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Chris. Walker, of Walker Bros., is seriously 11. N. J. Kyer will soon erect two houses on Depot-st. Ferguson loaded 180 road carts for California yesterday. A. Wilgey gold a fine organ to the Dexter M. E. church last week. John Ross, contractor, on Division-st is the proud father of a new boy. E. B. Hall has received his coal for next winter, consistiDg of about 600 car loade. The W. J. Soanlan troupe carry their own soenery, painted expressly for them. A new gtone walk is being laid in front of the Congregational church on State-t Simon Myerg, corner High and Spring sts, is rebuilding bis house making it much larger. Wesley Seabolt and Aid. Spokes are erecting two fine residences. on W Huron-st. Chas. Davis, of D.-lhi, is seriously ill wnh cáncer of the liver, and his recovery is doubtful. Judge Harriman has appointed W. K. Childs, administrator of theestate of John McDermnt, deceased. Ihe four-year old step-daughter of Frankhn VTinegar, of Miller-ave, died Sunday night of diphtheria. I John Wasser, of North st, who has been siek for eome time has gone to Battle Creek, to live with a daughter. Berry men say that the drouth of last summer killed many of the vioes, and that the erop this year will be short. The Ann Arbor Sportte club have contraetors figuring on a $400 addition to their quarters at Hamburg Junction. Mrs. Rob't Hunter and lamily, recently of Guelph, Ont., j.iined her husband of Keeves, Hunter, & Co , here laat week. Nelson Brundaee, an old and well known Citizen of Northfield, died yesterday of typhoid pneumonía, aged 67 years. Nathan Drake has rented his place of busmess, opposite The Rkgister office to Andrew Covert, who will run a laundrv there. J Lehman fc Cavanaugh have opened a real estáte exchange in connection with their law office, with Geo. B. Greening in charge. 6 Two trampa were brought before Justice Frueauff, Tuesday, who fined them 110 each and costa, givíng 24 hours in wnicn to pay up. The weekly driUs of Co. A are beins well attended, as a loss of 25 per cent in attendance bars the unlucky individual trom goirg to camp. Rev. S. H. Adams, of this city, has received the degree of Doctor of Divinity frora his alma mater, the theological seminary at jivanston, 111. Laat Friday afternoon, Mrs. G. Schoetle feil from the sidewalk into a hole, at the Liberty-st crossing of the T. & A A R breakmg her left limb. W. S. Southard, recently of Mansfield Ohio, who purchased the oíd Monitoí house hvery barn, is making many needed improvements about the place. Dean & Co. are putting a new plate glass frontín their store. The glass „re P-X1J4 mches, and weigh about 300 lbs each. O. Sorg is doing the work. Mrs. K. J. NeUon is appointed delégate to the annual state missionary convention held in St. Joseph, Mich., thi8 week Irora the first Congregational chureh B. J. Conrad was elected member of state central committee of the Prohibición party in Grand Rupids, yesterday, and delégate to their national convention. TurnkeyiSoñroTMondayTtook Frank Desmond and John Young, larceny, and Wm. Campion, drunk, to Ionia. The first two get ninetydayg;thelatter six months. Washtenaw chapter, rTaTm., will go to Dundee, on the evening of May 24 at the mvitation of the chapter of that place to assist in some work pertaining to thé p. Company A will not go to Ypsilanti on Decoration day, as stated in the papers of that town, but will remain heref and as:roft?ejay_PrOperOb8erT- The price of grain and floTis ateadily advanciug. The following were the fieures at the Ann Arbor milis yesterday: Fiour $5.25 per cwt; wheat 88c per bL.; oats 35 and 40c. . Bishop Harria, of Detroit, confirmed 28 at St. Andrew's church last Sunday evening. Fnday, the Bishop confirmed a lare Sio8L?D 8--sited the What will prove a very appropriate and touching feature of Memorial day WU be the presence of all the Sunday' school ohi dren of the city and their participaron in the ceremonie. J. A. McDougal, of Superior, said yesterday that the f rost of Sunday night ser loudy injured pears, appleS, and cherries and thought that the corn that wa8 planted would rot in the ground. The Chequamegons wilTtake part in the entertainment June lat tof the b.nefit of the pjranaqum, and will also take Saí W he, 0OI"mncTement exercises of the Saline high school, June 28 and 29. A small blaze in the atticof a barn in óït Tf WilS"y'8 mUSÍC ore, lied when it ÍSe Can8 yesterd"y afternoon, when it was soon exUnguished withou senous damage. Cause of fire supS to be sparka from a near nh!mn„ The most important chaneres in th new time card of the M. C. R. R as sffeS Ann Arbor are as follows: The mornin! mI going west leaves at 8:50 instead ol Ss5rr4f3fagrleaTes8t8:08a: John Behan, 45 years, died at hia home on Catharine-st thia morning at 11 a. m. of Bright's disease. Reeves, Hunter, & Co., of the Ann Arbor foundry, are constructing a thirty horse power boiler for Almendinger's organ factory. It will cost $400. This firm, during the month of April, did $850 worth of boiler work. Solomon Jeffords, for many years a resident of Dexter, died at Portland in this state, last week, and was interred at Dexter on Saturday last. He was the father of Col. H. H. Jefford, of 20th Mich infantry killed at Gettysburg. Rev. Dr. Ramsay has been unanimously called to hie old churcb, the Central M. E. in Detroit, and he will go next fall. The iron-clad rule which loses him from Ann Arbor may be changed by the conference in session now in New Tork. K. Stofïlet has sold his bazaar to W. D. Adams, his former partner. Mr. Stofflet has been in business in Ann Arbor six years. He will retire from business for the present, travel some this summer and attend to his real estáte interests. Steward Wade of the University, is euperintending the cleaning away of the I deöris of the new buildings, rilling up depressions, and grading where it was needed. One hundred and fifty rods of new 8-ft tar walks will be laid during the summer, and the grounds otherwise improved. The Ann Arbor Agricultural works will turn out this spring 500 mowers and about 7,000 plows. This establishment, under Eli Moore's supervisión, is rapidly becoming one of the best of lts kind in the state. W. P. Moore will go east next week in the interest of ihe works. On the seventh page can be found the story, "Pnce of Two Vases," complete in this number. Next week, The Register hopes to print the first part. of a story, entitled, "A Sm not to be Forgivea." Tüese short stories are unrivalled in interest, and are worth the subscnption price ot the Pper. _ Since last Thursday the following saloonkeepers have paid üieir liquor tax : Ann Arbor- $500 tax, Chris. (Jarey, Albrecht Gwinner, Fred. Rettich, jr., Werner & Breuner, Eugene Gibney, üeo. J. Ament Ypsilanti- $500 tax, Adam Shaner Augusta,- $300 tax, Chas, achmitt. Making a total received to date of $19 3G0 00 The meeting of the Cocker league in the M. E. church, Monday evening, was well attended, ana the exercises mucii enjoyed by those present. Prof. Trueblood's ïnierpretation ot Shakespere's great character, "Macbeth," was well rendered as were eelections from Mark Twain's writings. Prof. Demmon disagreed with clever Ignatius Donnelly about Bacon and fahakespere. The Sunday schooi and Thursday evening prayer meetiDg?, at the stone school house on the south Ypsilaoti road draw many young people as we!l as the older ones to aitendance, and the fortnightly socials are a success financially as well as teiiding to infuse a neighborly sprit in this community. Numbers of young people from the city attend and give zest to the meetmgs by way of speecües and singing ïhe meeting tomorrow evening in Fireman'a hall, to perfect an organization for the proposed Humane society, promises to be netter attended thau the first one two weeks ago. There has been some canvassing ty one or two interested in the appoiniment of deputy sheriff, and this has produued interest. The movers are aaxïous to secure a man who has a genuine love for horses and other animáis, and who is a good judge of them. Rey. Auitustine S. Carman accepts the cali of the First Baptist church, and beMns labor as their pastor with the first Sunday in June He is a gradúate of the Univereity ot Rochester, and of Rochester seminary. Hi8 nnly pastorale has been wuh the Third Baptist church in Cmcinnati, where in three years he has feeQnAn 'ne membership inerease from 12ü to 300. Uw father and one brother are TrV Bapti8t chur=hes at OircleTille and Zanesville, Ohio. Mr. Carman is a marned man. rYter1&y' about 4 m' while JM. Wheeler was out driving on West Haron-st her horse became frightened at a lime barrel by the roadside, n front of Aid Spokes new house, and wheeline suddenly, overturned the carriage, throw mg Mrs. Wheeler heavily to the'ground She was p.cked up in a femi-unoonscious state, and carried into the residence of Mrs. G-odfrey. Her injuries are not seriou. 8he was severely bruised, and will be conöned to her bed for some days. The carnage was not damaged, but the horse received a severe out in the leg. Last Thursday evening, on word by telephone from Ypsilanti, Chief S.pley and Constable Imus arrested two crooks who were suspecied of stealing a watch from Jas. Arms of that town. The thievea were searched at the jail and the watch wasfound in the stockmg of one of them while on their Dersons wero rn„„A _ i„. _1 mouth-organs, combs, and small articles of l? Jriday morning, Deputy Sh.-riff Hut.h.nsand Mr. Arm carne to Ann Arbor, the Jatter iden.ifying the watoh. Prosecutmg Attorney Norris had the men brought before Justice Pond where they plead guilty, and each received' ninety days at Ion.a. They gave the namea of John Young and Frank Destnond. Tuesday morning about nine o'clo-k a colorrd man by the name of Henry Wrighf whwe home ie in the Fourth ward, was found dead by the road 8ide, near the old Glazerfartn, about twoand one-half miles from the city. Coroner Martin Clark summoned a jury, and accompanied by Dr O Ireorp, proceeded to hold an inqueRt over the rernams. The post mortem showed Uiat the pr.ia.ry cause of death was örighta disease, which superinduced diz ziness and convulsions. That the unfortuhTJ" dued '" a convuls'on, is establiBhed by the fact that hls tongue was ea,r'y h'tten iQ Ui at and the hoe be had been uaing, were found about two rods from the body, showing that he had taggered to the place where he was found. He belonged to a colored worktoriH rit,'7 m JPsilnti, "d will be buned by them. He leaves a family.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register