeuser, A A 1115 Miss Jennie Cnamberlain, the Cleveland beauty, is soon going to Burope again with her mother.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Register
F. K. Howlett
W. J. Howlett
Catherine Wolff
Barbara Wolff
N. Martin
George Nollar
S. A. Wheeler
Mary A. Deckert
Samuel House
Izora O. Manly
Charles V. Hicks
Carrie B. Hicks
Elizabeth Eastman
C. T. Eastman
Fannie Henion
A. H. Roys
Lewis Fritz
John C. Schmid
Maria Halligan
William Ludholz
William Yocum
C. T. Conklin
William H. Fay
H. L. Merrill
Luella H. Park
Henry Gale
Frederick H. Gale
Joseph Pray
Tobias Holmes
John Ivory
James Ivory
Jacob Lutz
John F. Lutz
John Schiplock
Christina Schiplock
Elizabeth Eisele
Walburga Eisele
W. B. Smith
A. W. Fellows
M. Fellows
Jacob Baessler
E. R. Aldrich
Charles Burkhart
John T. Hoover
E. L. Culver
Charles Conklin
Elizabeth Andrews
S. W. Richmond
W. B. Richmond
George Lazell
Slade Lazelle
Adelia C. Cheever
William McCreery
E. W. Morgan
Charles K. Wead
E. R. White
Eli Ward
Joseph T. Neithammer
William Feldhauser
D. Niethammer