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Direct frcm the Front. Knokvim y., TENN., July 2, 188S. The Swifc Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen - I can cheerfully and truthfully say that S. S. S. is the greatest blood purifier on earth. In 1884 I contracted blood poison. Physicians treated me with no good results. I took a half dozen different kinds of blood medicines, but, without receiving any permanent relief ! I was induced to try S. S. S. I began the first bottle with the gravest doubts of success. I had been so often deceived. But improvement carne, and I continued its use until perfectly well. I have since married, and have a healthy family. No trace of the disease is seen. Swift's Specific did all this for me, and I am grateful. Yours truly, J. S. Strader. 118 Dale Ave. Kemp, Texas, June 23, 1888. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen - A sixteen-year-old son of mine was afflicted with bad blood, and broke out with an eruption on various parts of his body. I put him to takingf S. S. S., and a few bottles cured him entirely. I live at Lone Oak, but my post -office is at Kemp. Yours truly, " W. S. RoaiNSON. Three books mailed free on application. All druggists sell S. S. S. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. New York, 756 Broadwif, ' I see," reaiarkcd Witherp, ''that the Prinee ot Wales wears a black silk ribbon instond ot a watch chain. Futiny, isn't it?" " Well, I don't know, " returned Smi'here, "perhspa he's lost the ticket." Ctrtainly The Beat. Papillon (Clark'8 extract of flax) Catarrh Cure, from an experiment, has grown to be the acknowledged superior of any remedy for gimilar purpages. Purelv vegetable and scinntiSoiiüy prepured, it is absolutelv harmless, end effects cures where all other known romed'es and the most learted medica! talent That it is a favorite with all classes is evidenced by the f act that duriiiji the past two vears, 86,000 {fallona have bfea goftj. Positively cures Caturrh, TIiv F ver, CId, etc, e:c. Large bottles SI 00, at Eberbach & Sn's Drue S:orp. Apple ssuce 9 mucïi improved by the addition of a tab'espooufiil of botter, and requires less su:;ar. THE GREAT REGULATOR. "Brti, No medicine is so pL?- - 1 uuiversally used as YTT7fjTjt Simraons Liver Regn■CgJAHkl. yiitr It won ite way SB35fH' m every home by fü 55csLJ pure. sterhns; merit. It v xc! tHkes lhe p'ace of a afwï doctor and costly prey4WKol JKï'Jll scriptious. It Is 8 jgfys ,'lfamily medii-irc conSj .1 (4 I W Ji -■tHimiiR no dangt'rnus IjjI uyl ■ƒ qualities, but purely t- 3Ë vegetable ; gente in its b ct ion and can be safely given to any person no matter what age. PEOPLB can take Simmons Liver Regulator without loss of time or danger from eiposupre, and the system will be built up and invigorated by it. It promotes digestión, dissipateosick headache, and üives a strong mil tone 10 the system. Il has no equal as a prepartttory medicine, ai d can be safely used in any sickness. It acts gently on the Bowels and Kidneys and corrects the nction of the Liver. Indorsed by persons of the bighest character and emlnence as The BEST Family Medicine. If a Child has the colic it Is a snre and safe remedy. It will restore strength to the overworked father and relieve tho wife from low spirits, headache, dyiptubia, constipalion and likeilla. SnSIY'i 01AB0LÏ ÜTO3. 6 -A.3STX) 8 Washingrton Street, Ann Arboi Michigan. Eave ai vrayt on hand a complete Stock of vat j Uiiiiiri: lt 6RÖCËRI LIFE! Teas, C&fees and Sugari AU prime Anieles bouglit tor Cash and crü m at low figures. Our frequent large invoicti Teae is a sure sign that we give bargainr 1n QÜALITY ANO PRIOE. Weroastour own coffeus every veek.aiwa]i fresh and good. Our oakery turns out the ver best of Bread, Cake and cracSere. Cali am see as. Health is Wealthl Dr. K. C. Wrefg Nervk and BkaiK Treatmzkt, a gnaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Ñervo-as Neuralgia, Headache, Nervou8 Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobáceo, Waketulness, Mental Depression, Roftening of the Braiu resulting in insauity and leading to mist ry, decay and death, Premature Oíd Age, Barrenness, Loss of power in either sex, Involuntary Losses and Bpermatorrhoea caused byover-exertion of the brain, selfabue or over-indulgence. Kach box contains one month's treatment. 11.80 a box, or six boxes fer $5.00, Bent by mail prepald on receipt of price. WE Cr.Ut.lXTEF. SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanicd with $5.00, we will send th 3 purchaser our written guarantee to rerund lhe money if the treatment does not effect rare. Guarantees issned onlyby EBERBACH & SON, Druggists. Sole Agts., Ann Arbor, Mich. Tures Indigestión, BHionsnesa, Coiutipation. Kidney difflcultT. NerrousnesB. and lunöes the Blood No family staould be without it. Kaniple n.. eirenlar giving partiaulars cn be had o( an j drurilil. Dr. A. P. SAWYER MEDICINE CO., Chicago. 100 - Onb Mowth'8 Treatment - 11.00 ■JVICHI6AN . fía' a a í[ia ; ■ tí L isa a a s xucr "■ ■ - o ce to 1 t ooacoeO" nngdx3 j dxji -ooz,ibji eii : o i - o :o pu dH'Pi) i-1-1" " -"o " , . M saai g ■Ana 'Jx3r „; pajiran puB ows ■ - ce -uccm W voa3M -am- : : : 953 oootoe : : : o a :oico O ________ 5 a a as 2 'ung )rt,-.)i :i -4 ! ■ ssaidxa iva 8822 : ] S SSSSS j ÏT' i unsidajxa ■ . s. ■ Tl TTTT1 i ; : i : L i ! j i I i j i ! i i i i srfj I j 1 i i i ííua ; liíiJ 1 oUimSciQ tQzea ssaidxasusN i i i S :2SS2 :S I R S í ;na l j,- - DgraïJ 8-iá : : -o- t-tr-toO"- : : Cíoieor a' a ai i 'CSah S :8SS 3 I38SS88 o :ooaoo o :aoowta si si 'nnsid33i9 4 t, 883Jdxa TBX tra :5?ioC2 o mqoowo w 3 ■s , as x' o n(I J ,; i sswaxa íf5 -m tk ■ -t-ooioo S O8onio S :- m : : :L$.-, O :n : ' :o-ma a a si nng vIoti.) " tí c' ssajdia ia S222S !S?5S5 ansidaoxa ■ tí I!W ;SSS g 88S3SSSS g i I 1 i o i ' 1 f J i j i SiU i Sil ;!L s lilfilillí O. W. RÜGGLK8. H. W. HATB8, G. P. & T. A., Chicago. Local Agt, Ann Arbor. Toledo, Ánn Arbor & Nortli ííicliigan B'? Time Table going Into effect Bnnday, Sept. 80, '88. Going North. Golng Sonth. STATIONS. rtk Pms. Mart Standard Time. M3, A. M. P. M. A. M. LV'B] [AEB r. M. P. M. A. M. 3 25 6 35 .Toledo 1 10 11 00 ... 4 06 6 1 Monroe Janct'n 12 24 10 20 .- 15 6 27 Dundee 12 18 10 13 4 31 6 40 Milán. 12 00 9 50 4 52 7 08 Piltsfield 11 40 9 32 7 3Ü 5 07 7 20 „Ann Arbor.. 11 25 9 20 "èó 8 00 5 27 7 35 Leland's 11 10 9 06 9 10 6 46 7 49 Whttmore Lake 10 55 8 60 _ 5 62 7 bí ..„.Hambnry 10 48 8 45 6 34 8 45 Howel'_ 11 11 8 13 i. 7 16 9 35 Duraiid 9 35 7 30 .. 7 4b 10 00 Comuna. 9 17 6 49 7 55 10 10 OWO88O. 9 10 6 40 ... 9 11 86 Ithaca 7 50 5 32 _ 9 35 11 56 SL Louis 7 30 5 15 9 41 12 02 Alma 7 28 5 10 10 20 12 4f ...Mt. Pleasant... 6 40 4 35 . p. M 3 30 Cadillac 2 00 ....... M M A. u. p. m. a. M. All passenger trains run daily except 8unday. Connecüons at Toledo with r&ilroadsdivergtti, At Manhattan Junction with WheelingA LakeEne E. a. At Alexis Jnnction witb V. C S. K., L. 8. tt'y and F & P. M E. R A Monroe Juncttor wun L. 8. &. M. ti. K'y. At Dundee with L S A M.S..andM. 4 O. Ry. At Milán with W., 8t L. S P. Ry. At PlttBfleld with L. 8. A M. 8. R-y. At Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. K. ni at South Lyon with Detroit, Lansiiu: and North ernH.R.,andG. T. Ry. H. W. A8HLEY. W. H.BENNETT, Superintendent, Gen. Passenger AsenU A. J. PAISLEY, Agent, Ann Arbor. At Ashley with the Toledo, Baginaw & Mus fcegon railway. REPORT OF THÈ ÜÖNDITIOIJ 6THÍ Ann Arbor Savüigs Bank AT ANN ARBOR, MICH., os MONDAY, July Sd, A. D. 1888, MADE In Acrurrtnnee with Sorlions 18, i 6 And 67 o f the Cleneral Ban binar Iw as Aanended In 187I. HÏBOURC1. Loans and Discount „. f 304 983 76 Bonds and Mortgages „„ „ 218,091 69 Overdrafts _...„_„ „.. 158 06 Furniture and Fixtnres. „ 1,980 86 Due from National and StaUJ Bank.... 74 049 79 Cash on hand. ..„„ „ _., 29,340 35 f 628,554 40 LIABILIT1ES. Capital 8tock „. _ 4 50,000 00 Surplus Pund __„...__...„„ 60000 00 Undivided Profits __ _....._.. 41 995 99 July Dividend „....„. „ 2766 00 Due Depositare 483803 41 t 628,554 40 I do solemnry gwear that the abore statement if true, to the beet of my knowledge and belief. CHAB. E. HI800CK, Cahier. Subscribed and sworn to betere me, this 2d day of July., 1888. ADAM D. SEYLKR, Notary Public fffe PENNYROYAL WAFERS ■■Pa Are socceasfully used msnUily by over 10,(ï lf I-adleH. Are Safe, Kffeituiil and Plrasant. $1 tm-Jsr box by mail, or at drugg-ims. SeaUd ParIM turvlart tposlage stumps. Address W THI Kt'HEKA CHKHirAI. COMPAKT, , Flshnr Block. 131 Woodward ave, Detroit, Mlch. Sold by H. J. BKOWK ék CO. LAOIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STUDENTSl The Oreat Knel l-li Preoerlption wm restore that lost Vitality and a Rngged, Healthy Cndition follow lts nse. Bny at your drugiist's, one package, il ; six for IS. ' EUREKA CHEMICAL CO., DiraoiT, Mich. Sold by H. J. Bromt á Co. $500 Reward! We wlll pay the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, Kictt headache, Ddigestion, conmipatlon or eonstlreness we cannot cure with West's Vegretable Liver Pilis, when the direction are strictly oomplied wiüi. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaotion. Large boxes enntaining 30 sug&r coated pills, 25c. For sale by all drnggiïfe. Beware of oounterfeitsand imilations. The genuine manufacturad only by JOHN C. WB8T & CO, 862 W Madison-st, Chicago, 111. I jl-E (jHEVERS OF ObD HONESTY TOBACCO VILL SOOfJ Flp -ft-T I] LAySTS LOGEfy TASJES SVEETER TrjAp OJIjEI TOBCCOS, AfID WILL pi_ESE ftl f ASK YOUR DEALER FOR IT, UU' AND INSIST ON CETTINC IT. ENEiy pLÜG SJAIpED UE ' abone cüj. fllO. FINZER & BROS., LonisYille, Ky, 1 jffírS SU wtcb intlM vorld. Pr JwBaKryrrC' k WarranUd. Hm? EÜSr eqQKl TlD.OniEPEM90! ■pSSSSíiilel Ín ach locallty can secare one k TÜlÜlÚiiWfe J FREE. HowInthfapoulbtoT E% S Bf Wí O8Wr - we wmni o pCTBSUtUtifci' ton Id cch lfw-]fty, to híp Id tfalr hom,iiü tbow to tboM wbocftl), complete 1tofonr Iableaad Tery ntcfol HOUSEHOL1I 8AMFLES. TVw BmplB,M veil u the wstch,v lend ír,ntt aflr yon Imta kept tbem Ín your borne for C mODthi sod shovo them to tboee wbo my bave called,tbey becotne yonr owb property; t to poHribl to mafce tlila nrt offer, sendlDff th NOUI O LD wtch ind COST V eamplw fne, M the sTiowfn oí fti smpti In any locllty, !wjb resnlts in a laríc trd for na; sftr oor sample h&ve been Inalocality for tnoothortwo we oaually get írom $tOOO to 6GOOO In trad from tbe urroandlng country. Thle, the moet wonderfal offer evr koown,la made In order tbat oor samples may be place4 at ooc htn tbey can be veen, all over Araerira. Wiite at tmoe, and ikke'aure of the chance. Readerit will hebardiyany tronbls for yon to ihow tbe samples to those who may cal! at yonr bom od yoar reward wijl ba most Batftfactory. A poeU) card on vbich to wrltm coeti bat 1 cent and af ter yonknow all.ttyon do not care to go fortber, wby no barm is done. Bot tf yon do Mud yonr addrew at once, yoa can secure FREE oim of tb ït solld gold watcbes In the world and our large tlMof COSTLTf 8AHIPLE). We py all exprws, frHfhl, f.U. Addrtf i GBa ÖTIKÖON CO., Bos 811, TOKTLAND, MAIN LÏÏMBER LÜMBER! XÜMBERï If you contémplate building cali at FERDON UIMffla lAtil)! Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., ana get our figures for all kinds oí LUMBEE We manufacture our own Lumbor and ?uarantee VERY LOW PBIOBS 49-Give ns a calin(l we wjh makfi K to yoar 11.1.1 ost. as oar lar and wel i Kraded Htoek fally snstain nr aasvr (Ion. JAMES TOJ1.ÜEKT, Prop. T. S. KJBKfH.Sus. f"U $tí_ fJURES PILES,. yaoWtóyÊsX. SALT RHEUM, L&&? TETTER, BURNS AwffV-' Ascalds, sones. (Bm-.Y--flj'ix.l 1 WOUIMDS. IN MSa'SJWilliBk rANT's sores Kl3iP%MyaVJwH And chafing'SXOtfw' A BLE REMEDY WSStS? roH CATARRH. OCÏCTS. RcLIIBLC DhJaaiSTS SELL fa-vJ IT ON A PoSITIVE GltARAMTCC USED ALL TBE TEAB ROUND I JOHNSTONS SARSAPARILLA For LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, PURIFYIN6 the BLOOD. Used for 3O - l-:ic and all DtsYears. Best easts lliat arlse Preparation I froma DisorUeretl in the World iQp. '-iver Sfomich, for Sick TJSBL or an IöPre ache, rain fmBUg Blo"a' u Ls "■ In" b":" con" PnnTLr fpabon, Pm. JM M fcmale & cbilples on the itiB dien. It can not Face, S K i il LS9HH)lrt the most Diseuse, Satt JiH delicate constiRheum, Bcils, BJwSpBsSí tmion. It is the Best Medicine in uie for Regulaiing thn Bowel.. QUART BpTTLES, $1 .00. ThwBottles fnr S"J..r)fl. Poli'prfd free of any charge. Sok) by ill Druggiits. Scnii lor Circular. W. JOHNSTON A CO., Detroit, Mich.


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