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The Washtenaw county Democratie couvention yesterday placed the following ticket in the field : Judge of Probate- J. WUlard Babbitt, of Ypsilanti. Sheriff- Charies Dwyer, Dezter. Register of Deeds- M. Seery, Ann Arbor. Prosecutine Attorney- M. J. Lehman, Chelsea. Clerk-Fred Howlett, Lyndon. Treasurer - August Brehm, the present deputy. Circuit Court Commissioners - Patrick McKernan, Frank Josyln. Coroners- Martin Clark, Ann Arbor ; Dr. Edward Batwell. Ypsilantl. Burveyor- Charles S. Woodard, Ypsllanti. The Demccratic county convención yesterday brought a large crowd to Ann Arbor, and of course the court room was crowded. The 120 delegates and as many candidates with their friends gathered at an early hour on Main-st, mostly on the corner of Huron, where the Democratie ho8ts could, at intervals of button -holing, drink in inspiration from the Cleveland and Thurman banner stretched across the street. Secret nestings were held in variOU8 parts of the town, and the post office was held as a place of consukation, although just how much directing force emanated from that source cannot be told. The caucuses of Monday night in Ann Arbor revealed clearly that Judge Harriman's candidacy was hopeless, and that John J. Robisou :'he" was on top. Mr. Harriman quietly withdrew his name, although up to that time he was not disheartened. Those who prefer John J's dominance to Judge Harriman's were elated ; but ït remained to be seen er he could díctate a nomination as easily as he had prevented one. After it was known that Judge Harriman had withdrawn, Mr. Doty, the probate register, enS tered the race. His Tvell-known ability 1 and his popularity, made him a formidable caudidate, and it was generally remarked that if he had begun earlier there would not have been much doubt about the re3ult as regards judge of probate. A conference of some of the leading Democrats of Ann Arbor was held Tuesday evening in his nterests. It was feared by many Demócrata that Mr. Doty's candidacy, on account of his position in the probate office, would look too much like a "deal" wilh Judge Harriman, and the John r J. forces were death oq anytbing that seemed like íavoring the present judge of probate. M. J. Lehman carne down from Chelsea with a solid deiegation twice elected in his interest, and he feit strong. Last April his deiegation was ohosen ; but Tim McKone, of Chelsea, who wanted to be sheriff, had another caucus ualled Tuesday hoping to get a conteetinc deiegation in his interest. Into this McKone caucus the doughty Lehman went and had his own delegates chosen, - a fine piece of political work. Others joined in the race at a late hour, but no one except Judge Harriman withdrew. The interest was already at fever k heat at 11 a. m., yesterday, when the unterrified thronged into the court room. Capt. Schuh called the convention to order, and State Senator J. S. Gorman was made temporary chairman. In nis speech he jumped from nationa! issues to the question cf a county ticket in such a bewildering and unaccountable way that it was impossible to fjnd any connection. He placed Cleveland in statesmanship higher that all the presidents from Washington down. He tried to make out that W. R. Burt is in accord with Cleveland on the ree trade issue. T. F. Moran, of Manchester, was made te-nporary secretary. Committees were appointed: CredentiI als- John V. Sheehan, Ann Arbor ; John Tem?, Ypsilanti ; John Spaford, Manchester. Organización and order of business - M. J. Cavanaugh, Chelsea; Michael Puffy, Northfield ; Qeo. B. Schwab, Ann Arbor. Resolutions - Frank Joslyn, Ypsilanti ; C. S. Gregory, Dexter; E. B. Norrie, Ann Arbor. AKTERNOOX SESSION. J. Vr. Sheeban, of the committee on ciedentials, reported 121 delegates present, as follows : Ann Arbor City, First Ward- Gottlieb Luick J. F. Hendereon, J. V. Sheehan, B. F. Watts L. j! Liesemer. Second ward- Dr. J. Kapp, G. B. Schwab P McSernan, T. F. Hutzel. " Thira ward- George Clarken, Chris. Millman lerry Collins, C. Vogel. Fourth ward- Frank Thora, Geo. Miller, Jno. O'Mara, Jno. Carrol, jr. Fiflh ward- Frank Ortman, Oscar Spafford. Sixth ward - C. R. Whitman, E. B. Norris. Ann Arbor Town- Henry Brauu, J. J. Parshail, Thos. Burlinganie, Fred Haas. Augusta- W. R. Russell, F. J. Hammond, F. D O'Brien, Chas. Schmid. Bridgewater-James Hogan, Frank Johnson, Christian Saley, John Soutter. Oexter- Wrn. Arnold, Patrick Rabbit, Thos. McQnillan. Freedom- Chas. Kalmbach, Malthew Schaible, Jacob Knapp, T. S. Flinn. Lima- YV. H. Dancer, Wilüam Covert, J. A. Schmid. Lodo- James Sage, Philip Blum, Michael Eagan, J H. Clough. Lyndon- Jno. Clark, Andrew Bryce, J S. Gorman. Manchester- T. F. Moran, M. D .Case, J. F. paford, C. F. Kapp, B. F. Wade.N. Schmid, Wm. ioeble "orthfield- Matthew SeittOD, Michael Duffy. os. Wall, Eugeue Donegan. ■ Pittefield-Fred Harps, F. E. M ills, C. H. Roberts. Salem- Jno. Vannatta, Thos. Shankland, Thos. l.ane. Saline- Johu Gillen, Daniel Klein, Edward De Puy, John Schafer.Geo. Feldkamp, G. M. Key nolds.' Scio- C. S. Gregory, G.W. Pratt. P. Fitzsimmons A. T. Hughes, Edward Moore, Wm. Aprill. Sharon- Lambert Gieske, Arnold H. Kuhl, W B. Osborn. Superior-Peter L.G111, C. L. Downer, S. Bag ley, B. F. Bennett. Sylvan- M. J. Cavanaugh, Frank Sweatland Fred Killmer, Godfrey Graw, M. Merkle, Matthew Lehman. Webster- John Harris, J. Devine, Jas. Armstrorijí. York- Afred Davenport. A. S. Hayden A. G. Mclntyre , Henry Coe, Jesse Warner. É. B. Hobbs. Ypsilantl Town- G. E. Roberts, Harrison Rathruff, Caleb Eaton. W. W. Voorheis. Ypsilantl City, First ward- Geo. Palmer Geo Ament, Geo. Witmire. Second ward- C. L. Yost, W. H. Hawkins Third ward- Chas. Wilcoxson, G. Cross, H. T Colé. Fourth ward- L. M. Dugan, John Shemeld. Fifth ward- Geo. Bltchel, John Terna, Frank Joslyn, C. A. Nims. The tempirary officer wera made permanent. Resclution as folio ws were adoptad: TheDemocracy of Waehtenaw county in convention assembled, do Itesolve, That we eordially endorse the Democratie uational and state platforms, and the honest and buslness-like administratlon of our courageous and patriotic president, Grover Cleveland. ïhat by excessive and unnecessary taxation, we should cease to draw from the slender means of the poor and needy enormous sums of money to increase the already large surplus ia the treasury, and still more enormous sums to enrich monopolie, trusts, Republiean lumber barous, etc.; That the interests of the producers and consumera of this country will be best subserved by a moderate reductlon of the tariff and the passage of laws prohibiting the formatlon of trusts of every description. That we pledge a solid and unbroken Democratie majority of 2000 for the Democratie national, state, congressional, and county tfckets. As tellers, L. J. Liegemer, N. Schmid, and Jamt s Hogen were appointed. .fUDGK OF PROBATE. C. S. Gregorv presented the name of W. G. Doty ; j. J. Parshnü that of E. B. Pond; and C. R. Whitman that of J. Willard Babbitt, all without speeches. Au infromal ballot for probate judge reut ted as iöllows: Babbitt 9i Pond ....„_. „ ' s Doty .....!!...".."23 Mr. Babbitt was made the candidate unaniraously. SnERIFF. C. S. Gregory, of Dexter, placed Charles Dwyer in nomination. Thos. Lane nomiaated Patrick ü'Hearn, of Ann Arbor; Joseph. Gauntlett, of Milan, waa presented by A. Davenport, of York; T. F. Moran, of Manchester, made a ringing speech for Michael Brenner. P. McKernan, of Ann Arbjr, spoke for George Clarken. Tne firjt informal ballot stood as follows: Dwyer „ 26 O'Hearn „13 Gauntlett 6 Brenner .. 35 Clarken ."!"86 McKone Brenner .Ï....Ï.Ï.."..'..'.' " 1 G. Clarken ...........ï.l 1 The second informal ballot for sheriff resulted as follows : Clarken 35 Brenner ...86 O'Hearn 9 Gauntlett „... , ' " 6 Dwyer j 26 Scattering 6 A formal ballot for sheriff then resulted as follows : Clarken 41 Dwyer 31 O'Hearu „ ".""" 9 Hutchlnson „ „„„ 1 Brenner 37 Gauntlett .."'.'. 1 The second iormal ballot : Clarken 41 Brenner '37 O'Hearn _ „ ''"" 4 Dwyer !."!.'.... """""39 The third formal ballot: Clarken 44 Brenner ' "'35 Dwyer .26 O'Hearn imi The fourth formal ballot : Claiken 39 Brenner _ ]]26 Dwyer „ """49 O'Hearn ....."...... 5 The fifth formal ballot (Mr. Brenner's name was withdrawn): Dwyer 70 Clarken iï Biank „ """.■"":""; i Mr. Dwyer was declared the nominee. REGISTER OF DEEDS. B. F. Watts, of Ann Arbor, presen ted presected the name of J. L. Stone, of Ann Arbor; P. McKernan that of M. Seery Mr. DePuy that of A. J. Warren, of Saline; Dr. C. F. Kappthat ofS. W. Beakef; Frank Joslyn that of Bernard Kirk, of Ypsilanti. The fiist informal ballot resulted as follows: Stone _, 6 Seery „ Warren 16 lieakes, 27 Kirk í Manly ". Scatteriug !!!......... 5 The first formal ballot : Seery 63 Warren 14 Beakes _ 34 Kirk ;.;;;;;; „ Seattering..: _ 1 The second fornul ballot: Seery gg H?akes 33 Warren i Kirk ;■; g Stone ..!!."..".... 5 Mr. Seery was declarad the nominee. PROSECUTING ATTORKET, Mr. Cavanaugh, of Chelsea, presented the name of M. J. Lehman, with a sketch of his early struggles and very great praise. He c!aimed that an important federal officer in Ann Arbor had remarked, "We must down the Dutch I" and tried to play upon the prejudices of the Germán?. Mr. Flynn, of Freedom, supported Lehman. Mrs. Mary Whiting was championed by Frank Ortman, with 8 request that she be allowed to fpeak. C. R. Whitman object - ed and the ehair ruled that she could not be allowed the floor without unanimous consent. Nathan Sutton presented the name of T. D. Kearney. Louis Boyle made an excellent, eloquent speech supporting Mr. Kearney'8 name. M. F. Case, of. Manchester, supported Mr. Lehman's name. The first informal ballot resulted as follows: Lehman 70 Kearney „ 42 Whiting g fr. Lehman was declared unanimously the norninee. CLERK. Fred Howlett was nominated for county clerk by acclamation, on motion of John V. Sheehan. FROM MR. BTKARNS. A telegram to Capt. Schuh, chairman of the county committee, was read as follows: Will run up on expresa two hours late today. Cet there 200 ahead Noy. 6, however, W. Stearns. Capt. Schuh, B. P. Goodinp, C. 8. Gregory and C. Luick were appointed a committee to meet Mr. Steamsr, their candidate for congres?, and invite him to address the convention. COÜNTT TREASURER. Philip Blum, of Lodi, presented the name of Jacob Birkle; Mr. Flinn, of Freedom, that of Jacob Breiniog; Dr. C. F. Kapp, that of August Brehtn, the present deputy tressurer; E. B. Norrm, that of Wra. J. Miller, of Ann Arbor; F. E. Mills, of Pittsfield, that of Henry Paul; T. F. Moran, of Manchester, supported the name of August Brehm. The first infcrnmal ballot resulted as rollow8 : Birkle _ 19 Breining „ . 14 Brehm 39 Miller 26 Paul '.'..'...20 The first formal ballot: Birkle n Breining ■ ' 5 Brehm 52 iiller 31 Paul „ 9 Henry Paul, Jacob Birkle, and Jaoob Breining's names were withdrawD, and the second formal ballot was as follows : Brehm _ rr, Miller „ tZ!.'..!ffl Mr. Brehm was declared nominated. Patrick McKernan and Frank Joslyn were made candidates for circuit couri commÍ6sioner8 by acclamatian. Martin Clark of Aun Arbor, and Dr. E. Batwell, of Ypsilanti, were made candidates for coroners by acclaraation. Charles S. Woodard, of Ypsilanti, was chosen unanimously for surveyor. Willard S'.earn?, of Adrián, appeared upon tbe scène. He tried to hit at gressman Allen by saying that he was drawing $5,000 per year of Democratie money lor misrepresenting a Democratie district. He declared that he would beat Mr. Allen by 2,000 votes if the issue were kept on the tariff. He made pleasing referenees to Captains Manly and Schub, and was given three cheers. Chas. R. Whitman was then made to speak, and he had a good deal to say about trusts and monopolies. Fied Howlett and N. E. Sutton were made delegates-at-large to the senatorial convention. Other delegates were chosen as follow8 : K. B. Norris, Geo. B. Greening, Geo. Schwaib, Eugene Donegan, L. J. Liesemer, T. D. Kearney, B. F. Watts, John L. Düffy, Frank Joslyn, Alfred Davenport, Jacob Knapp, Henry Paul, J. O'Brien, N. Schmid, ï. S. Flinn, H. J. Burtis.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register