Boom! Boom!
If ihere was ever a city fairly drenched, aud soaked ia fact, with enthusiasm, that one is the Qieen City ol the West, or as laid down on the map?, Cincinnati, O. The fact of the matter is, that at the present time the eyes of the world re directed upon thatlocality, as that is the site eelected for the pri; cipal demonstraties of the people of the Norihwest commemorative of the settlementof the country in 1787-8. Within ahundred yearsthe nature of the country has changed from untutored wildness to thatof the highest stage of civilization, and the grand Centennial Exposition is gi ven at that place by the descendant of the noble men and women wbo effected that change in honor of the labor and sacrifices of those who have gne before. Magnifi cent as the Oncinnati Expositions were when comparativo local interests were concerncd, they have been left in the shde by thi one to whose wheel the whole Unilfd States as a body has responded with a shoulder, and the one who can say in fter years that he did not visit it, will be looked upon as having missed his opportunity.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register