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SENATE. Washington, May 34.- In the Senate yesterday some routine matters were disposed of, after which an adjournment was taken that Senators might attend the funeral of the wife of Senator Sawyer. Washington, May 25.- In the Senate yesterday Mr. Stewart (Nev.) called up the joint resolution for a constitutionalamendment reducing to a simple majority the vote necessary to override a Presidential veto, and spoke at length on the subject. He said that the Government was now oneman power, and lamented the f act that the advice of Congressmen was not considered in the appointment of offlee-holders. The speaker said no one denied Mr. Cleveland's absolute ownership of the Democratie party, and it only remained for Mm to crown himself King because he regarded all otners unworthy to perfrm that service. Washington, May 26. - The Senate yesterday passed tce Deficiency Appropriation bill. Senator Turpie introduced a bilí to provide for a directory of the most Bkllled mechanica and artisans in all parts' of the country. Senator Blair introduced a joint resolution providing that no State Bhall ever make a law respecting an establishment of religión or prohibiting the f ree exercise thereof, and that every State shall establish and maintain a system of free public schools. Washington, May 28.- No business of importance was transacted in the Senate Saturday. The question of discussing the fishery treaty in open session was consid ered in caucus by the Republican members, who favor an open discussion. Washington, May 29.- The River and Harbor bill was reported back to the Senate yesterday from the Commerce Committee. A resolution that the injunction of secrecy be removed from all the proceedings of the Senate in reference to the fishery treaty was adopted. Washington. May 30.- In the Senate yesterday, on motion of Senator Sherman, the fishery question was discussed in open Executive session, it being the first time in the history of the Senate that such a session has been held. The bill reviving the grade of General of the Army, and to havo General Sheridan appointed to that position, was passed by a vote of 34 to 7- those voting in the negative being Senators Berry, Coke, Harris, Eeagan, Salisbury, Vanee and Wilson, of Maryland. Adjourned to the 31st. THE HOUSH Washington, May 24.- In the House yesterday the time was occupieÖ in discussingthe Post-offlce-Appropriation bilí, but no action was taken. Washington, May 26.- In the House yesterday the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Appropriation bill was discussed. At the evening session flfty private pension bilis were passed. Washington, May 25.- The Post-Office Appropriation bill was passed in the House yesterday. The bill for the admission of South Dakota into the Union was discussed, and the conference report on the Invalid Pension bill was agreed to. Washington, May 28.- In the House Saturday the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Appropriation bill was further considered. At a caucus of Demócrata amendments to the Tariff bill were discuftsed, and numerous artlcles were taken from the free list and placed back on the dutiable list. Washington, May 29.- Bills were introduced in the House yesterday to retire ex soldiers and sailors who have been wounded in battle after twenty-one years of service in the civil service ; providing for an Assistant Secretary of War ; providing for issuing bonds to refund the National debt, and appropriating $257,000 for the ing of the Government dam at Rock Island arsenal. The Legislative, Executive and Judicial Appropriation bill was further considered. ... Washington, May 30.- The Legislativa Appropriation bill was discussed in the House yesterday, without flnally disposing of it. OTHER NOTES. Washington, May 26.- Congress has passed, and the President has approved, an act authorizing the President to arrange a commercial and political conference between the United States and the República of Mexico, Central and South America, Hayti, San Domingo and the Empire oí BraziL Washington, May 26.- The House Committee on Banking and Currency has decided to report adversely on the petition of the Knights of Labor against the use of labor-saving machinery in the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Washington, May 30.- The President has vetoed the bill appropriating $75,000 for a public building at Youngstown, O.


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