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f BUSINESS CARDS. ALEX. W. HAMILTON Attorney at I,u . Will practice in both State and United States I Courts. Office Rooms, one and two, lst floorof I the new brick block. corner of Huron and Fourth I ètreets, Ann Arbor, Michigan. IHT. ü- -AJROSrrDT(Office over First National Bank.) Hodrs : 10:30 to 12 u. and 2:30 to 3:30 p. m. f Can be reached at residence, West Hurón st., a 1 the " Prof. Nichol place " ; by telephone No. 97 nd will reply to calis in the evening. PEERLESS TRUSS Ií given orí trial and wansnted to give satlsfaction or mjney refunded. CHRONIC CASES A BPECIAHTY. Office, No. 6 Washington-st. Over Rlnsey & Seabolt's Store, Ann Arbor. O. HOWELL, M. D., f PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office in Masonic Block, ROOM 4. Telephone Connectlons, Ann Arbor. NIGHOLS BROS., DENTAL OFFICE ecoiiil Floor Masonlc Block, over Sa. lngs Bank, Ann Arbor, Mieli. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of git or vitalized air. rEGAN'S IMPERIAL TRÜ8S. Spiral Spring wlth graded presnre 1 to 6 potmds. Wom day and nlght by an Infant a week oíd oí adultofüu years. Ladies' Trussef a specialty. Knclose stampa lo) Testimonial of Cures, measur ments, etc EGAN'S IMPERIAI TRUSS CO., Hamilton Block, Ann Arbor, Mloh. WM. BIGGS. Contractor i Mier ■l And all kinds or work in connectlon # witta tbc altore promptly executed. I WShop Cor. of Chureh-st and University ave. Telephone 9 ; P. O. Box 1243. CHARLES L. ALLEN, Contractor and Euilder! 46 E. Catnerine-st., Ann Arbor. flans and SpeciBcations neatly and promptly made. " WZLLZAM AKNOLD, SELLS 1847 ROKERS BROS.' SPOONS. FORKS AND KNIVK8, At bottom prices, engravinu included. foll line of the justly celebisted ROCKFORD -W ALTHAM and ELGIN WATOHES. o pen face. Key and winding always on hand and regulated, ready for a man e pocket. If you cannot readthis get one of Johnston & Co'.s eye-glasses or spectacles for sale by WM. ARNOLD, 36 Main St. Ann Arbor, Mich. r - STEKETEE'S DryBjtters i BEST TONIC KNOWN. Make Vour Own Bitters. Why pay a dollar for a bottle of Stomach Bittere, containing more poor whisky than medicine, when the undersigned will send you by mail one 4-oz package of Import ed Oerman Koois.i Herbü and Herries, which will make One Gallon of the best TOS! H' any one ever used. The use of this .Tonic has cured IndlKestion. Dyspepsin, BillonsnesN, Fever and Aene ; as an appetizer none better, acts on the Kidneys and general debility, and gives Tone to the Stomach ; in fact, I challenge all other Tonics. It is far the cheapest Tonic known. One package will equal one dozen of ordinary boules of bitters sold for one dollar per bottle. Full óMrections on every package. Askyour druggist for '-Steketee's Dry Bitters." If your druggist does not keep them on sale, then send to the undersigned. I will send one package to any address withln the U. S. on receipt of 30c, or two packages for 60c. U, 8. ' stamps taken in payment. Each doublé package sent by mail contains a sample of Steketee's Neuralgia Drops. Trial bottle of the Drops, 12c. P. 8.- I am the only inventor of a sure cure for PIN womis. 49-Ask your druggist for "Steketee's Pin Worm Destróyer.'1 25c by mail. Address. GEO. G. STEKETEE, (rand Rapids, Mich. Mention this paper when you order. PATENTS FRANKLIN H. HOUGH, 1 Solicitor of American & Foreip Patents. 925 F St., near V. S. Patent Ottee, WASHINGTON, D. C All business lioforc the Un ited States Fatent OrBce attended to for moderate fees. Patents proeuitKl ia the United States and all Forelgn Countriea. Trade Mark! anrf LuMs registered. Kojeeted apptioatlons revived and proseeuted. Inl'onnation and adviee as to obtaining Patenta cheerfullyfurnlihed itliout charge. Stvid Sketch or ïïfodcl for ree opinión as to patentability. Copies of Tatcnts furnished for 2ö cents eacli. Correspondence invited. CHEAP EXCUÍ1SI0NS. lookingfor new locaiions or investments, semimonthly excursious have been arranyed, at one lare tor the round trip, to all pointsin Dakota - and Minnesota. Tickets 1 class and good fop 80 days. For maps and lurther partictüars addreBS C II. Warren, b::lu, & General Passenger M "L ia A Agent, St. Paul, Mina. Ml AN ITDB iX 111 ii.X. M ■


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