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Real Estate Transfers

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The following is a list of the real estáte transfers in Washtenaw countv, as recorded by the register of deed?, for the week ending June 11, 1888 : Jerome Germán to J. F. Sanders, Ypsi $ 199 Caroline Buchoz to Lizzie A. lluler A. A.. 2600 A Deforest to H. J. Brown, A. A 5000 John Koch to Sarah Rice, A. A 5000 Jacob Schaible to Will Uhr, Freedom. 360 Mary Chambers to Elmira Wilson, A. A.... 2950 fampson Oulter to A. W. Parker, A. A 85000 Ann M. Kraft to Juuius E. Beal, A. A 850 Edward A. Gott to Louis Noli, A. A 200 Edward A. Gott to Oltie Noli, A. A 200 Nelson Rogers to Albert Sauer Northfteld. 26250 Delay Davis to Kliza W. Davis, 8cio 1 E. Spencer to Phoebe Spencer, Ypsi 300 Lydia Spencer to Phoebe Spencer, l'psi.... 300 Burk Spencer to " " ' .... 300 David Spencer to " " " .._ 300 Mabel Sewell to John W. Loveland, York. 850 Keuben Colé to D. O. Gates, Ypsi 1000 Wm. Allison to Sidney Harwood. Pittsfield 1500 Chas. Clemcnts to Carrie Parker, assignmciit Mary C. Richards to Amanda G. Buck 400 J. S. Rider to J. D. Roberts, Salem liridget Barry to D. W. Barry, Salem 1500 Wm H. Bradshaw to F. H. Bradshaw, AuKusta „ i Liberty Beach to Mary Beach will Jasper Colby to Wm. H. Ostrander, Ypsl... 100 L. H. Ostrander to J . N. Colby, Ypsi 100