Cleveland Accepts
Washixgtox, June 27.- The committee appointed by the St. Louis convention to notify President Cleveland oí his renomination visited the White House yesterday afternoon, and were received by the President and several notable persons. Patrick Collins, of Massachusetts, made the address to the President, in response to which Mr. Cleveland expressed his gratitude for the honor conferred, said he would not dweil upon the acts and the policy of the administration now drawing to a close, for its record was open to every citizen of the land, and said that in the cxercjse of the functions of the high trust confided to him he had yielded obedience only to the constitution and the solemn obligation of his oath of oftice. In conclusión he said: " It but remaina for me to say to you, and through you to the Democracy of the Nation, that I accept the nomination with which you have honored me, and that I WilL in due time, signify such acceptaneo in the usual formal marnier. "
Old News
Ann Arbor Register