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HighestAwards, London, New York, Boston, New Orleans, "THE HAMMOND" TYPE-WRÏTER! VNBXCEI.LKD TOB ÏÏTESD, PERFECT Alignment and Durability ! f he Edison Sliuiootrrapb for dnpllcating copies, superior Ui all other methods. Type-Wriier supplies etc.: lor Catalogue and Pr.ce List, Addross W. A. CAMPBELL, Agt., Ann Arbór, Mich. I HE SEW HOBtL CUIllU TÏB-Wm ■THE PERFECT TYPE-WRITING MACHINE. The Writlnar 1 in plain sigbt, ven i tlie last letter. afatnre tbat no oilier machine sos.os. It bas the fewest parts of any stmdaril Typewriter, mating it less Hable to get out of order. Alignment is perfect, and the type all being on one piece of metal, it can neïer ohange. Will manifold three to eix copies. See this one before buying any otber. Cali on or address, J. B. WIIEEL(H, tjcrnl. 26 East William 8t. Akn akkou, Mich. WALL PAPER Don't fail to attend Wahr'e great Sale of WALL PAPER,. We are offeiing our immense stook at prices to please all. Best quality gilts at 10, 12, 15, 18 and 20 oents per Roll. Common papers at 3, 5, 6, 8 and 10 oents per Roll. WINDOW SHADES AT REDUOED PRIOES, GEO.WAHR. Book-Seller & Stationcr, Masonie Bik. "ËÖGSTERPER &HÖT OFFER THEIE STORE FOR RENT NOV. lst. Entire Stock and Fixtures to be closed out at once. HANGSTERFKR & CO., 28 South Matn Street. The Dental College of the Unmrsitj of M The CHnical Rooms of this Department are now open for the reception of those who desire to avail ttaemselves of the opportnnitv of the service Uere rendered. All operations for the preservaUon of the teeth treatment for discases of the mouth, and the inBertion of artificial teeth. will rtceive prompt and careful attentlon, nnder the direct and personal supervisión of the Professor in charge. CharifC8 will be made to cover the expense of material used. Extraction and treatment free. The Rooms will be open for the reception of those desiring atteutlon each week day ezceDt Saturday, from 1:30 r. x. 11 4 f. m. Early applicants wül secnre tbe more prompt attentton. r


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