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"a Great Newspaper."

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Under the above caption the New York GrapJtic, some three years ago, published a critica! review of the growth of The Chicago Daily News, which sets forth so clearly some of the fundamental principies underlying the development of one of the phenomenal successes of later years that it will well repay a reading. To bring some of the Grapkic's figures down to the present date, supplemental statements are parenthetically added by the present writer. " The newspaper entitled to the distinction of much indebted for its remarkable growth in circuhaving the largest daily circulation in America is Iation to the persistent adherence on the part The Chicago Daily News. (Since this of the other Chicago dailies to the "blanketment was made it is possibie that the growth of sheet " style of journalism. Of all the people in the New York World entitles it to first place.) America the average Chicagoan is most in a huny The Graphic to-day devotes a page to sketches of and least inclined to wade through columns of scènes in and about its establishment The verbiage and stuff. The Daily News is the only tory of this paper is probably without a parallel Chicago daily that has the facilities for giving all in the annals of American journalism. It was the news, and at the same time the good sense to founded December 20th, 1875, and was the first present it in concise form. The result of such a low-priced daily successfully established in the conditionofaffairs is that The Daily News prints West. At the end of its first year it had achieved more papers than all the other Chicago dailies a circulation of about 10,000. From that time on combined. its growth has been remarkable. It now prints " In considering all the causes which have seven editions daily, comprising both morning entered into and produced so phenomenal a jourand evening issues. lts statement of circulation nalistic growth the most important one unquesfor the year 1 884 shows a daily average of 125,178 tionably has been the controlling conviction of its copies, unquestionably the largest daily circulation managers that the "cheap paper " should be cheap on the American continent (The sworn only in price ; that its news should be as fresh and ment for 1887 shows a daily average of 165,376.) complete, its editorial discussion as able, and its " In politics The Daily News is always general tone and character as pure and heathfuL pendent, never neutral. While its editoral as its best and highest priced cotemporary. All pression is sometimes vigorous to the degree of this the "cheap paper" may easily be even at its severity, there is always in its utterances of opinión reduced price. so manifest a purpose to be impartial and fair to " The difference of revenue between the twoall opposing interests, that it rarely loses the cent paper (even more so when the price is one fidence of the reader, however much it may fail to cent), and the higher-priced " blanket-sheet," the bring him to an acceptance of its own view latter throws away in useless and unasked for cerning the matter in hand. size, that not only is of no worth to the reader, " As a newspaper proper, The Daily News but is even an annoyance, in that it compels him has earned a reputation for enterprising to gleam what is of real news interest from a mass gathering second to none in the United States, of verbiage and worthless amplication. It is the only cheap paper in the West that is a " It is because its managers have been wise member of the Associated Press. It gives its enough to practically recognize these essential readers all the news worth giving and gives it for elements of the best American journalism of totwo cents. (Now it does it for one cent a day.) . , , day that The Daily News is the best and most "Aside from its own deserving merits as a popular general family newspaper published in complete and cheap newspaper, it is doubtless Chicago or the West." It seems hardly possibie that an endorsement of merit could be framed in stronger terms than the foregoing analysis, and yet how much greater ís not the achievement now that such a journal as The Daily News is placed in every man's hands at the reduced price of ONE CENT A DAY. The truy marvelous enterprise of American journalism can hardly go farther. Certain it is that The DAILY News leads the van. The Chicago Daily News s sold by all newsdealers at One Cent per copy, or it will be mailed, postage paid, for Sj.oo per yenr, or 25 cents per month. The attention of farmers is especially called to the fact that this metropolitan daily now costs but Httle more than the oH time weeklr. The shrewd farmer will now have his daily market reports. AtJdress , VÍCTOR F. LAWSON, Pnblisher T"n Pa:i v News, Chicago.


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