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Out of the Breastworks. Tate Springs, Tbnn., July4, 1888. The Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen - Seven years ago I contracted an exceedingly bad case of blood poison. I tried a physician, the best at command, but secured no benefit. My throat began to get sore, and my body covered with sores and ulcers. Going from bad to worse, I feit that my grave must be reached in the near future. I gave up the doctors' treatment, and with a despairing hope I commenccd taking your medicine. I began to improve from the first bottle, and in a short time the ulcers healed, and my skin deared off and was entirely well. One year ago a case of catarrh developed in my system. Tiie physician did his best, but could not cure me ; but two bottles of Swift's Specific gave me permanent relief. J. H. KüBINSON. Kaifman, Tex., June 23, 1888. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen - I have been affiicted with a skin disease for about twelve years, and the best medical treatment failed to give me relief. I am DOW using Swift's Specific, and have recetved the greatest benefit from its use. Yours truly, W.M. Jones. Kor sale by all druggists. Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. New Vork, 756, Broadway. JLondon, Eng., 35 Snow HiO, Diner (o slow waiter)- Sjtne roast beef, well done, pj'aties anda glas of beer. Waiter - Yes. sir; anything else, sir? Diner - Ye-, I'd likfl it this alternoon. - Judge. A Jiiolicc dl riir Peaee Hay. Hon. John Nealey, justice of the peaee and ex metnber of ihe hoii'e of Represenlatives from Meredith, N. H , was for twelve a terrible sufferer with iheuma'ism. He says: I cannot obtain any medicine which does me so much good as your Sulphur Bitters, and I thiok t is the best m;dicine made. Vernon - Charley, what wa Quilo dis - eharged from the repartorinl staff for? Charley - Wrote h r sort letter and didu'i spedk of Mr-. Cleveland. - Cartoon. is warranted, is because it is the best Blood Preparation known. It will positively cure all Blood Diseases, purifies the whole system, and tlioroughly builds up th constitution. Remember, we guarantee it John Moore, Druggist. Wliat bridge is wanautcd to support any slraib? Tne hruif;u if a Bddie. VTiri: - Let'a try ffibbnr'l's Rhtumatic Syrup. Everywhere I ga 1 hear it spoken of in great praise ns a tonic acd opetizer. The Peruvian goTernmeot ba seized all the railroaits in the onntrv, and there is a Peruoian bnrk and bowl ti'OB one end of the land to the other. - Piciynne. I'"or want of a Horse Blanket the horse For want of a horse the erop was lost. For want of a erop the farm vas lost. All for want of one of these 5á Horse Blankets. 5A Five Mile. Bas FIvo Miles of Warp Thrtads W 5A Boss Stable. JS B Btrongest Home Elanket Mds. WA 5A Electric. tKVJrM Jast the thing for Out-DoortXfi MA 5A Extra Test. B Êm H, Soaietliing New, Very BUong. 30 other styles At prlces te snit everybodj For sale by all dealers. [Copyrighted 1888, liy Wu. Ayses & Sons.] ""CHICAGO TRUSS." rtSpiral Spring XYuas, lltnd Rubber Pad; Clean, Durable. Cheap. Approved by the hlghest Medical Authority. Worn day and night by an Infanta week old or an Adult 80 j-eare. Easily adjusted. It meets all forms of Serotal.FermoraJ.ïnguinal and Imbllical Ileruia, lu botli Infants and Adulta. Satlsfactiou guaranteed in 11 cases Auy desirable pressure obtained. If our drugelst does uot keep this Tiuss, enclose tanips and iiddress, P CHICASO TRISS CO.,;... III. OFFICE AND FITTING ROOM, 133 K. Itanrtolph St , T. Y. KAYNE. Manaiíkr. Sold by Ann Arbor Uruggisis.


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