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Fiftieth Congress

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Wasbinütos, Sept 2T.- In tne Sonate yesterday the question of establishing inqueste under National authority and the tariff question were discussod. Retaliation measures were also considered. The name of John H. Oberly, of Illinois, to be Commissioner of Indian Affairs, v:ce John D. C Atkins, resigned, was recuivod from the President Washington, Sept. 88. - Senator Chandler's resolution providine; for au inquiry into the last Louisiana elertion iavolving the choioe of United States Senator was the subject of a bitter debate n the Senate yesterday between Senators Spooner (Wis.), Chandlor (N. H.) and Coke (Tex.). Adjourned to Monday next. Washington, Oct 2. - In the Senate yesterday a resolution was offered in regard to the circular of General Benet directing the discharge of KopnbUöaB employés from the United States arsenals, stating that under it honorably-discharged soldiers of the Union anny and widows and daughters of soldiers h:.d been diseharged. A message was received from tha President announcing his approval of tha Chinese Exclusión bilí, bot favoring the admission of Chinamen en route to America. WASffiscTON, Oct. 8 -The bill appropriating $100,000 to aid the yellow fover sufferers was passed in the Senate yesterday. A resolution was adopted authorizini? Mr. Hale's Committee on Civil-Scrvico Keform to continuo its sossionB during the recesB. A resolutlon was introduced requesting the President to negotiate treaties with the Governments of England and Moxico for the exclusión of Chinese laborers from the North American continent and íor the prevention oí their entranee into the United States. THE HOUSK. Washinston, Bept. 27.- In the House yesterday the bilí forfeitingcertain Northern Pacific land grants was passod. The Senato amendraente to the General Deflciency Appropriation bilí were nonconcnrred ia and a conference was ordered. Washington, Sopt. 28.- In the House jesterday the report of the referees on the Sundry Civil appropriation bill was afreed to. The bill providinR for u (cneral Superintendent of the Railwav ilail Service at 14,000, an Assistant Superintendent at $3,000, a chief clerk at t2,000, and as many other clerks as may be nectasary at $t,5O9 was discussed. Washington, Bept. 2a- In the House yesterday a resolution calling on the Becretary of the Treasury to state whether this department had informition of any violation of the navigation laws was adopted. At the evening sessio n thirtyone private pension bilis were passed. Washington, Oct. 2. - In the House yeBterday a bilí was introdnccdfora constitational amendment provding that one-third of the members of each house sball constitute a quorum. Ovor thirty leaves of absence wero prantcd to members, leaving that body wtth 100 less than a quorum. Washington, Oct. 3.- In the House yesterday tbo Senate bill allowing persons who have abaudoned or relinquiahed their homestead entiies to make othor entries was passed. OTHEB KOTKK. ■Washington, Sept 2S. - A majority report of tho Utuh Commission recommending an amendment to the constitution prohibiting polygumy lias been filed with the Secretary of tbe luterior. Washington', Sept. 29.- The majority report of the Utah Coinmission, signed by O. L. D. Goifrey, B. Williams and thur L. Thomas, waa reccived yesterday by the Becrctary of the Interior. The recommendation of tho last annual report is renewed that Utah should not bo admitted to the Union until such time as the Morïnon peoplo shaü manifest by thelr future acts that they have abaudoned polygamy in good faith, and not Uien unlil an amendment shall have been made to the Constitution of tho United States prohibiting the practice of polygamy. Washisoton, Oct. Z- The President has signed the act to créate boards of arbitration or commissions for settling controversies and difforences between railroad corporations and other common carriers engaed in inter-State and Territorial transportation of property and pas■engers and their employés. Washington, Oct. 8. - The roduction in the publio debt during September amount ed to $12,247,026, and for the three months of the current fiscal year tï3,70,000. The net cash in the Treasury is (96,445,845, against tlO7, 673,820 on Beptembar 1. The gold fund balance in the Troasury has decreased nbout $9,000,000 duritig the past month, and now amounts to (197,713,115, and the silrer fuuJ balance, exclusivo of $6,334,103 trade dol'.ar bulhon, is t34,5U,663, or about 8,250,000 less than on September last. National bank depositarles at present hold 157,317,385 of Government money, or about a million and three-quarters less than a month ago. Government receipt durinpr September aggregated $31,698, 174- {2,000,000 less than during September last year. Receipts from all sources for the first quarter of the fiscal yearwere S97,526,253, against $102328,i97 for the first quarter of 18S7. Kxpenditures for the quartor were {80,161,197, against 80,825,142 for the flrst quarter of 1S87.


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