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SEXATE. Washington-, Aug. 2.- In the Sonate yesterday the bilí to créate an exeouttve department to be known as tlie department of agriculture was reported. A large numbsr of Heuse bilis wero passed, among them being one providing for a public building at Jaekson, Mlch. The SundryCivil Appropriation bill was passed. ■Washington, Aug. 3.- Aiter severalbills had been reportad ia the Senate yestorday the fisheries treaty was again discussed in open session. Washington, Aug. 4. - Iu tne Senate yesterday a resolution was passed to investigate the relations of the Canadian railroads with the transportatirn across the continent of comraerce whiota naturally belongs to the United States. Mr. Tel Ier spoke in opposition to ratifying tlio fiïheries treaty. Adjourned to the 6th. Washington, Aug. 7.- In the Senate ve9] terday Benator Edmunds iíroduced a res olution in regard to tlie death of General Sheridan, and after he had spoken brlefly St wa adopted. Benator Farwell introduqpd a bill, which was referr:d, to give Mrs. Sneridan a pension of Í5.000. Out of raspect to the memory of General Sheridan the Benate then adjourned. qWashisotoji, Aug. 8- Senntor Sherman {ldresed the Senate yesterday in opposition to the flsheries treaty. He advocated nnion with Canada and home rule for Ireland. TBK HOUSEL Washington, Aug. 2. -The Benate amendments to the Army Appropriation MU were non-concurrod in after a long debatO in the House yesterday. Washington, Aug. 3- In the House yesterday the Senate amendments to the Arm Appropriation bill were non-concurred in, and a conference was ordered. The Defleiency Appropriation bill was further oonsidered. Washington. Aug. 4.- In the House yesterday the Deflciency Appropriation bill was furthor eonsidered. At the ovening session twenty pension bilis were passed. Adjourned to tlio 6tb. Washington-, Aur. 7.- In tho House yestrday a few ncw bilis were introduced, the President' announcement of General Sheridan's death was reoeived, and after passing rosolutions of coudolence the House adjourned. Washington, Aug. 8- The House yesterday spont the time in discussions of the Columbus Exposition bilí, but when a vote was reached it was discovercd that no qucrum was present OTBEH KOTKH. "Washixgtox, Aug. 4.- Mr. liurrows, of Michigan, says thiit the Sonate wiil pas a tariff biü, and adds: "Itwillbeablll constructed on tlie Republican of pvotettion, and wbat is more it will reduce the revenues. The free list wlll be mal), and will consist oí anieles not producid or fcanufactured in this country. The iree list Tfill probably nol cmount to more than 16,000,000. Washington, Aug. a- The North At lantic squadron, under commaud of RaarAdmiral Luce, has been ordered to the fishing grounds in the Gulf of St. Iiawrenceto watch American interests and afford American fishermon such protection and assistauce as they may require.


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