Sñe Tried and Knows. A leading chemist of New York says : " No piasters of anch nierit as the Ath-lo-pno-ros Piasters haveever before been produced." ïhey are a norelty because they are not made simply to sell cheap, they are the best that scieuce, skill and nioney can produce, and will do what is claimed for them. For sprains, aches, weakness, lameness, etc., they are unequaled. 404 Fulton St., Sandueky.O., Nov. ai '87. The Athlophoroe Plster acted like magic. It is tho bett I ever tried and I have uaed many kinds. Our drusKist said " plastera are all about the same " but I don't think so now. I sprained niy ann and shouldttr in July, and it has bt-eu painful nee, butit does not pain me at 11 now. Mrs. Víuajs MaoujO- Seal 6 cents for the beautifiil colored picture, " Moorish Maiden." THEATHLOPHOROSCO. 112 WallSt. N. Y. BUSINESS CARDS. ALEX W. HAMILTON Attorney al Lhw. Will practicein both State and United Stshi Courts. Office Rooms, one and two, lst fioor of the new brick block. comer of Hurón and Fourth Streets, Ann Albor, Michigan. (Office over First National Bank.) Hoübs: 10:30 to 12 m. and 2:30 to 3:30 p. m. Can be reached at rtsidence, West Huron-st., a the " Prof. Nichol place " ; by telephone No. 97 and will reply to calis in the evening. p R. WILLIAMS, Attornry at Ijuv. Milán, Mlch. Money loaned for onteide pftrties. All legal busiuess given prompt attention. PEERLESS TRUSS lf given on trial and warranted to giTe satisfaction or ni jncy refonded. CHRONIC CASES A 8PECIALITY. Office, No. 6 Washiagton-st. Orer Rlnsey & Seabolt's Store, Ann Arbor. O. HOTVEILL, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office is Masonic Block, ROOM 4. Telephone Connectiong, Ann Arbor. WM. W. NICHÜLS, DENTAL PAELORS over Savinga Bank oppoeite Oourt House Squaie. Teeth extracted without pain by use of Gas or VitaHzed Air. SBTIPTURK ! KGAN'S IMPERIAL TRUSS. Spiral 8pring with graded presnre 1 to 6 ponnds. Worn day and nleht by an Infant a week oíd oí adulto? 80 years. Ladies' Trasse a speclalty. Endose Btamps fo Testimonial of Cures, measnrementó, etc EGAN'8 IMPKRIA1 TRUSS CO., Hamilton Block, Aun Arbor, MielK WM. BIGGS. Contrasta S Builder And all lilnds of worlt Ín eonneetlon wltb IIip aboye prumptl y execnted. Shop Cor. of Chnrch-st and University ave. Telephone 9 P. O. Box 1248. CHARLES L. ALLEN, Contractor and Builder! 46 E. Catherlne-st., Ann Arbor. Plans and Specifications neatly and promptly made. tfXLLXAtf BNOLD, SELLS 1847 ROSEES BROS.' SPOONS. FORKS A2SH5 KNIVKá, At bottom pnces, engravin lncluded . full line of the Justly celebi s te a BOOKi'ORD WALTHAM and ELGIN -WATOHES. open face, Key and Btem-wlndlng always on hand and regnlated, ready for a man t pocket. If yon cannotreadthis get one of Johnston & Co'.s eye-glasses or spectacles for sale by WM. ARNOLD, 86 Main St. Ann Arbor, Mlch. LOW TOÜRIST RATES. For $47.50 a first-class round trip ticket, good for 90 days, with Btop-over privileges, can be obtained trom St. Paul to Great Falla, Montana, the coming manufacturing centre of the northwest. ■ ■ stiwul A OnlySGG.OO Saint Paul 1 ?KAgL A to Helena and return MI AHÍ IgU SimilarrednctionsiTI iuu from polnts east and 6outh. Rates correspondingly aslow will be named to polnts in Minnesota and Datota, or upon Puget Sound and the Pacilic Coast. Por lurther particular addrees D. W. H. Moreland, Trav. Passenger Agent, 179 Jaflérson Are., Detroit, Mich., or C. H. Wábseh, Oeneral Passenger Agent, Bt. Paul, Minn. ïew Advertisements ÈÉfte Regular& Perfect a_ dicestion wSfwlfcU Mphomotp.d by use ov ALMA LADIES' COLLEGE, ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. 17 Professors and Teachers. Narly 200 STUDENTS ORADÜATING COURSK8 IN Literature, 1 HnruaKca, Mnslc, Fine Arts, Commercial Science Elocntion. New Building, $20,000. Ready in Sept. Sbcty-page Calender Iree. Address Principal AVSTIBT, B. D. Languor, Hcatíache, f. Constipation U. t.gS-fciaiJ - K' moved bj feJRïHy sold by Tarroñ7& Co., N.Y.,
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