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Sheriff Walsh has six boarders. Ninety-six in the shade, Sunday. A sign on Washington-st reads "Lemon Ade." Our mail-carriers average 16 miles per day travel. Mallony, oL Detroit, will furnish the alumni dinner. They will cast lots for seats at the Baptist church tomorrow. Michael Hoy, law '88, of Dexter, will open an office in Chicago. Jacob Bordman, formerly of this city, died in Peoría, 111., Monday. The slaughter houees in the Fifth ward are being bitterly complained of. Mr?. Nellie Morris is preparing to erect a residence on North-st above Main. Geo. J. Johnson will put in a bazaar in the Maynard store on Ann st, July 1. Justice Frueauff sent Chas. Edwards up Saturday for 30 days, for being drunk. Dr. Frank Brewer will occupy Dr. V. C. Yaughan's office during the latter's trip. Wm. Henne went to Chelsea, Monday, with a load of furniture sold in that burg. Gradnating exercises of the High School tomorrow afternoon, in University hall. Roll cali of members and renting of pews at the Baptist church tomorrow aigfat A handsome brussels carpet now adorns the private office of Register of Deeds Kearns. Mrs. Dr. Dunster is preparing to build an extensivo addition to her retidence on Division-st. John Chinaman is to be envied this kind of weather, in his flowing robes of white linee Mrs. Lukins is building a residence on Orleans-3t, for which Charles L. Allen has the contract. Workmen began removing trees, and breaking ground for the new high school addition Tuesday. Sam Henne, formerly with Koch & Haller, is now chief of the upholstering department with Koch & Henne. The foundation for Prof. Carhart'g residence on Monroe-st, is ready for the building, which will be a very fine one. The Ann Arbor high school base ball club made 20 runs while the Detroits made 2, last Saturday, on the fair grounds. The U. of M. Glee Club will give an open-air concert next Monday evening, on the campus, between 9 and Í0 o'clock. The Durdee fuel gas company let a contract last night for drilling their well. Work is to be commenced within 16 dayp. Prof. Wiuchel!, of the University, will be a contributor to the American Geologist, a new publication issued at Minneapolis, Minn. The Ladies' library will be open during the summer months as follows: from 10 to 12 a. m., and from 3 to 5 p. m., beginning June 23. The corn-house of Freeman Galpin, of Superior, was struck by lightning, Thursday, and the Washtenaw Mutual will have to pay for it. Mrs. Marie Wells, wife of the late John A. Wells, formerly of this city, died last Friday, in New York, and was brought here for buriaL John Burg has in his shoe store on Main-st, an Irish ivy vine, twelve yeara old and forty feet in length. It is a beautiful thing. Grasshoppers threaten Michigan this summer. Now if we can only get up a row between them and our sparrows, there will be fun. The senior medical class has unanimously petitioned the faculty, earnestly asking that Dr. Martin be chosen as Dr. Dunster's successor. Jennie N. Vandeventer, who has been ill for some time with typhoid fever, died at her home in the fourth ward, last Saturday, aged 37 years. A little girl who got off the 5:30 p. m. train, Saturday, at the M. C. R. R. depot, stepped into a hole in the depot platform nearly breakin? her limb. These warm days, students can be seen scattered around the campus under trees, in variou8 stages of innocuous desuetude " boning up for ' exams.' " Many persons are taking advantage of the recent resolution passed by the council allowing property owners to sod two feet further into the street. There will be a meeting of fruit-growers and orchardists in the court-house, Saturday, to discuss the question of fruit transportation and distribution. Tuesday Dr. Frothingham removed the left eye of Mrs. Bradley F. Thompson, because of an incurable diseased condition, which threatened the loss of both. The Bethlehem (Germán) church will have new tar walks on the south and west side of the church lot, also two walks leading to the chureh doors. A thermometer which hung on a post covered with iron in front of Jim Schippaccasse's, Sunday, in the sun, registered 158. Affidavits produced if necessary. John O'Neil, a resident of Northfield, committed suicide at the barn of a Mr. Zewinke in that township last evening! O'Neil was subjeeted to insane freaks, which accounts lor his suicide. He used' the rope. Chairman Miller, of the fire committee and Engineer Kit Matthews, were testing the fire engine on Fourth-st, Saturday. They propose to overhauleverything once a month hereafter, so that all will be in readiness in case of fire. The Amphion club is sparing no pains or expense in preparing for the coming concert, and will issue a beautiful libretto contaimng all the words of the cantata "The Passing of Summer," and a list of pieces for the seoond part of the program. Memorial services were held in the M. E. Sunday school Sunday for Lilian Pond. Christian Weidman paid $2 fine and costs in Justice Frueauff's court, on June 20, on a charge ot slander preferred by Dora Wehner. Prof. U. G. Race and wifa, of Lansing, are spending a short time in the city. Mr. Race was formerly superintendent of the Michigan school for the blind. Mrs. L. Walz and Mr. and Mrs. J. G-oetz, went to Marshall yesterday to attend the funeral of Walt, who was drowned cear that place Monday. Mrs. Oscar Easton, of Lima, is spending the week with her son and daughter, H. Easton, of Joe T. Jacobs & Co., and Mrs. Warren Wadhams, W. Huron-st. Jabob Klais, for 40 years a resident oi this city, and one of our most respected Germán citizens, died at his home on S. Fourthst this morning, aged 67 years. Prof. C. N. Jones, who recently resigned his position in the University, has accepted a position with the Northwestern Mutual Life-Insurance Co., Milwaukee, Wis. A horse that Fred Huesel was driving on Spring-st, Monday, becoming lrightened, started to run away, and Fred jumped out, the result being a broken ankle. About a dozen Saline carpenters and magons are in Ann Arbor at work, about the same number from Dexter and Ypsilanti, and some from other portions of our suburbs. The state lodge of Good Samaritans, (colored) meet to day in the lodge room of the order in this city over Maynard's store. Delegates are present from all parts of the state. Harriet L. Browne, mother of Mrs. Capt. J. McGilvray, died at her daughter's on Packard-st last eveni"g, of pneumonía. She was 62 years oíd. The funeral will occur tomorrow at 3 p. m. at the residence. Dr. Ramsay will preach Sunday morning at the Methodist Episcopal Church on the " Literary Merits of the Bible." On account of the Bacealaureate address at University hall, there will be no evening service. JoLn Lucas, while at work on one of the State st buildings, yesterday, was struck on the right forearm by a falling piece of timber, cutting a bad gash, and severely bruising the mueles. Dr. Kapp sewed up the wound. One hundred tickets were sold this week to Chicago, over the M. C. R. R. from this, city. Among those who went were J. T. Jacobs, Chauncey Millen, Geo. W. Millen, Junius E. Beal, R. Kempf, M. C. Lebeau, H. Woodward, Wm. Allaby. Monday, while at work in his father's planing mili on Depdl-st., Wm. Armstrong was struck in the right si de by a fourinch piece of board, two feet long, hurled from a rapidly revolving saw. He was severely bruised. Had it not struck a glancing blow, it would have made a dangerous wound. Last Saturday H. M. Phelps, livery, Dexter, hitched up a $400 team, and drove some Ann Arborites out to Base Lake. He turned the team lose, and one of them wandered out into the lake, and attempted to pass under or through a barbed wire fence running into the lake. It became entangled in the cruel wires, andbeforeit could berescued had torn and mangled itself in a frightful manner. If it recovers, it will be maimed for life. Friday afternoon while Wm. Fohey, of 19 E. North-st, was tearing down an old shed in the rear of J. F. Schuh's residence, a 8tringer on which he was kneeling suddenly dropped, pitching hitn head Brst to the ground, a distance of about six feet. In the fall his left wrist was dislocaled and broken, his body bruised, and his nose and lips badly cit. He was removed to his residence, and Dr. McLachlan attended to his injuries, which he pronounces painful but not serious. The lawn party for Cari Warden, last Thursday, given by Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wheeler, assisted by Mrs. Anna Warden, was one of the most enjoyable of the year. About 150 guests were present and enjoyeó the hospitality of the occasion in oonversation, in listening to the fine music of the Chequamegons, in tasting the excellent ices, creams, and cakes of Hangsterfer, and in feasting their eyes on the charms of Grey cottage and its beautiful grounds and gardens. Walter W. Campbell, formerly of Ann Arbor, now a student at Andover theological 8eminary, sends a Boston paper giving an account of the closing exercises ol that institution, among which was the inauguration of Prof. W. H. Ryder, of this city. Mr. Ryder was spoken of in high and complimentary terms. In accepting the profes8orship of Sacred Literature, he made a. statement and gave a digest of his interpretaron of the Andover creed, as he understands it, which was clear, concise, and well received. Thb Register hopes to give part or all of Mr. Ryder's statement next week. Mrs. Kate Snyder, a widow who does waehing for a living, came nearly losing her life, recently, through the criminal carelessness of some medical student who brought articles for her to wash that had been probably used in the dissecting room, without telling her of that fact Some days previous she had cut her thumb on a buckle in some clothes she was washing, and in washing the articles first mentioned, the open gash became infected with the poison from the clothes, and bloodpoisoning was the natural and nearly fatal coneequence. Mrs. Snyder was attended by two physicians, who barely saved her arm, and she is yet unable to work. The W. C. T. U. ladies of this city and vicinity, under the supervisión of Mrs. Briggs, of Saline, on June 9, celebrated Flower Mission day. They first visited the county house, where they were very courteou8ly received by the kind host and hostess, and found the inmates gathered in the chapel anxiously awaiting their arrival. After a few pieliminary exerciseg, each of the eighty-three inmates was presented witb a bright bouquet of flowers and a card containing a text of Scripture, expressions of sympathy and good-will. All seemed very much pleased to see them. The ladies visited the county jail.


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Ann Arbor Register