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TEMPOBARY OFFICER3. CHICAGO, June 20 -In the Republican convcntiou Tuesday, at the conclusión of Chalrman Thurston's speech, the roll oí the temporary organization was read as follows. For Temporary Secretarles- Charles W. Cllsbee, of Michigan; Mlchael Gnffln, of Wisconsln, and WiUiam Ruell, of Tennessee. Por Temporary Assistant Secretarles - Thomas S. Brogan, of Tennessee; James Bixby, of Minnesota: Henry M. Cooper, of Arknsa; William Nelson, of New Jersey; A. W. Monroe. of Maryland; J. E. Wlley, of Texas; C. M. Shinn, of West Virginia, and John E. Minor, of Loulsiana. For Temporary Reading Clerks- Hon. Henry Ballrd, of Vermont; Clarkson Lake, of New York; Captain Davts Lenning, of Ohio; James H. Stone, of Michigan, and George M. Brinker hoff, of Illinois. Official Stenographer- Gustavus P. English. Sergeant-at-Arms- Charles Fitz-Simmons. The band then struek up "Yankee uoodle,' the oonvention keeping time. The scène afforded much amusement. Some one started the iong " Marching Through Georgia," and the delegates und multitude of spectators joined with a will. This was followed by " America." iPhe singing was interspersed with rociferous cheenng. When quiet had been restored Mr. Horr, of Michigan, presented Chairman Thurston with & handsome gavel, saying that the instrument was manufactured out of wood taken from the tree under which the Republican party was bom, at Jackon, Mich., July 6. 1854. The secretary then announced the yarious commlttees. Applause greeted the name of William McKinley, of Ohio, as a member ot the Committee on Resolutions, the gentleman belng looked upon as one of the dark horses. Judge Moody, of Dakota, moved that Dakota be allowed ten votes instead of two in the proceedings of the convention, as she was entitled dents In the history o( the party. He proeeeded to give the record of past conventtons to show that whenever a Territory had increased lts populatíon in such proporlion as to Justtfy lt its vote in the convemions was lacre ased. Chairman Thurston stated that the National Commíttee had recommended that Dakota be llowed ten votes durlng the preliminary proceedings of the convention, and that Washington Territory i by the grace of the Democratie party) be allowed siic. On motioD of Mr. Bingham, of Pennsylvanla. the rules of the last convention were adopted lor the government ol the present convention until further uction. Mr. Hall, of Kansas, offered the following: " The delégate to the Republican convention, representing the surviving comrades of the distinguished soldier and General of the Anny, Philip H. Sheridan, and representing also the living principies for whtch he so gallantly iought and triumphed during the great era of the war, send him their sincere eongratulatlons on the prospect of hls recovery, and hope that hls Ufe may be preserved tor many years." The resolution was greeted with cheer and was adopted by a rlsing vote, the immense audienc joinlng witn the delegates In dolng honor to the stek soldier. The requestof the Grand Army for 200 tick ets provoked a discussion of the soldier questlon by Tart, of South Carolina; Butterworth, Oí Oblo, and Lewls, of Kentuoky. By unantmous consent the request was retened to the National Commlttee. Qorge R. Davls, of Illinois, moved that the roll of States and Terntories be called, and tbt ach State and Territory proceed to name lis members of the commtttees on rules, resolultona, permanent organization, credentials And other business. This was agreed to, and the cali was proded with. When Dakota was reached it was afreed to suspend the cali and the names of coinmltteemen be hamled up in writing. The ehalr sald that he deslred to make a pleasing Umouncement. The Nebraska delegation had with lt as lts guest the first nominee of the publican party tor the Presidency and deslred to present him to the convention. They deBlred to present John C. Fremotit. This announcement wm received with oheers, and the convention voted to allow Chairman Green of the Nebraska delegatton to present Goneral Fremont. When Mr. Green appeared upon the ■tage wlth General Fremont there was an outburst ol applause. General Fremont spoke. He predicted a vlctory under the banner of protection to American industries. Fremont says he can not fail to respond to the splendid greettng, and Is pleased to greet the men and sons of men wlth whom he was associated in the party's opening t-ampalgn in 18A6. He interested the cohventlon wlth reminiscences. The stand was taken by ',Fred Douglass, who fclso gpoke briefly His sarcastic references and strong denunclatton of the " mugwumps " wre recetved with yells. He favorcd the waving of the " bloody shirt," and said he voioedthe sentiments of millions of colored men who are deprived of their constitutional tlghts. There were cries for Foraker and Ingersoll. The latter did not respond, but Governor Foraker made a short address which was well retelved. The Virginia contest cume up and created a great deal of excitement. Tbe chair announced that the National Committee had placed upon the roll of delegates as prima facie entitlcd to seats the delegation headed ty WiUiam Mahone. while that headed by John S. Wlse were classed by the committee as conteslants. Unless the convention otherwlse ordered, the Mahone delegation together wlth the four delegates whose seats are not contested, wouldbe recognized for the purposes Df temporary organization, and thut they alone would have the right to name memben of the various committees, and to vot. Mr. Wlse, of Virginia, urose to protest. H ma noi, nc s:uu, mase Issue with the National Comraittee on its decisión, but bc objeeted lo the actlon oí the Matton e dclegation in plscinsr Mahone upon the Committee on Crelentials to pass upon his own case, and to judge of the right or the wise faction to seats. líe appealed f rom the decisión of the chair tvhich, in effect, placed Mahone on the CredenLials Committee, and relied upon the justice of the convention to repersethtsrulins on that point. The makc-upof the otber committees, he satd, was a matter of indiflerence. fe Senator Hoar, of Massachusetts, pald a glowIng tribute to both Wlse and Mahone, the latter ol whom he euloglzecl as the "Kallant 3eneral who tirst broke the force ot the lolid South, and whose efforts had given seven BepuWicau i ipresentatives vo tbe NationaJ Congress." He doubted not ttaat the convention hereafter, ami the oommittee to wliom tbe matter would at present be referred, would make any but an impartial and just decisión, andhecoulJ assure the gentleman f rom Virginia (Wise) that no man in this convention, either in committee or on the Hoor would be permitted to vote upon his own case. General Mahone, of Vl ginia. then took the platform on his own behalf. He appeared, he said, as the mouthpiece ot the regular organization of the Republican party in Virginia, ■which, siace he had had the honor to attach mwseu tu 11, uitu uiuitiplied its active forcs from 80,0J0 to 114,000. He declared that he and his associates came to Chicago as the accredited delegates of a convention in his State composed of 700 delegates. They had Deen selected through the votes of 600 of those 700, while tbe contestants came irom 81 members of that State convention who chose to secede Decause of differences on some questions of policy and formed a convention of their own. With reeard to his position as a member of the Committee on Credentials, he had consented to act in that capacity on the request of bis fellow-delegates, arter the National Committee had decided to recognize them. No man who knew him would suspect that he would vote on his own case, but he submitted that that would not render him ineligible to sit upon the cases of the other delegates from Virginia. In that result he was not involved. Mr. Wise, of Virginia- You are in my district, for I charge you with the frauds by which I was cheated out of my seat. Mr. Mahone- It is false as you are foul. [General of order. Mr. Wise- I wlll put the proper stamp upon that at the proper time. [Great confusión prevailed for some tme.l Mr. Mahone again attempted to speak, but got no runner than "well. then, gentlemen," when he was interrupted by loud and universal cries of " Wise !" Great excitement prevailed in the convention at this time. Delegates from every quarter of the hall shouted themselves hoarse in an effort to gain recognition from the chair. Chalrman Thurston explained that the dis - cussion was out of order entirely, and was only permitted by general consent. Mr. Butterworth, of Ohio, sald that under every rule of parliamentary law Mr. Mahone would be excluded fron the committee while the case was under consideration, and this being so he could not see why there should be any controversy over the matter. The discussion at this time was premature and out of place, because the convention could not investígate and reach a wise conclusión untii it had heard from the Committee on Credentials. After some debate a resolution offered by George E. Davis. of Illinois, calling the roll of States for the presentation of credentials Dotices of contebt, was agreed upon, and the roll was called. but without any result. At 8:30 o clock the convention adjourned untu 12 o'clock to-day. THE SECOND DAT. Chicago. June 20. - The convention was palled to order at 12:80 by Chairman Thurston, and a hush feil upon the assemblage when Rev. Stephen A. Northrop, of Fort Wayne, Ind., lifted up his voice in prayer. He invoked the Divine blessing upon the proceedings of the convention. He rendered thanks for the memories which clustered around this sacred and Impressive hour. for Divine and civil protection and for the blessings which carne from a generous past. The Divine favor was invoked upon the leaders of the convention and the Divine ald asked that the delegates might, realizo the grave responsibilities resting on them in the cholee of a standard-bearer wlio should come from the people and be of the people. After the prayer, Chairman Thurston said that there had been forwarded to him resolutions referring to the formation of the platform, which, the chalr said, would be referred to the Committee on Resolutions. A motion was made and seconded that the Committee on Permanent Organization be called upon to make a report, but a protest came from Mr. Harris, of North Carolina, that the Committee on Permanent Organization should not report until the Committee on Credentials should have been heard from. He did not wish to forcé a gag law upon the convention, but he moved that the motion be laid upon the table. The chair stated that at the last iwo Kepublican conventions the report of the Committee on Permanent Organization had reported before the Committee on Credentials had oompleted its labors. He was iuformed that the Committee on Credentials would not be ready to report until 8 o'clock p. m. Mr. Henderson, of Iowa, said that as the convention could do nothing under the circumstances except to organize unless it should be proposed to go on with the nominating speeches he would move to take a recess until 8o'olock p. m. Cries of "No, no." Mr. Bayne, of sylvanía, opposea tnis, ana Mr. ílenaerson withdrew ais motion and moved to proceed to a permanent orgívniEatlon. -whlch was agreed to. PERMANENT ORGANIZATION. Ex-Go%'ernor Forster, ot Ohio, chairman of the Commlttee on Permanent Oisanization, then stepped upon the platform and reuil the unanimous report of the committee. He was given an enthuslastic reoeption by the audience, and as he stated that M. M. Estee. of California, was selected for permanent chairman of the convention the cheering brok o forth afresh. Governor Foster proceeded to read the l;st of VicePresidents. us ed by the varioua State rtelegations. The report was adopted without d ssent, and the chair appoined Governor Fostur, oí Ohio; Senator Foley, of Nevada, and Mr. George B. Sloan, of New York, a committee to escort Mr. Estee to the platform from nis seat in the California delegatlon. When Mr. Estee appeared and was introduced Dy the chair, the convention applauded with enthusiasm. When quiet had been restored Mr. Estee said: CHAIRMAN EBTEE'S 8PEECH. "Gentlemen of the Convention: Ithank you in the name of the States and Territories of the Pacific coast, as well as from my own heart for the distingulshed honor that you have een fit toco ïfer upon me. I appreciate to the tullest extent the grave devolving on me, and, it belng a Kepublican convention. I shall ask in all thlngs its charitable Judgment and its candid and earnest support. "Gentlemen of the convention, following so lllustrious a gentleman as your temporary chatrman, I shall not attempt to detain you by any lentrtheued speech. I only want to say to you that we live so far from the center of the Republic over on the Paciflc shore that I can not even guess who your nomioee U going to be. [Laughter.] 01 course, you all know I say furthor to you, gentlemen of the convention, that I am not able to say exaetly wnat your platform wül bo; but the people of the country has eehoed its sentiment, and the rattle of the sklrmish line was heard only two weeks ago irom Oregon. Here tho speaker was interrupted by a round of applause, and at the suggestion of some enthusiastic Individual in the gallery three hearty cheers were given for Oregon. "Godwtlling, next November you will hear from Cleveland' a Appomattox all over this great Republic. [Applause. 1 Prienda and gentlemen of tho convention, again thanking you for the high honor you have conferred upon me, and impressing you with the belief, with all my heart and soul, that our duties are of the gravest and most solemn character, and trusting from the depth of my soul thal every act may be done to prompte the best interest of our common country and dvance the great Republican party. I wíU cali for the next order of business, f Applause, V The chair then recognized MAYOR ROCHE, OF CHICAGO, rho advanced to the platform holding in hls hand tne beautiful sllver gavel whlch has been airead; decrlbed, which he sald he had been instructed to present to the convention on behalf of the cltizens o( Chicago. It was not of silver alone, as that one presented at St. Louis, but of gold and silver, the bi-metallic standard of out sound financial policy. It representa both crude and skilled labor, and teaches the lesson tbat Jree homes ana a free ballot shall be maintained in this countrv. The gavel is a beiutiful plece of workmanship, twelve inches in length and weighing thirly-three o u n c e s, twenty-flve of which are of silver and eight of gold. The handle is nine tnuhes in length, of solid süver, twisted, at the top of which are two escutcheons of tlie United States in gold and enamel. Above this is the American eagle bearlng on lts back the Kavel proper, which is of silver, bearing upon it the names of the thirty-etght States of the Union. At each end is a heavy gold plate, upon one ol which is a three-carat diamond and the arms of the State of Illinois, and at the other end is engravecí ■-resentea to the National Republican Convention 01 1888 by hls Honor the Mayor on bebalf of the citizens of Chicago." Mr. Charles A. Works, of Illtno 8, aiso presented to the convention a gavel, which, he said was a plain tooi and made neither of silverorgold, but it is connected with a great name in American history. It is made from a piece of wood from a üesk in a tannery in Galena, 111., which was left by that silent soldier, U. S. Grant, when he took the neld to Hght for hls country. The mentton of General Grant's name was creeted with an outburst of cheering which lasted several moments, and was the warmest demonstration of the day. The chair accepted the tonens in a neat speech, in which he expressed the thanks of the convention. THE BU1.ES. Mr. Bayn, of Pennsylvania, took the. platform and proceeded to read the report of the Commttee on Rules. It was recommended that there be aomitted from the Territory of Dakota te'n delegates; from Washington Territory six delegates, and from each of the other Territories and the District of Columbia two delegates. In calllnK the roll of States they will come flrst in alphabetical order, and will be followed by the Te rritories, the District ot Columbia tocóme last. No State or Territory will be allowed to change lts vote during a ballot No member shall speak more than once or longer than flve minutes ín presenting the names of candidates. lApplause.] All petitions and resolutions will be reíerred to the proper committees without debate. Other rules are suostantially the same as those by which he convention of 1884 was governed. The rules of the House of Representatives will be followed on all parhamentary questlons. The National Committee will appoint an executive committee of nine members. Senator Hoar, of Massachusetts. and Mr. Butterworth, of Ohio, addressed the tionon the subject of nominating speeches.suggesting that the time for eandidaies for the Presidency he limited to üfteen minutes eaoh, and for the Vice-Pre8idency to ten minutes each. Mr. Bayn objected, and Mr. Butterworth raised a laugh by saying his only reason for muking the request was a proi er consideration for the feelinjts of the audience. He made a motion to limit the speeches to the time stated. Lost. General debate followed on the mode of electing altérnales, and the convention was soon in a very confused state. Matters were greatly delayed, Mr. Boutelle, of Maine, and Othcrs spoke on the subject, and the confusitm increased, Chairman Estee, for a time, belng unable to control the convention. Finally, the report of the Committee on Rules was adopted after a delay of thirty-flve minutes. The next order of business was the report of the Committee on Credentials. It was learned deflnitely that a report would not be readv until 8 o'clock p. m. Mr. Husted, oí New York, moved to issue 200 tickets of admisslon to veterans of the late war, adopted. The convention then adjourned until 8 o'clock p. m. M A HONK AND WISE. The Committee on Credentials met in room 44 Grand Pacillc Hotel early in the morning, all the member.s being present. It was announced that the committee was considering contests in the Fourth and Tenth districts of Georgia and the Tenth district of South Carolinia. The talk in the corridors of ihe hotel was chiefly over the personal encounter indulged in at the committee meeting Tuesday nlght between Gener 1 Mahone and Governor Wise, ot Virginia. According to all accounts the two political enemies came to blows and chaira and bad language were thrown about promiscuously. Neither General Mahone nor Governor Wise made an appearance in the corridors of the hotel up to 10 o'clock a. m. But this circumstance did EOt influence the talk. The delegates and politicans large and small were full of the subject. It was openly asserted that bef ore the day was over a challenge would pass between these noted Virginia duelists, and that if sent it would suiely be accepted. Extreme reticence exists among the members of the committee regarding the rumqred encounter. All denv that theru was any thing like a nght, but otber circumstrces f?o to prove ttaat there was. It is reported that the committee has decided in favor ot Mahone, and the Sherman men are, conaequently, elated. Much speculation fs indulged in as to whether the fight over the Virginia contest wiU be carried to the floor of the convention, and the matter is exciting more (eeling than any thlng else. THE PLATFOHM. The Committee on Besolutions held lts flrst meeting Tuesday night at the Union League Club and Hstened to a number ol speeches favorlng the incorporation in the platform of planks favoring a waterway connection between the lakes and the Mississippi river; a riHurn to the policy of protecting the sbipiiing interosts; the adoption of woman suffrage, the dealing with the liquor trame by the people through the asrency oí the ballot, and taking a tinn and pronóunced stand on the tariiï. A oall of States was then had, the representatives of each speakins in advocacy, ior amendment or for rejecr.on of the proffered suggestions. At 1 o' clock the meeting adjourned after appolnting a sub-committee to draw up a platform conforming to the sense of the expressions oftered during the meetini? and to present it in the morning. The committee was called to order again at 10 o'clock a. m. and remained in sesston until 12. Owing to the subcommittee not havlng completed the platform an adjournment was taken to8:30p. m. According to Information obtained from several members of the committee a platform wlU be adopted of no uncertain tenor. The tariff plank will he sufflciently strong to sult the taste of tho most avowed enemies of President Cleveland's message; the whisky Question wlll rcoeive attention; the Irish homerulers will be given sympathy at least. THE BI.AINE MEN ANURT. The declaratlon by Mr. Thurston, In nis address, that Hlaine was out of the race, and that the convention must not nomínate him, has offended the delegations from the Paciflc coast, as well as those irom Muine, who vehemently protest that the temporary chairman had eiceeded hls authority. Mr. Boutelle, of Maine, feels that he has a right to be lndignant, and sald af ter the adjournment: " Who gave this fellow authority to decide that Mr. Hlaine can not be the next candidate of the Republtcan party for President? By what right does he attempt to declare who shall and who shall not be nominated by this convention? Who authorized him to speak for Mr. Hlaine on the subject, nd If he has authority let him show lt? Mr. Blalne's letter Is susceptible to no such conructlon as he puts upon it. Neither Mr. Blaine nor any other man can díctate to this convention. Mr. Blaine may say and say agaln that e does not desire the nomlnatton. He may decline to be a candidate, but if the Republican party, in convention assembled, after deliberation comes to the conclusión that this man, or that man, or the other, is the safest and the strongest to nomínate, he must run. A nomlnatlon to the Presidency can not be refused. It never has been and it never wiU be, and there is nothíng Mr. Blaine has ever written from Florence or from Paris which can be construed to mean that he will decline to make the canvass in the event that the convention places his name upon the ticket." Mr. Elkins, who knows quite as much about Mr Blaine' s sentiments as Mr. Boutelle, sees nothing in the speech of Mr. Thurston to critlcize He says that it expresses his own sentiments, and that it will be approved by Mr. Blaine himself. Mr. Emmons Blaine talks in the same way. As Mr. Thurston was returning from the convention hall he met Emmons on the street. The latter shook hands with him cordially, congratulated him upon the speech, and said that he approved every word of it. Judge Thurston received the congratulations of admirers over his convention speech In the headquarters of the Nebraska delegation Tuesday night. He said : IQ "Ihaveheard that some of the extremists who intend to vote for Mr Blaine from the start did not take kindly to the reference I made to him in my speech this afternoon. I have not heard from any of them directly, nor does the Information which has reached me say that they are exactly dissatisfled. They are the men who are trying to force Blaine on the convention." "Is it not generally understood that you are a Blaine man, yourself f" "Yes, sir; I am an undying Blaine man, but I have dreaded to see an effort to drive him into a contest for a nomination he does not seek. If the time should come when, for any reason, the other candidates should see flt to withdraw and make the nomination ol Blaine in the only way ït should be made- by acclamation- then I should throw up my hat and yell ' Hurrah (or Blaine!' The expresslons I made use of this afternoon were my own. I had not consulted or advised with any one. but 1 meant to say exactly what I did say." SURVEYING THE FIKI.D. If any of the friends of any of the candidatea had any idea that their favorites had lost ground in the race for the Presidency Tuesday they were not telling any body about it. In fact, there was less guessing about the result at the hotels during the day than there had been for a week before. The result is Ketting to be so near that the gentlemen who have a reputation for political sagacity are growing careful of it. Underneath the surface, however. the set ol the different currents tnightbe feit. The Blaina men are palpabiy worrled over the Depew eandidacy, whica has come home to roost with them after they had hatched it out themselves, as part of the favorite-son plan and c ie of the factors in the dead-lock. They don' t believe Depew can be nominated, but they fear very much that Ihe consequence of his candidacy may be Sherman, or even possibly Gresham, who. by the way was mentioned more Quently yesterday than had been customary lor some time beiore. One break was made in the New York delegation yasterday in the person oí John O'Brien, who pulled out of the Depew camp and declared himself for Blaine. The Blaine men are still steadily and earnest ly working íor a deadlock, and still steadily and earnestly declarlng that they are doing nothlng of the sort. They have not got California into line with their plan yet. The Gresham people expressed more confldence in their man thaa usual, but refrained from figures. A gentleman from Indiana who has access to the conferences of the leaders gave the following estímate of General Harrison's vote on the first ballot: Indiana, 80; Maryland, 14; Delaware, 6; New Hampshire, Nebraska and Dakota, 5 each; Alabama, Florida and Texas, 4 eaoh; Arkansas, Kentuoky, Loulsiana, Malne, North Carolina and South Carolina, 3 each Mississippi, Oregonand Washington Terrltory, 2 each; Montana, 1- a total of 106. The second ballot, it was claimed, would largely Increase the number, and the third and fourth doublé it. The Harrison managers will not seek to poll their entire slrength from the start. At the caucus of the Pennsylvania delega tes Tuesday night Mayor Fitler recelved the votes of 15 delegates, John Sherman received 41, and the others were scattering. The Shermanmen had counted on but little over 30 votes, and were agreeably surprised at the result of the ballot. The one really noticeable thing in the attitude of the Southern, and especially the colored, delegates Tuesday was their increasing friendliness toward Judge Gresham. While on the preceding day his name was scarcely mentioned by them, it was noticed yesterday that it was seldom omitted in their con vers atlons. Next to herman Gresham seems now to be the favorite with many of the 9outherm men, and his boom is evidently gatning ground amone them. John Sherman will receive 12 votes from the Palmetto State upon the first ballot. That will be the maximum unless a break should be made by the other States, in which case the Ohio man will receive the full vote of the delegation. There was no material change in the sentiment of the Alabama delegation Tuesday. Sherman has 10 votes assured him trom this source. and may receive 14 on the first ballot. There are three men in the delegation who oppose the Oh o man strongly, and who will be very loath to swing over to him even should ae secure enouzh votes to nomínate. Alger has some strength with the delegation. The Mcryland men held no caucus, and stand about where they did on their arrival here. The Blalne sent ment has perhaps waned a little among them, but otherwise there is no appreciable change among them. Sherman will receive a clear majonty of their votes on the flrst few ballots, and then either Gresham or Alger is likely to receive their support. Iowans say Senator Alllson will go lnto the flrst ballot with 45 votes. The Kentucky delegation marched in a solid body Tuesday nightto all the headquarters oí thelvarious delega tions, and formally asked that Colonel W. O. Bradley be given second place on the ticket. They made no reference to the head of the ticket, but cheered themselves hoarse at every mention of Blaine's name. TENNESSEE'8 CBOIOE. Tennessee s candidate for VicePresident is Willlam K. Moore, of Memphis He was boru in Huntsville, Ala., March, 1830, of Virginia ancestry for two hundred years back, was an old line Whig, and when the rebellion began adhered to the Government and voted for Lincoln, and voted for every Republican andidate Jor President since. CONDITION OF THE BOOMS. As the want of availability of the various candidatos is made more and more apparent, Judge Gresham grows In favor. The Sherman boom is stilt here, and will remain until after the ballotinst begins. How much longer it will remain Is uncertain. It is not at all probaDle that It will hold together longer than four ballots. If he is not nominated on the third ballot or the fourth the break will come, and nobody knows wnero the Sherman men will go. Gresham will get a few, Harrison, it he s in the field, will get some. and should Hlaine be sprung he would et the bulk of them. It ia probable that Wisconsin will jump to Stierman after compllmenting Rusk once or twioe, and if Sherman can not be nominated Gresham will get a small share of the Wisconsin delegation. When New York drops Depew Sherman will get a large number of his votes, but it is exceedingly doubtful if Senator Sherman will be able to get a majority of the convention. It is underst ood that the Ohio delegation balloted for second choice after Suerman, and tnat 89 out of 46 were for Blaine. man publicly expressed. McKinley is regarded a's the best dark horse should suco a naft come out of the Ohio stable. Senator Cuilom's friends aro watching events, and should Gresham fail it is more than probable that Illino s v11' trot Cutlom out. The convention will either be very short or very long. A cund.datc like Suerman may be nominated on the third ballot, or Hlaine may be nominated very early in the fight. If the Blaine managers can carry out tlieir programme and deadlock the convent'on the balloting may be protracted and end in Blaine. It is now probable that on the flrst ballot ten candieates Aill be voted for. namely: Blaine, Depew, Sherman, Gresham, Alger, Phelps (of New Jersey), Harrison, Allison, Kusk and Ingalls (of Kansas). The reference to Blaine in Chairman Thurston's speech, on Tuesday, had a rtepressing iect on tne nnom 01 me rmmeu ivuigui. it is now stated that the Caliiornia delegatlon will split on the flrst ballot, and that a majority of the votes ït will cast will po to Leiand Stanford. The candidacy of Chauncey M. Depew has fallen very flat, and it is stated on good authorlty that three or four membcrs of the New York delegation will vote against him. The Harrison men are vory hopeful of success; tne Allison men are confldent, and there is no doubt of the strength of the Iowa Senatori Alger is still in the üeld and his shouters are claiming gains daily. Dark horses are talked of more than ever, among them exGovernor Porter, of Indiana, McKinley and Foraker, of Ohio. It is generally conceded that Gov ernor Foraker could not,with propriety be a candidate from Ohio except with consent of Sherman. CALIFORNIA PL.ACVTED. The Commtttee on Permanent Organization met soon after the adjournmcnt of the conven tion Tuesday anUCaliiornia at once preseated her claims for the permanent chairmanship. Hel claims were considerad by the committee as emlnently fair ones and without a disseuting voice Hon. M. M. Estee, of California, was elected as permanent ohairman. The temporary secretarles, reading olerks and all other temporary officials, with the addition of Mr. Lynch, of Pennsylvanla, as an additional seretary, wore made the permanent offlcers of the convention. The California delegation, which had fought hard for the temporary chairmanshlp, is greatly rejoiced over the success of its labors.


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Ann Arbor Register