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Peculiar Peculiar in combination, proportlon, and preparation of ingredlents, Hood's Sarsaparilla poBsesscs the curative Talue oí the bes known IJJ dies of toe vegetable MOOQ Skingdom. Peculiar in its strength and economy, Hood's Barsaparffla is tho only medicine of which ean truly be sald, " One Hundred Dosea One Dollar." Peculiar in its medicinal mérito, Hood's Sarsaparüla accomplisbes cures hitherto unS;Sarsaparilla the title of "The greatest blood porifier erer discovered." Peculiar ín lts "good name at home,"- there is more of Hood's Barsaparill sold In Lowell than of all other blood purifler8. Peculiar In its phenomenal record of O-.-l! - „sales abroad no other PeCUliar preparaUon ever attalned so rapidJy not heM so steadfastl; the eonfidcnco of all classes of people. PecuMar ia Uie brain-work which it represent, Hood's Sarsaparilla eonv bines all the knowledge wliich modern reearch.f + _f n medical sclence has IO llSCII dereloped, wlth many yearg practical experience In preparing medicines. Bo sure to get ooly Hood's Sarsaparilla 8oMbylldnifigt. fljttacforfs. Praptred onl7 by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothacarie. Lowvll, Mmt. IOO Doses One Dollar Special Announcement! New Millinery Parlors ! AT RANDALL'S, 30 E. HURÓN ST., ON Tlmday, friaj and Saiurday, OC5TOBEB 4th, 5th and 6th, 1888 The Latest Parisian and New York Styles. This department will be in charge of an experienced and competent Milliner of New York City. A Cordial IaTltaUn ta itfl' to all


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