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A. E. Jenninga ,'89, has returned to get ready for the final pulí. Silas Tolbert - drunk - two dollars and costs before Justice Pond. Chas. Wells, of Chicago, is visiting his tnother on South State-st. ffm. Bates vu &ent to for tbirty dayg, Tuesday, for being drunk. Houses for rent are being rapidly taken on the near opening of the University. Miss Carrie Gelston has accepted a position in the high school of Battle Creek. Koch & Henne shipped nearly a car load of furniture to Battle Creek, last Saturday. Luscious peaches from islands near Tolodo are on our markets at reasonable rates. The Art club will be organized at Miss Hunt's studio at the Tappan school building next Monday. The tanned and mosquito-bitten summer resorters are now returning to their comiortable homes. The building contractorsof the Christian association hall will have the walls ready for the roof by Oct. 1. Geo. Moore, the grocer, will occupy the store in the Nickels block, State-st, now uBed by Sheehan & Co. It is a great relief, especially to sickly and nervou9 women, to have the noisy school vacation come to a close. Mrs. J. T. Jacobs, with her daughter Ciar Josie, left Monday for Columbus, O., to attend the wedding of her sister. Mrs. A. Matthews has sold her house and lot on north Division-st, and will go to Georgia next week to build there. The ground was broken last Monday morning for the foundation of the church building of the Disciples of Christ. Jennie, daughter of James Donegan, of Third ward, died Aug. 29, sged 9 months. Funeral Aug. 30, at 3 p. m. Voorheis & Dietas, Siate-st, merchant tailorg, will occupy the Granger store now occupied by Geo. Moore about Sept. 15. Dr. Adams, pa3tor of the M. E. church at Dexter, baptized 22 and received 31 persons in full membership on Sunday last. Wm. Taylor, of Ann Arbor township, was gored by a buil on Monday, and had three ribs broken, and lungs injured. He will recover. Mrs. Dowdigan, the boarding-house keeper, has purchased the residence ot A. L. Olds, on E. William-st, and takes passession at once. It is possible that Dr. Ryder's permanent successor will be chosen Sept. 19, as action with reference to a choice will be taken at that time. Wm. Salyer & Co. will soon open a bakery and confëctionery business in the store now occupied by Hazen & Taylor on E. Washington-st. The illnes8 of her daughter called Mrs. W. A. Hatch to Bay City last Saturday. They will both return as soon as her daughter is well enough. At the close of the next Sunday morning service the Presbyterian church society will hold a meeting to take measures for securing a pastor. A gentleman of this city has brought out this season thirty varieties of potatoes, some of them very rare and beautiful. They will be on exhibition at our county fair. John Haarer will occupy his nice new brick store on W. Liberty-st next month. He will open a new feature in the book trade by keeping an assortment of German books. Silas Tolbert was found drunk in an alley, Sunday, and arrested. Upon pleadicg guilty he was sent to jiil (not to exceed JO days) until he could pay $2 and $4.95 coatB. E. K. Frueauff spent Monday at Dundee. He says the Dundee Fuel Gas Co. aie einking a well at the rate of 60 feet a day, being 225 feet below the surface already. Gas, oil, or China ! The combination of lauudry men in Ann Arbor is mostly for mutual protection against "dead beats." The only raise in price is on pleated shirts to 12J cents, and in some cases on woolen shirts from 8 to 10 cents. Jasper Imus, deputy game and fish warden, sayshe has planted some 60,000 brook trout in fast-running streams of this uounty, and finds on inspection that the fish are growing finely. Trout planted three years ago are now spawning. Welch post, G. A. R., of Ann Arbor, will attend the National encampment and procure a banner. The Soldiers' association of southeastern Michigan, including Washtenaw, will have no encampment, but will meet Sept. 11 at Colurnbus. The Ann Arbor Improvement company will offer lots C and 15 in block 5, range one east, in Maynard's addition, for sale to highest cash bidder Sept. 10. Itis known as the capsule building property. It is rumored that Frank Prettyman has purchaaed the capsule works. Samuel Owen, of Plum st, disappeared last week Monday, and his friends are much worried about him. He had been sick for some time, and it is feared that he is deranged in mind. He is about 5 feet 5 inches in height, and was dressed in a brown coat and black vest. George Gilberr, who has so long been the efficiënt conductor of the postal mail service on our railroads, says it is no desirable position,- is full of hard work and strain on the mental and nervous system. He says a short time since he carne out of Chicago with 11 tons of mail matter. Elizabeth, widow of the late Norman Gilbert, of the Fourth ward, died Aug. 31, aged 78 years, 2 months and 19 days. The funeral was held at the house, Sept. 2. She left several ehildren, Henry, Erastus and George, all well known in Ann Arbor; James in Chelsea, Norman in Iowa, and Frank in New York. She was a member of the Congregational church. Joseph Burns, 14 years oíd, son of Edward Burns, living on North State-st, while running and jumping last Sanday afternoon, broke his leg. Rav. W. W. Ramsay will preach his last sermón in Ann Artor next Sunday. The conference meets next Wednesday in Central M. E. church in Detroit. Ribert Stoll, the lad of 14 that had a pocket full of keys with which be tried doors on Main-st, was sent to the Reform school at Linsing, Aug. 27, to remain until he is 17. Jennie, wife of S. W. Merrihew, of Superior, died of blood poison Sept. 2, aged 17 year?, 9 months and 16 days. Tlie funeral was held Monday at 2 o'clock at Leiand church. Harold Hovey, youngest son of He nry Clements, of Bay City, died in Ann Arbor at James Clements' on State-st, Sept. 4, aged 2 years, 11 month9 and '24 days. He was taken to Bay City Sept. 5 for burial. J. T. Jcob, Welsh Post, 137, has been appointed aide-de-camp and requested to report to the acting adjutant general at Columbus, O., to take part in the grand reunión at the National encampment tobe held there Sept. 11. Steward Wade has been doing excellent work on the campus this vacation, and everything will be in good order when the great crowd of students arrivés. It looks now as if the University will be as targa in numbers as last year. Fred Morley, '86, has secured a responsible and lucrative government position as inspector bu the Suy Island Levee, between Hannibal and Louisiana, Mo. The passage cf the river and harbor b 11 increased the demand for engineers. Miss Grace E. Raffensperger, of Toledo, O., now visitingMrs. J. D. Dautermann, of 5. Main-st, has received a letter from Jacksonville, Fia., which was fumigated with sulphur fumes before leaving Jacksonville, as a precaution against spresding yellow fever which is so prevalent there. The Third ward Republicar. club met again last Friday evening and elected Edwin O. Come first vice president ; Henry A. Kyer, 2d v. p.; Dr. J. A. Dell, treasurer ; executive committee, Zanas Sweet, H. W. Bowen, Thomas Kearns, C. H. St. Clair, and J. J. Fisher. Another meeting next Friday evening. Judjre Harriman came up sunny and cheerful this morniug, declaring that he feit easier and was out of politics. He remarks, however, that if John J. had been nominated for probate judge, there would have been sorae fun in county politics. A large number are regrettin the retirement of so capable an officer as Judge Harriman. The Democratie legislativo convention of the 6rst district of Washtenaw met yesterday and the first informal ballot for candidate for repreeentative in the legis'.ature resulted as tollows : Black, 1; E. B. Pond, 1; W. H. Mclntyrp, 1; W. G. Doty, 1; Geo. M. Doupal, 3; F. Pistorious, 3; Ñ. E. Sutton, 8; J. J. Robison, 4; H. T. Morton, 1; J. V. N. Gregory, 28. Mr. Gregory was made the candidato. The latest "Burchardism" has fallen from the lips of Cavanaugh. You all heard what he said about "downing the Dutch." Of course he was affecting to quote Edward Duffy, but the postmasier says that the statement is absolutely false, tbat Cavanaugh is the first person that he had ever heard make the remark, that this same gentleman now refuses to give his authority for the alleged quotation and that it was all siraply a malicious and despicable attempt to pander to the Germán element. Mr. Duffy is thoroughly indignant and disgusted.


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