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OCR 85 CE.VT COLUMN. Adveitlseinents, such as To Rent, For Sale, and Wants, not exceeding three Unes, can be inserted three weeks for 83 fcnis. HARDY flowerlng shruta of various sorts. Stroag plantó, Wc each. Hsrdy flower garden roots, 10c and 12c e&ch. Hardy roses of ÊOrts, and clematus of aorta Jas. Toma, Florist, Miller Are. HYACINTHS and Tnlips for the garden, 30c and 50c per doz. Narcissus, 30a per doz of sorts. Orocuses of sorts, 3 doe , 26c. Jas. Toms, Florlst. MUler Ave. ORESIDENTIAL Hat Rack now on sale at fjohnson's Bazaar, on Ann-st. ADDRES3 Isaac N. Aldrlch, 44 Miller Ave., for the "Dandy Pillow Sham Holder," latest improved ; attached to back of bedstead instead of the front, will not get out of order. MISS BERTHA D. HrLL will take a Hmited numbar of Piano Pupils after Oct. lst. Inquire at 51 South Tbayer SC WANTED- A first elass girl at the City Laundry to learn to staren. WANTED- A competent seamstress and dressmaker to do faznily sewing in the house. Apply 44 S. Iugalls-st. First three (working) days or week. YÏ7ANTED- Young Lady Room Mate. Board TT firstclass, and elegant room, for Ï3. Address "Young Lady," care Register Office. WANTED -Three young men to learn Shorthand and pay half their tuition by doing ligbt work. Cali at once. S. A. Moran, 84 S. State St. Office hours 1 to 2 p. m. VXANTED- A housekeeper wlth good referV V ence. Address J. 8. Mann, box 1119, City. IJROF. LIVINQSTON'S French system of dresseut ing: also patterns cut to measuremtnts. Maggie L. Norton, No. 14 N. 12th-st. FOUND on sidewalk, small amount of money. The owner can flnd it with J. S. Hammond, No. 22 Ueddes Ave . Anu Arbor. FOUND on the street, a Satohel. Please cali at 63 E. North-it. A. W. Britten. On ornear the Campus.a Ladies' Silver -i Chattelaine Watch, with a bow of plaid ribbon tied in the handle. Please leave at University Steward's office. LOST- A Purse, Saturday, Oct. 5th, on Staie-st., between the Univerelly and Bowery st , containing money, a receipt, and owner's name. licward, if property is returned to li Jefferson-st. LOST- A Leather Trunk, with the letters " I. T. J.'1 paiated on one end. Please send iuformation to Keoistke Office, or to undersigned, N. W. Cheever. FARM- Anyone wishing to sell. address Eu K. Frueauff 48 3. Main, Ann Arbor. ITOR SALE- My undivided one-half of a Farm. . situakd three miles E. of Ann Arbor, and known as the Howe and North Farm. Address me at 1223, Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Mra. Eliia North. ÍlOR SALE, CHEAP - Good, stout l'ony. Cau 1 be seen at 36 a. 12th-st. LT'OR SALE.- A side spring buggy in good conPdition, fto sale cheap at 21 S. Fifth-st LARGE NEW HOUSE, with ore or two Iota, for sale or exchange for smaller property, If not sold, will be for rent. J. P. Judson, South Uiiiverstty Ave. IOR SALE- House and Lot. No. 32 8. Thayer . 6t. ín good repair, and a new baru. Terms easy. Enquire of Judge Harriman. FOR SALB-A good, new Milco Cow. mile north of Delhi Mills. Wm. W. Tubba. UOR SALE -A first clafs fimily Horse. Cali at JC Bchuh & Mueblig's, 31 South Main St. tpOE SALE.- A lot, Uve by four rods, at the north east córner of North and Second Street. Good building lot D. Cramer. ÍfOR SALE- A good No. 9 Cook Stove, wood or ' coal, at S9 E. iiurou-st tfOR SALE- A good cherry Writing Table and BookCase. Enquire at Randall's Art Store.or 44 S. Division-Ft. I. B. Bent 1?OR SALE AT A BARGAIN.- A 1091 acre farm within 3 miles of Mexico, Mo. Cali on or addresa Laketian A Barnes, Mexico, Mo. FOR SALE- A yery fine lot of Suffolk Spring Pigs. Wm. W. Tubbs, Delhi MillB. REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Houses and lotsvalued from tl.UOO to S6,u and containlug from one-fifth of an acre to nvvnty acres- ah in the city limite. Uoues reuiea un reasonable term n central localities. Farms exclianged tor city property. Enquire of 1. Q. A.8ESSIONS, 632tf Attorney and Real Eswte Agent. Office over Express Office, Main St, Ann Arbor. CXffl BALK OR RKNT- No 7 Wllmot-st, house F of 9 rooms, 2 alcoves, and 5 closet aud city water. Inquire at 17 Wilmot-st. FOR RENT- Pleasant Suite of Rooms, 65 S. 4th JStcor. of Packard. IT'OR RENT- Hart of House, at No. 60 S. Fifth ■T Bt Enquire at 36 8. Maln-st. jOR RENT.- A part of a Urge, convenient V house, also unfuruihhed rooms, corner of Jefferson aud División. Inquire at 47 División. I?OR RENT.- Oct. lst. dweiling over Brown & . Cady's store ou State st. Inquire of them, or J. I). Baldwin. 170R RENT-Stoinway Piano, good order. 14 8. Uuiversity Ave. ROOMS- One Suite aui one single room furniahed qr unfarnished, at 'M 8. ));vision-st. TTNFl KNISHED Suite of Kooms, at No. 60 8 U Fiftfa-st. Jinqulre at 36 3. Main-st. TO RENT.- Aftcr the flrst of September, two storts on State-st, Opposhe University. In quireofJ.H. Nlckela. BRICK HOUSE.- 49 Washington to rent. One thousaud or flvehundred to loan. D. Cramer. íiQi) per nionth. Good agenta wanted of both ÜPOV sexes. Business honorable and permanent. New plan of woik, Address with stamp, M. Le'gh, lock bos 321, Jackson, Mich. BOOK LOST,- A volume of Cheever's JJrobate Iaw bas disappeared from the Probate oflirc, containing notes and references of value maiuly to the owuer. Anyone fiuding and returning this book will be liberally rewarded. W. D. Harriman. FOR 8AI-E OR RENT.- $1400 house, seven rooms, 35 Monroe-st, one biock from campus. Enquire at 90 VVashingtonst. 8. D. Allen. 17OK SALE.- Uoose ana lot So. 44 Washington1 st. Apply of N. YV. Cheever, No. 10 Nortti 4thst FOR SALE- A phfeton in good repair. Price 8S.00. Also a eanopytop two seated phaeton, good as new. Price $100.00. Cost Ï175 00. Enquireat86S. State-st. tf FOR SALE- Building Lott, fconting west side Mann st. Extra view; Sizes to suit; long time for payments. J. 1). Pupean, 76 Mlller Ave. LOANING- Money to loan on flrst clus real estáte mortgages at current ratos of interest. Satlsfactory arrangement made with capitalista deairing such investment. Every conveyauce and transaction in abstracte of titlt carefully eiamlned as to legal effect. Zlna P. Kin, Ann Arbor Mich. 2 tf. '


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Ann Arbor Register