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Dyspepsia Makcs Uie lires oí many people miserable, eausing dlstress atter eaüng, sour stomacli, sick lioartache, heartburn, loss of appetlte, a faint, " all gone " feelwg, bad tasto, coated . noo tongne, and irregularitj of uibiress thebowela. Dyspepsia does After not eet well of Itselt It F atinar re1aireS careftil attention, tdiirig and a remedy llk(J 1Iood-3 SarsaparUla, which acta gently, y et efliciently. It tones tbe stomach, regúlales the digestión, creates a good ej-i, petite, banishes headache, K . and refreshes the mind. HeadachO " I hare been tronbled with dyspepsia. I had but UtUe appetite, and what I did eat Haart distressed me, or dld me Ki7 llttle After eatin Oltrn would have a faint or Ured, all-gone feellng, as tbough I had not eaten anything. My trouble was aggravated by mybnsiness,palnting. Last o-,,.spring I took 1 lood 's 8our saparilla, whlch did me an Stomach Immense amoant of good. It gave me an appetite, and my food relished and satlsfied the cravlng I had previously experiened." Gbobob A. Paob, Watertown, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla SoM by all dnigglaU. $1 ; six f or g5. Prepared only hjC.l. HOOD & CO., Apothecariea. LoweU, "--t IOO Doses One Dollar theIjnitarianT (Eev. J. T. 8UNDERL WD, A. M., Ebitob) wiU be sent to new readers for exaiciuaüou, Ilircp monltiN, f.r 1U CKNIg. Addrees, The Unitarian, Ann Atbor, liich. " MoBt excellent," Rev. De. Thomas, (Chicago.) " By all odds the best relieious monthly in the United States."- Univkrsaubt Keookd. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF -A.NÜT ABBOR, At Ann Arbor, in the State of Michigan, at the close of business, Oei. 4th, 1KS8. RESOURCES. Loans and discount! _ 8278.217 29 Overdratls _ _ 1.737 18 J. t. Bond to secure circulation _ _ 25.0X1 00 )ther st k. bouds and murtgages 900 00 )ue from approved reserve ageuts.. 77,639 45 )ne from other National Banks .. Dne Irom .state Bank aud Bunkers...... 10,555 46 liilsin transit 1.215 00 leal estáte, furuiture and nxtures.. 13,950 00 "urrent expensen and tnxes naid.. 1.082 31 -hecks and other cash items 2,481 78 iilte of otber National Bank 20,910 00 rractionalcurrency,(includingnickeli) 117 93 pecie, (ineludinggoldTreaauryuotes,) 11,657 66 -egal-tender notes 6,745 00 íedemptiou fund with II. S. Treasurer (6 per cent. of circulation) 1,125 00 )ne from U. 8. Treasury. other than 5 per oent. redemption iund 5C0 00 Premiums Paid 6,484 88 Total......-....... ..„..USO 348 43 LIABIUTIB8. Capital stock paid In tlOO.000 00 Surplus fund ..................... 11.000 00 Other undmded proflts. 22 99 65 National Bauk notes outstauding._ 2200 00 )iTidend, unpaid _. 60 00 ndiridual deposits nubject to check... 22S.296 93 Demand nerti ncates of aeposit 78,225 19 ertlfied rheek _ „ 2,666 66 hie u otiier National Banks Due to state Banks aud Banken _. Totai..„...._ „„ _ (460,348 43 State op Michigan, Coonty or Washtkna w, as: , Sidney W. Clarkson, Cashier ol the above named bank, do solemnly near that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. S. W. CLAKK8ON, Cashier. subscribed and sworn to before methis lOth day f October, 18t8. Densuoke Cramek, Notary Public. Corkect- Attest : Phiup Bacii, ) J. M. Wheelsr, Directon. James Clement. I


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