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Floods And Gales

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FURY OP THE BLEMENTS. Grand Rapids, Wis., June SI.- A sevor wind and rain-storm visited this section at2o'clock yesterday, doing considerable damage, unrooflng houses, deraolishing fences, trees and small buildings. Oua span of the Green Bay, Winona & St. Paul railway bridge was blown into the river. A portion of the elevator of the Jaoksoa Milliug Company was blown down and considerable damage to wheat done by ths rain. Wichita, Kan., June 22. -A oyoloue swept over the northern part of Sedgwlck County yeterday, doing considerable damage and fatally injurlng Mr. and Mr. Frank Watt. The traok of the oyolone was 800 yards wide, and extended orer about three miles of terrltory. Ltons. Ia., June 23.- -A small cyolone passed east oí this city yesterday, wraoktng seröral buildings and leveHng tree and fenoe9. No persons were injured. Litchfield, 111., June 22.- A hurrtoane passed through this place yesterday, npsettinp and unroofing houses and causinf muoh loss. Grand Rapids, Que., June 23.- A gal thaí oaused loss of life and preporty öocurred here yesterday. Boats fisbinf oa the Mlscou banks were swept away, and as far as could be ascertained six mea were drowned. Psbsque Islb, Mich., June 23.- Fores fires are doing much damage in this vicinity. J. C. Brown alona has lost 800,000 feei of logs. KVANsvii-LE.Ind., June 25 Awaterspou burst on Saturday near this city and did graat damage to growing crops. Aitooxa, Pa., June 25.- A. terriflc thual uer-sLorm visiteo, ünis city saturday, and a uumber of people were struck by llgiitnlng and rendered speechless for a tima, and several houses were destroyed. Palmtra, Wis., June 25.- Durinjf awindBtorm In thls vicinity barns were unroofed and lifted from their foundations, trees and fences blown down and crops greatly damaged from being beaten to the ground, Wilkesbarre, Pa., June 25.- A tertifle vrind and rain-storm yesterday blew down muny trees, and a thunderbolt struck tha Puritan Congregational ohureh while arvics was being held, and many ol the audience wsre prostrated by the shock. St. Louis, Juno 27.- A dispatch írom El Paso, Tex., ayi information has been recalcad thare from the flooded district in ïftwoo that 1,500 lirw were lost by the inundat ion and that 1,000 bodie.s have Düeo rccorered. Leon is a ofty of 100,600 inhaftltaot3, and a large part of it is in ruins. The Mexican Collector of Cutoms at Pago Del Norte receired an official dispatoh stating that 100 miles of the Mexioan Centíai rallroad is impaseable and tbat it will be ten days before mails can geit tbrough and twenty days befor frsight can be moved.


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Ann Arbor Register