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NEW STAR BAKERY 27 E, WASHINGTON ST, Salyer & Son Have opened a New Bakery and Conm fectionery, and will henreforth furnish FRESH BEEASÏ and Cakps to suit. Fancy Cakes made to order for Weddings, Parties, etc. Try our French Twist and Homemade Brown Bread. SALYER & SON. UTIE W MILLINERY STORE NO. 7 ANN STREET. :mi:e?,s. ie. .a.. hoyt A fall line of Millinery, and a complete stock of Hair Goods. Hair Work Done to Order. We make aspecialty of our Trimming Department. Please cali upon us, and see what we can do for you in Work and Prices. THE AnnArborFruitWorks Will be preparad for business AFTER OCTOBER lst We will exchange apple jelly for apples on favorable terms. Jelly may be taken same day fruit is brought. CASH paid for all kinds of apples ALMENDINGER & SCHNE1DER. We are Here At the Same Oíd Stand, HO. 5 MI BBL Firsi tirocery East of Post-Offiee, WHKEE YOO ABE INVITED TO CALL For Sugare that are Strlctly Pure. For Coflees that are Perfect in Flavor, For Teas that never turn Rei. For Spices that are nol Adulterated, For Flour that Beats them All, For Kerosene that eives the Best Light, For Goods of the Highext Quality. For the Lowest Living Prices. Also a full line of Crockery, Glassware and Lampe. Kt'inrmbcr the plurr, JSo. O Ann-Kt., Ann Arbor. J. D. STIMSON & SON. Dlasolutlon of Partnership. Notioe is hereby given that the partnership lately exietiug between G. Stark, H. Colé, J. Armbruster aad K. A. Gartee, of the City of Ann Arbor, Mieh., ander the firm or eompany name of G. Stark & Co., tos dissolved on the 22nd day of September '88, by mutual consent All debts owing to the said company, are to be received by said G. --tark & E. A. Gartee. and all demanda on the eaid companare to be presented to tbem for paymetit as they are authorized to settle all debti due to and by the firm. They will be found at the place of business of said late firm where they wül continue the same business. Bated Sept. 22nd. 1888. Ann Arbor. G. STARK, H. COLE, J. AKMBRUSTER, E. A. GARTEE. As will be seen from aboye we will carry on the painting businpss in the 'same place. No. 13 E. Liberty, corner lih. undir the partnership name of Stark & Gartee and would iherefore respectfully ask ihe people of Ann Arbor and vlcinity to continue their kind pratronage bestowed on the old firm to us, we shall try our utmost to prove worthy of the confidence placed in us. Very Respectfully, {g ATAQRTRE Woticn to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, ( COUNTY OF WSHTENAW. f Notice is hereby given, that by an order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made on the flrst day of October, A. D. 1888, slz montha from that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of Elinha Jones, late of said counly, deceased. and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, for examinaUon and allowance, on or before the sceonci day of April next, and that euih claims will be heard before said court, on Wednesday, the second dayofJanuary and on Tuesday. the second day of April next, at ten o'doek in the forenoon of each of said days. WlLLIAM D. HaKRIUAN. Judge of Probate. Dated, Ann Arbor, Oct. lst, A. D., 1888. OFFICE OH" The Star Mountain Mining Co. NO. 10 E. HU RON 8T. Ann Arbor. Michigan, Sept 22. 1888. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Star Mountain Mining Company will be held in the office ol the company, on Monday, October 15th, 1888, lor the purposc of electing a Board of Directora for the ensuing year, lor takiii-; action on a proposition to remove the office of the company io the City of Detroit, Mich., and for trauwiiiijr such other business as may properly come before the meeting. J. J. ROBiaON, Becretary. OALL O3ST W. B. WARNER, 24 STATE ST. No better place in the city to buy your GROOERIES Business conducted on CASH basis. No Goods sold on credit to anyone, but prices are low enough to make it an object for yon to trade with him. Telephone Conntclions. AU Goods delivered. THE GREAT REVOLUTION ! New and Complete Method I of Canning Solely in Giass ss S 5 S fe These goods on account of their Excellence, Flavor, and Moderato Prioe, stand suprema for all household and family oonsumptlon. Warranted pure and unadultera tod. One Thousand Dollars offerod if not found as Advertlsed. Telephone, Ko. 117. Faotory, S. State St.


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Ann Arbor Register