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TO FARMKRS-We have about 100 lbs. stoot Twine, good for bag swings, and hanrty to have around at any time. Will sell it cheap. Rröistik Ofpick. TUK DADralfl.o!;niglnPh"1T lllO Ar til at the Newspar Ailver J rSTÍ J J2 tMng Agency oí ïmm H. W. AVER ON. oor autboriied agBts. 3PA GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878, (ál BAKER'S IL&Brtfasita. Bñ0ÍS Warranted abfolntely pure Muf Cocoa, f rom which the ni of BigwBL Oil ha been removed. It ha thia 1 Au!tt fï e etrength f Cocoa mixed Bflf [I WVn h Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, jij r I fll aail in tbercforo far more econominl cal, cottmg Ittt than one ernt a ■ III fl u9 i' k delicioua, nouriahing, I I I fl H rlïlrvnirthf Qtntr. eaatly dlgexted, and n n IBadmirably adaptad for Invalida as nU ( i, 'ÍM we" M for r"'reoPfl '" b'ftlth5ir Sld by Broeore Terjwhtrt. ?. BAEB & CO., Dorchcster. Mass, PATENTS FRANKLIN H. HOUGH, Solicitor of American & Foreim Patents, 9ÍS5 V St., near ü. S. Patent Otticr, WASHINGTON, D. C AU business bfore tbe United Stat FMaat Ofliceattended to for moderate Ie ü. Pu tenis procured lutlie United Htatesndiill r"orei"n Countries. Trad Markt avd labtU registered Rejeoted applications rpvived :tnl prosecuted. Information and advice as to obtalniu Patentseheerfullyfurnislied withoatcharg Send Sketch or Model for free opinión as to patentabüity. Copies of Patenis furnislied for Z cente each. ■ Correspondenoe invited. A UiO JTJirJiitSt p. itoweUic Co'i Nuwspap- wuactsraay U nuda tor It 191 AKW XOBkX mTynirwmTOirMlNln V U I U U lf ha. we can help yon to do it. We IlliilT tnaknaml iwli a iurffft UneorhAu?nAN f ■olu P'alt.ii that are imld by ■iMiii AiMta, ennbitlns of RwlInliiR Tfl Chairs.SitringBcdisClotbeHWriiur. I (I r-H CJiKks, Photograph Albaanl, ■iiiii' Itiklm, liooku, Siiiyina UiuiK, LafO Mflllr. CurtUns. Ktc. Th Lanrit and . " ". Bent lii of AffPBta' ftooift oDfered te L07ELL HF5, Co, Sos 552, Eris, Fl Mcr.tion thi.s lair when you write. Sale. Deíaiilt having been made in the eonditlona of a Mortgage execnted by Jefferson Lewia aml Rachel Lewin, hts wie, to Adelia C. Cheever bearlnsr date October 21, ]88, and reeorded in the office of the Register of Peedt. for Wafhtenaw CountT, Michigan, october 21.1886, in Liber7 of Mortgages. on page 102, which Morteage via ■""'I5n('d fcy "'! Adelia C. Cheever to il Roy c Noble by deed of asslgnment. dated December 6 1 h. ■ recIorded ia R&iJ PegiBter's office, in Liner 9, of awignmentn of mortgages, on page SStt by whioh defanlt the power of sale contained. in said Mortgage became operative, and no snit or proeteding in law or equüy having been instkuted to recoTer the debt tecured by said Mortgage or any part thereof, and the sum o( two hnndred and thirty-three and 50-100 dollar (Í233.S0J beinar now claimed to be due upon said Mongnge. Notice is therefore hereby given that said Morlgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the Mortgaged premises therein dcribt or some part thereof, to wit: All the followine dtsoribed land kituated in the City of Ann Arbor Michigan, vit: Lot No. Three in Block No Five North of Hiuon Sireet in Range No. Fourteen Ea.vt secording to the recorded plat of the EaMern Addition tofaid city, at public vendue on the Sixteenth day of November next, at ten o clock in the forencoon, at the Huron street entrance to the Court Honse. in the atv of Ann Arior in said Cnnnty of Washtenaw, that beini; the place of holding the Circuit Court in said foiinty. Dated AUguM Hth, 1888. N. W. CHEEVER, A.toín?yY & N0BLE' At8lgnee"CHICAGO TRU8S." .Xtiï Spiral Spring Trust. Hard Ituhher Pad; Clean, Durable, Cheap. Approved by the highest Medical Authority. Worn day and night by an lnfant a week old or an Adult 80 years. EaHly luljwittd. It meets all forms of Scrotal.Fermoral, Inguinal and Umbilical Hernia, in both Infanu and Adulta. Satisfaction guaranteed in all case. Any desirable prensure obtained. If your druggist doen not keep this Tiuss, enclose Mam pc aud afldrens. lllltrai tki ss -o.. IlifMjrn. III. OFFICE AND FITTING ROOM. 122 E. Randolfih St , T. Y. KAYNK. MaJUGXB. Sold by Ann Arbor Druggists. i_ noK' mtton Rooi romponml.- Commfë&i posi f Cotton Root, Tanay and PennyntMGlat royal. SKft(KiliilH Safe, ■ itfA Kffwtnnt. I'le.isnnt. il by mail, ordrugV w f pist s. Spalrï pnrtlci'lars'JsiaTnns. Ladies V VÍaddrí POND Ll.v CCMPANV, mJ 181 W liv ird ave.. Jjftrolt. Micfc. -i.,u' ni A : 1 1 1 Aiboi L a:. -iruggists.


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Ann Arbor Register