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Burned To Death

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New York, Aug. 4.- Seventwri people were burned to death in a six story brick building in the rear of 197 Bowery ycrterday afternoon, and six more, burned se badly that they will probablv die, were removed to various hospitals. Each of the six floors was occupied by a single family, the head of wUich wa u t'iilnr who made clothing for the cheap wholesale clothing houses, and emploj-ed from iifteen to twenty men, women and children, in addition to nis own family, in makiiiR up the clothing. They weie all Polish Jews. The names of the dead as f ar as knov.'n are: Adcle tJruft, aged Sf, witli lier new-torn babe, burned to death; Joseph Gruft, 7 years, burned to death; Celia Grutt, 4 .yesrs, barned to death; Philip Taloph, 21 years. killed by jumping from sixttt siory; Henrv Schwartz, tatlor, suftocated on lonrth fioor; woman unknown. at morgue, burned beyond recognition; Abraham Sehneider, S6 years burned to death; Solomon Veinberg. burned almost beyond reoognition; ten men at morgue burned beyond recognition. The death of Asias öpennet at the hospital at a late hour makes the seventeenth death to midnight. The injured number eleven. The fae started on the first floor in the apartinent of Kmma Stevenson, the janitress of the building, and was caused by the explosión of a kerosene-oil stove. New Yoük, Aug. 6.- Up to the present twenty lives are known to have been lost in the tenement house lire -which broke out iu the Bowery, Friday afternoon. Nearly half of the bodies taken from the ruin9 remain unidentified, having been Bcorched and charred beyond all recognition.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register