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AdTlee to Mothers. Mis. Winslow's Socthing Syiup siiouM lw&ys bc used for children teething. It. so jtues the child, sof'ens the gums, a!las all pain, cures wind coHe. and is the best n-medy lor diaïrhcea, Twenty-five cents boule _________ Mrs. Marilla M. Rcker is a sueeeesful tswyer at Washington. Ho TtalN ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward f r onv case of Catarrh that can uot be oured by taking Hali's Catarrh Care. F. J. Cheney & C .., Prop., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known P. J. Cheney for the last löyears, and believe hira perfectly honorsble in alt business trausaeiions, and financially nble to carry ont any obligatious made by their firm. West & Truax, Whclesale Druggists, Toledo Ohio. Walding, Kinnan fe Marvin, Wholesale Drugtists, Tdledo, Ohio. E. H. Van Iloosen, Cashier, Toledo National Bank, Toledo, Ohio. Hali's Ctarrh Cure is taken internally, ae;ing dirf ctly npon the blood and mucus f-urfaces of the system. Price, 75c per bottle. Sold by ell Druggiatü. A tovn in Kansas most noted for its divorce suitg is named Concordia. Dr. Mhiík'n Family Olntmvnl Never fails to soothe and heal Cits, Bcrns, Bbüises, Flesh Woündb, InflamMAT10N, SPRAINS, PliirLES. ÜHILBLAINS, Sai.t Rheum, Cbapped Lir3 or Hand, FROST BlTES, COLD SORES, S0R8 NlPPLE8, auii t;ll distases and eruptions of the Skin. If n honegt man is the noblest work of God, baseball umpires mnn be selfniadf uien. - ínter Ocean. Prnei'iicc ! Prndenre ! In medication, as is aught else, prudence shou'd be our guide. Vet thousands cast it to the wind?. Every oew nostrum ñnds its patrocs, 'he medical empirics of every false echool have their sulls. Eveiy change in the gamut of humbug is rung suceessfuily - for a time at east - the notes being furnished by the credulou. In happy contrast to the many advertised impostures of ihe day stands Hostatter's Stom?.ch Bitters, now in its third decade of populatity, spproven and recommended by pbysicians, indorged by ths press of many lands, sought priz-d by invalids every wbere. It is au ascertained specific for acy prevetitive of maiwiial diseases, chromc indigestión, liver complnt and eonstipation, ciiecks the growth of rhcumatisrn and neuralgia, is a peerless invigorai:t and us-ful diuretic. Nervous pe ple benefit bv it. A prtrdt of the Esperor oL Iluísía 1 " ('ítití in oil" might lmost be called a Czar-dina. - I'itisburg Chronicle. Piles ! riles ! IicliliiK PUem. Stmptoms - Moisture; intense itchina' and stinging; most at r'ght; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue, tumors form, which otten bleed and ulcérate, becominE very sore. Swayne's Ointmekt stops the itchins and bleeding, beals ulctTdtion, and in mest cases removes the tumors. At druggists, or by mail for 50 cents. Dr. Swayce & Son, Philadelphia. W. E. H. Lecky says that the statement that the ceventh %o!uam of his " History of England " is in the hands of the printer is incorrect. Eccema, Itrh.v. Scalj. Skin Tortures. The simple pplication of "Swaynes Ointmekt," whithout any internal medicine, will cure any case of Tetter, Salt Rheum, Ringworm, Piles, Pimples, Eczema all Scaly, Itchy Skin Eruptionp, no matter how obstinate or long standing. It is potent, effective, ond costs but a trifle. Clover is said to be a better preventive of motbs than tobsoooorcampbor or ceder, SJhe Best and Purest MedicineS Hl A]ïtwilllnvotbeIInmorfromyonrU I t vsyfatim, and tnake your skinlil lU fo. b i&TWclcan and etnooth. Thosenl I 'o 'PjJkPimuleg and Blot-heeU SS 4 fy vy,huh mar your beautyra tiS e t ", jjare causea by impureU mc ?i%-fí'iLíioo(i' an can bein Ijl c_ e TVijremoved ina8hortl III S&'V fi -4 'S"i'se aD1 nsE jm The Dose SsVV-% % ■ IHspoonful. Hlsthcf. % L , I III bost and chcapest5 o ►.A.vl Hl medicine. Tiy ft, anO'o .' ?e„ III l you will be taripfled. %. Of. &!? N U GetltofyourDmgglst. 'S'.S ÖdonTWait. getitatonce TS I If yon are euffering from Kid M Ml ney Disease, and wish to live tak In l oíd age, nee SULPHUR BITTEKS] I [[I Tbey never iail tocare. Send 3 2-cent BtampB to A. P. Ordway A Có.j Boston, Mass., f or beet medical work publlshed?


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