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r-b-o-o ! C-b-o-ü C-h-o-oü! Don't sneez ■, vneeze, híwk, hawk, spit, blow, acd disgust, everybody with ycur offensive breath. If ycu have acrid, watery discharges from the nose and eye-', t'-iroat disease, cansirjg chokiog sensatmns, cough, ringins noises in head, splittitg headache and other sympioms of nasal caturrh, remember thm the mar.ufactut ers of Dr.Sfiffe's catarrh Remedy offfr, in good fsith. $500 reward for ;i cush of cainrrh whicb they cannot cure. Tne R-medy is so!d hy drugsjists at only 50 ceut. Aocordiog to Alphonsse Dudet Jiierary peopl'-, as a in' e, have a honor oï musió. Leconte de Lis-leand Banville shre in this opinión. The moment a piano opens mcourt frowns and Z la tolluws suit. Daudet Blone amoriii his esptcial iMitou:age 1ovp9 musio maiily. in a gottl. CM&DTIIIP Sufficient to stop ia five OmnílllliU minutes the narting, tinging pain of roa burns or scalds. It wlll stop the paiu as sooa as . _ _ applkd. PnilPUIMP Abundance to cure a score uUUUniilU of colds and the coughing that often leads the way to CoDsumption. It wiu. to rnvELV cate a Cough in 15 minutes. U H ' n I il U dozen children Cholcing Croup. One minute alter the lint dW the hardest attack HBHBMMHBBai oí Croup wül be rclieved. UlUrC7IMf Plenty to relieve the opprcl MIiLLLIIIU o and wheeuof ol th n.ttit severe case of Asthma. The direct cures of Asthma by this medicine are groofs that Dr, Thomas' Eclectric OU has __ __ _ __ o equal as an AsUuu cure. 't In the above cases Dr. Thomas' Eclectric OU caa he relied upott. It bas Wen relief to thousands Keep it in your house, There is haidrj ■ ede the year it wül not be useful. Sew Ádverüsements Sis Men Wanted ! AI A Pleisant aai Rsmnne?itÍT3 Emplcyasnt Organizlng Fraternal Hnclctiex. Libtral Kemuneraiion. APhilanthropif Btivines. KasllyWaroeO. Grows pleasauter witii praolice. Wrile fbriuformatton and termp. Adtlress ritOTCcrr iionn ifHixi'. SHARON. UKBCKR CO.. PA. TO ADVERTISBRS Ali8toflO"0 new!iiapcr?clh-iIert into STATEN AND 8ECTIOSS will be sent on appliratlou - FRCK. To those who want tht-ir fldvertisiïis: to pay, we can offer no better meiïinm lor ihornugt) and ertective work than the various sectlons of our 'le! I.IK' I.IS!. OEO. P ROWEtT, L; .. Newspaper Advertstng rureaii. 10 spruca street. New Vork. guaraÏÏÏeed to outwear T Iany custom-made corset I MAYER. STROUSE CO. I MFRS.-4IZ BROADWAY. Af-V-M. TO FARMERS- We have about 100 lbs. stout Twine, good for bag strinss, and handy to have around at any time. Wi'.l seü it theap. Register Office. TIJ IC ADrDlsonlUelnPhllKdcln1 ■ ulo IArCllatthe Newspaper Au ver 1 "W " - 'r-7-' Messrs. N. W. AVER SON. our authorized agenta. 55B 60LD KEDAL, PABI8, 1878. 'M$ BAKERS iLaJrtfasl Cocoa. WlÉfiS Warranted absoltitelij pure MvSjjbg Cocon, from which the excese of wfnmwS Oll haa been remo .ed. lt has tiee lm f II lCs with Starch, -irrowroot or Suijar, ÍH I 1 1 1 BHÍ ' and 'fl therefore '" IDOre economi 9 H cal, coMng Un thctH one cent a Ruil ! Bfl It la delicióos, nourhshing. Ijl I II 1 llfetrengthenini, eaxily dlgested, au . MOl I I l % Aalinliraljly adapuxl for invalida na gAJ-t ■' 'lila wc" f"r pernone In health. ig(IB" Sold by Oroctra eyerynhere. f, BAKER & CO., Dorcñester, Mass. RATIÑTS FRANKLIN H. HOUQH, Sölicitor of American S Foreip Patente, MS V SI., nrar ü. S. Patrut Uffio-, WASHINGTON, D C AUtmsineasbefbretheTTnltedRtateBPntenl OtQoe aUenOed tofor moderat retR. Patenta I Í)rooiiiod lU-tbeUPited iSUii:nij(í ;il] Furein k)UDtrle, Iimie, Maris and Labds roiiislirr!. Rfjorted appl!calií!""í revivad :ind proceoutcd. Information and advlwafi toobtalntng Patente cberfullyfui nial etl m Ithout charge, Sefvt Sketch or Mod ? opinión as to patentability. Copie-: of ('atenta fürolslietl for ■!' cents i Corresponde:;' luvitcd. irTTT TJA'D'T'TÏ rnay Tv; r-"ini"T":'1 :. lillo Ir Airjüp. Èov.-eiKcc.,'., ïi.w.i,,, inu-' í i nado tt II li liKff ÍUBiw ín ïlyiMïOi0iii tí HJ I U U II' sn, .■ ( in heli) you to lolt. Wa ....... muki'iuid s-il 1'. linrot'hntuw■"ShT l0!(1 speoiilHiWi Hl! :irc wilil I.) i.'Uni Aireuta. (Mtallat of KrWinlng TIJ cialnkRprlag Bis,Clothfi tt'riugI U en ClM'ks, l'hotoirrnph Alliums, -.„., üih;,. Boolts, SmjnU Kuits. Luce v(!i?;' f'iiruiiK. VU: I Ltrítfst and ■"■ jicst Kji. I Ag-uts' fOOUs ofRrtd SriiiyC V b au house in tiiis oiuntry fflURLI fead lor Cala ogm. i.iana L07ELL KPfi. Co. Bas 552,Srie,h. Menl r wben you write. .ttort#age Kale. Defanlthaving been made in the conditlona of a Mortgage executed by Jefferson Lewis and Kachel Lewis, his wife. to Adelia C. Cheever hearing date Oetober 21, 1886. and recorded fn the ornee of the Register of Peeds for Washtena County, Michigan, October 21.1886, in Llber67 of MortgRges, on paee 102, which Morteage wag assiBiied by taid Adelia O. Cheever to Le Roy C Noble by deed of assignment, dated December 6 18-7, and reeorded in sald Peglster's office, in Líber 9, of assignments of mortgages, on page 893 by which default the power of sale contained in said Mortsage became operative, and no snit or proceeding in law orequity having been inBtitnted to recover the dubt Becured by said Mongage or any part thereof, and the sum of two liundrcd and thirty-three and 50-100 dollars (Í233.5U) beiug now claimed lo be due upon said Mortgagc. Notice is therefore hereby given Uut said .Morígage wi'l be foreclosed by a sale of the Mortgaged premises therein detcrib! or some pan thereof, to wit: All the following i descrioed land situated in the City of Ann Arbor I Michigan, viz: Lot No. Three in Block No. Five North of Huron Street in Kange No. Fonrteen EaM aciording to the tecorded plat of the Kastern iddition tosaid city, at public vendue on me Sijtteenth day of November next, at ten o'clock In the forencoon, at the Hnrun street en trame to the Court House. In the City of Ann i Artor in laiil Cnunty of Waehtenaw, that belnp ; the place of holdii'g the Circuit Couri in sid County. Dated August H:h, 1888 Le Roy C. Kohi.e, Asienee. K. W. CHEEVER. Altorucy. "CHICAGO TRUSST" .Vk' Spirat Spring Trvês. Hard Rubber Pad; Clean, Ourable, Chtap. Approyed tiy the highest Medical Authoruy. Wom day and night by an lnfant a week old or au Adult 80 yea. Eartly mljunted. It meetï all formï fc , n ol Porotal. Permoral, Inguinal L „ M iiud Umbilical Hernia, In 5? '""í5 I"fints and Adolts. ";J8s atisfaetion gnaranteed in all cases. Any doairable pressure obtained. If yoitr drugfin dixa nut keep thi.s Tiuss, encloee i.'jtmpï Rud ndtr -. (IHllf.d TKIJSS .. Ii i. hito. III. UFF1CE ASO FITTING ROOM, W t:. (tandolphSt. T. Y. KAVNE. Ma.vaokr. Sold by Aan Arlior uruggisi$. " ook'i Cotton Root Componnrf.- OomW0&LL post-d of ('otton Koet. 'I'unsy ana Permy■ UWnJ royal SwcfsfnUj itffrt monthly. Safe, ■ WïrX F.ltwhis), PTtrifiiïnt. 1 hv mafl.ordmg1 lp f fdsi irtic'plars2BtftiDDB. Laaiw J pr 1l ''■'- PONn 'I V COMPANY, ■ l -i . in Aibo; ■ rtii nrufjiistt


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Ann Arbor Register