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OCR 25 CE3ÍT OU M . idvertlsements, sucn as To Rent, For Sale, wnts, not exceeding three Unes, can be inserted thr e weeks for 85 cents. 17OR SALE.- Four rods of picket fenee. Buyer J to take it up. Price 55.00. N . b North l'niversity Ave. FOR SALE.- House and lot No. 41 Wsshingtonst. Apply of N. W. Cheever, Xo. 10 North 4thst. FOR SALE.- My house of 8 rooms, and 65 roda of land on Miller-ave, at a sacrifice.- House isgood. Time given. O. L. Matthews. FOR SALE- Berry boxes and erates., at Armstrong's planing mili. ÍfOR SALE- Top Buggy and Oue Ilorse Wagon. ' G. Collins, No 36 East Huron. FOR SALE- At No. 4 N. Ingalls.'Body Brussels carpet and very desirable parlor furniture, all nearly new. FOR SALÉ OR RENT.- Ï1400 house, seven rooms, No. 35 Monroe st, one block from campus. Enquire at 90 Washington-st. S. D. AUeu. I7H5R SALE.- Side bar top Buggy, good as new. 1 Inquire at 33 N. Founh-st. IOR SALE cheap- Covered Spring Wagon. C. 1 W. Wagner, 21 S. Main-st. FOR SALE.- A Thoroughbred Durham Buil Calf with Pedigree, twomonthsold apply to S. D. Bechtel. York Mills, Saline, Mich. FORSALE-A phoDton in good repair. Price 85.00. Also a canopy top two seated phwton, good as new. Price JÍUO.OO. Cost 8175 U0. Enquire at 86 S. State-st. tf FOR SALE- Building Lots, fronting west slde Mann st. Extra view; Sizes to suit; long time for payments. J. D. Duncan, 76 Miller Ave. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE- For City lesidence, farm of 65 acres, one mile south west of City. Or will sell or exchange 15 acres with buildings. Enquire at 36 South 5th St. 8. A. Henion. 656-t f. FOR SALE OR RENT- No 7 Wilmot-st, honse of 9 rooms, 2 alcoves, and 5 closets and city water. Inquire at 17 Wilniot st. FOR SALE- One House, price, Ï1400 ; One New House, Í2500; One Vacant Lot.onethird down. Inquire 90 Washington-st, S. D. Allen. FOR RENT- A house, Xo. 11 Tappan st. Suitable for small famiiy. Inquire of B, filount, 6CE. University ave. FOR RENT- Part of the uew Brick ttore, 22 State-st. will be ready about the first of August. J.F. Judson. LOST- While driving about the city and suburbs last Saturday, a red single shawl. Return to this office and receive reward. LOST.- A Gold Chain and pendant on Main-st. Finder will please leave atWines & Worden's Dry Good store and receive reward. IOST.- Between Calvin Mitchell's and William J Taylors, a Gari:et S-atin parasol. Please leave it at the Register Oftice and receive reward, Mra. C. Mitchell. LOST- Commeucement day in Ann Arbor, a Lady's pin, quarlz iu form of a fan. Leave at this office. LOST- On Tnesday, July 3d, either on Main. Huron orMosher-st, Ann Arbor, a child's silver watch. chain and charm. Wafli marked on inslde "Emma Grant, Marquette. Mich." If the finder will return to me at (jov. Felch's house, he will be sultably rewarded. C. B. Grant. BUZZ!- The Electric Door Bell will beputin your house in a trostworthy manner by E. B. Conrad, 18 South Ingallsst, Ann Arbor. PUPS FOR SALE- A fine bltch and a few thoroughbred buil pups for sale cheap. Enquire at No. 17 N. State-st. REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Houses and lots valued from 11.000 to 86,000 and containiog from one-fifth of an acre to twenty acres- ah in the city limits. Houses rented on reasoiiable terms in central localities. Farms eichanged for city property. Enquire of J. Q. A.SESSION3, 632tf Attorney and Real Estáte Aeent. Office over Expiess Office, Main St., Ann Arbor. SCREEN DOORS and Windows made to order berry crates and toxes. St. Clair, 33 N. Fourth. DBE83 MAKING- Miss Buell, 49 Fourth-st corner of William st. WANTED- At The Register office, an intelligent boy, 13 to 15 years old, who wants to learn the printers trade. Must have fair knowledge of the common branches of study. WANTED- A situation as housekeeper, to wait upon au inyalid lady or to help with light house work, children, or sewing by a middle aged lady. Good refetences. Apply 24 North Fiillvst. WANTED- A goodgirl forgeneral house work. Wagos Ï2.50 per week. Keferences required Apply, 80 E. Huron st. WALKS.- TAR WALKS made and repaired. All work warranted. By J. P. Judson, 31 E University ave. WANTED.- An Office desk wlth drawers. Enquire at this office. WANTED- A situation on a farm for a boy 13 years old. Apply at No. 59 East North-st. WANTED IMMEDIATELY - Two good reliable Coat-niakers and one Vest-rnaker. Good prices. Plenty of work. Solid irons. Pleasant shop. Cash every week. N. H. Winans, Battle Creek, Mich. 67 tf TO FARMERS- We have about 100 lbs. stout Twine, good for bag strings, and handy to have around at any time. Wi'.l sell it cheap. Kegistkr Office. TO RENT FOR A TERM OF YEARS.- Large brick house, corner of División and Jefferson streets, Aun Arbor, Mich. Eighteeu rooms besides large pantry, closets, front and back halls, wood house and coal bin two cellars. Five suites of rooms on second floor, four of whose sleeping rooms are accesible from back hall. Both city and soft water indoors and out. It is being painted cutside and thoroughly renovated inside, having remuved paper, paint and kalsomine rrcparatory to repRpering, decorating, paintingand kalsominlng. Has an outside door to a diuing room eleven lect six inches by twentytwo feet sii tnchus. It is well arranged for boarders and roomers. Location unsurpassed. Will be ready for inspectiun about July 25th. Addressor cali on A. M. Clark, 32 Thompson-st, Ann Arbor, Mirh. T OANING- Money to lon on flrat class real Lj estáte mortgages at current ratea of interest, latlsfactory arrangement made with capltalist dealiing nuch investmeut. Every conveyance nd trausaction in abstracts of tltles carefufly examtned as to legal effect. Zlna P. Kin. Ann Arbor Mich. tf


Old News
Ann Arbor Register