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e Loo ÜABiNS are not recommended as model habi tations for modern people. But Warner's Log Cabin Sarsnparilla nd VVarner's "Tippecanoe" are the simple but effective cocnpounds which enabled the rngged pioneers to maintain health, and oan be Bafely recommended to all. Keep a bit ot pmery paper in your workbox for brighteniug and sharpenirg ueedles. ÍW t an( re''lle Medicines are the best VJVW to depend upon. Acker's Blood Elixir has been prescribed for y ears for all impuritieaoftheBlood. IneveryformofScrofulous, Syphiliticor Mercurial diseaaes, itis invaluable. ForRlieumatism.haanoequal. John Moore, Druggist. Tho eccentricitiep that have been laid at the door ol Amelia Rives d.d not display thenitelves at Newport in the person of Mrs. C'hanler. She was quiet and dignified si d seemed to take bnt liule pleaeure in the fuisome flatttry showered upon her by Mrs. Leo Hunter aod hersatellites. HÖN'T SCÖLD a man for groaning hen he has Bheumatdsm or Neuralgia. The pain is simply awfuL No torture in the aueient times was more painfol than these twin diseases. But--oughtn't a man to be blamed if, baving Rheumatism or Neuralgia, he wont use Ath-lo-pho-ros, when it has cured thousands who have euffered in the same way ? It has cured hundreds sfter physieiaa8 have pronounoed them incurable. "The skill of fire phdclu couM not care me of Rheumatism which had setüad in the hips. neck and shoolders. So intense was thepain that sleep was almost impoBble. The firHt dose of Athlophoros ave me relief, and the third enabled me to sleep for foor and a half hours without waking. I contimied its nse. and ajn now well." Rby. S. H. TBOYER, Now Albany, Ind. JÖSond 6 cents for the beautifal colored picture, " Moorlsh Maiden." ' THE ATHLOPHOROS CO. 112 Wall Si. N.Y. BUSINESS CARDS. ALKX. W. HAMILTON Attorney ut I.w. Wil! pracücein both State and United StaUi Courte. Office Rooms, oue and two, lst floor oí the new brick block. corner of Huron and Fourth Streete, Ann Arbor, Michlg&n. (Office over First National Bank.) Hoces: 10:30 to 12 m. and 2:30 to3:30 p.m. Can be reeched atresidcDoe, Weit Huron-st., a the "Prof. Nichol píate"; bytelphone No. 97 nd will reply to cali in the evening. r E. WILLIAMB, lllorncj at Lavr, Hilan, Mieb. Meney loaned for outside parties. All legal Lu8inese given prompt attention. O. HOWELL, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEOJÍÍ. OrFiCK in Masonic Block, ROOM 4. irleptasue tonnfrtions. Ann Arbor. WE W. NICHOLS, DENTAL PARLORS over Savings Bank opposite Oourt House Square. Teeth extracted without pain by use of Gas or Vitalized Air. jM RX7PTTJR.H; ! irrBTln EQAN'S IMPKRIAL TRU8B. lfli Spirni Spring with graded prea snre 1 to 6 pounds. Worn day anti C night by an Infant a week oW oi adultofSO yeare. Ladies' Trusse =_i a specialty. Kncloae stampa 10' i", 5k Testimoniáis of Cures, measure■Pments, etc EGAN'd IMFEHIA1 TRUSS CO., Hamilton BlocU, Ann Albor, Mich. WM. BIGGS. ttactcr 1 Mlisr And all tiinds of work in counctlon ith the aboye r mp!j exflcatea. -Sr.op Cor. Of Church-st and üuiversity ave. Telephone 9 ; P. O. Box l-'4. ■ILLIAÏS: LBOXr24 SELLS 1847 EOiERS BROS.1 KUS, FÖRKS AND KITlTEd, At ■ct.tom price?. engraviu ■ todoo iull line of the jastly celebi f K f ROOfO'ORD VH-AZ.TB.iiM fuií. ELGIN WATCIÍES open ;sce Key aud 6tem-wlndiu . iRye ; oabaail aad regnlMsd, refuJyJr ouuii '■ pocket. If 70-1 cumotnadthii getone oöobwrtm: & Co ye-gliuet. or bpeota'lcs for swe by Wü. AKNaLü,36ifAiBat. Ann Arbor, M-.i L Who is WEAH, HERVOIJS. "J: TED, who in nis 'FOLtT and ieWOBAMCB buTBIfLED away hls VIGOR of BOBT, MI HD and MABiHOOD,Mwng MSi5 drains upon the FOIIBÍTAIN8 of MFJB. Dreams, WEAKHE88 of Memory, BASHFOX?!!) in SOCIETY, "JE5 nP" the FACE, and all the EFF KJ{2gII2f EABLT DECAY and perhays COBÍSBMPTION or IM8AKITY, shoulaconsjüt at once the CELEBRATED br. ";, Jtotabltehed lffil Dr Ciarte has made MERVOITS EBIÍITY. CHRQSIC and all Dtaeases of "S OENITO IIRIKABY Organ a Ufo Stndy It makes NO diflerence WHAT yon hare taken or WHO has falled to cnre you. -FEMAl.ESsufleringfromdigeasespecnHar to their sex can consult wlth the aBsnrnco of speedy ieliof and cure. 8end 2 cents postag for works on your diseases. end 4, cents poetago tor Celebrated Works on diromlc, Ser?oi and DeUat Diseases. Consultation, PeonaUyor by letter ffee. Consult the oM Botor. Thoasand cnred. Offices and parlón prHr" te" W-Those contemplaUng Wrta8 Lnd for r. Ctarfce'. bratedgie Hle and Female, each 15c., botb 26o. (stampsVTBefore confidlng yonr case, consult STéÈARKE. A friendly letter or cali may gave future uffering and shame. and add golden vp tn llft 4-Book " IJfe' (Secret) Kr ÍSS " 6to '(staipfl). Medicine and writings n'everyUere lecure ftome.RO.-re. Houre, 8 to 8 ; SundayB, to 12. A ddress, F. D. OLABKB, M. D. Merrill Block, Detroit, Micb.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register