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-g3 Log Cabins do not ap&íj&Ítgk peal strongly to modern jfyfjiijV n "ns of social life; they SjKO have hd their day. But 3EÍ63tí{ Wamer's Lo? Cabin SarSglH samarilla a;d "Tippecsnoe" EaEri-'BB re as effective today as wneu [Le rugged healtii of the hardy pioneera was msintained by them. Blondín will make a tour of 11 the larte Wües ext Piimmer with Imre Kir r.lfy. r' Over I hree Honthw my non goffered night and day with rheumatÍMD; o much so that he was unable to leed himself. yOur sulphur Bitters cured mm, and I am truly thankful to sav they re an honest medicine. - Mrs. W. B CarletOD, wite of Deacon Coletón First Baptist Chnroh, Winchester, JIcss. Clara Louise Kti]] ,?g is in Paris, preparing for her American tour. YfvO trifle witli any Throat or -""'■ v Lung Disease. Ifyouhave a Congh or Cold, or the children are threatened with Croup or Whooping Congh, nse Acker's English Kemedy and prevent fnither trouble. It ia a positive cnreu' and we guarantee it. Price 10 and 50c John Moore, Druggist. Frank R. Stcckron receives $250 for a story of 3.000 wn.-ds. Whnt Is 11? And Wnat II I. Papillon (Clark's extract of flux) Skin Cure, like many other inestimable beneBts to mankind, was discoverrd by accident. The proprietor, enag. d in the preparation ot certain plmnts, from time to time noticed th effect of working in tlje pulp vata OD tha skin. If there was present any cutnneous eruptions, warts, blemishes or tcrofulous svmptoms, sll disappeared as if by magie. After experimenting ten ypar?, it has bícome a scientific tact and a priceless b ion to the human race. From iving away a few bottles, the deraand las increased until the sale for the past two years amnuiits to 1,032,000 bottl-s. Lar-e bnttles otily $1 00, for sale bv Eberbach & Son. Mme. Lippmnnn, daughtercfM. Duma, has made a ieat bit ia amateur theatricalg. I he Posrmaster, Winchester, Mass., snys: I am personally acqnaintfd with Mr. Rtid Mrs. Caileton, and ws isronisht-d at the íematkable eflects ol your Sulphnr Binen, in curing their son, at d la W,. sale ta undoubtedly due to rhe faut rhaf it la n lionest medicino. I knnw i f mwijr othen who have bt-en cured by iu une, mid I do not thinlc too mueh cu be said in its prsise. Ti un riily, Go. P. Brown, P. M Ane)i; Rives Ch:ir.ler ís íaid to be very h:ippy in linr inarnuJ life. A i 1 1. ii.i i ii n eed. CarrenU'rs. buildere. laborera and in fact al feinds of workin;; men who arepanicularlyliable to Rheumatism, Neuralgia Bxckache, etc.. should always have elose at hand a Pomeroy's Petroline Pluster. In neariy every case the resiilt is instantaneous. There is no remedy equal to them For over Hve years they have been in general use and stood trie test of public criticism, and are todav more tirmly esiahlished than ever i n public ea'tmation, and steadily increased in favor. There are few families who rio not use them as a household neoemlty. Beware of counterfeits. Insist ou navini; the geiniine artiele. For Sale bv J H Brown. Dist. Afjt. for Anu Arbor. Mme. Ca-n ', w fe.,t the French pre"deni, piris ■■■ nu' n nn uide. Th.' liTer and kiilneys m-ist be kept ia "'"' ' ( ' Ssrtapsnll is a gieat.rem.'iiy for rpgninting t!.ee or.ans. Qiiflei N of Servia has deided to open a galon in Paris. ü fl ik BUYINQ THE BLANKET. Buyee.- I want a sa Horse Blanket. Dealer.- This isn't a 5a Blanket, bat it is " just as good." Ol fit SOLD ACAIN. The "just as good" blanket did not test three weeks. jLA JUI 3W lÊka mm ON THE WAR PATH. Give me my money back, or a 5Á Horse Btanket. 5A Five Mile. Hu FIT Milei of Vuj Xïruds. E t 5A Boss Stable. 9 # J etroBgeit Hon. BliiUet Ivl 4. DA 5A Electric. öA Extra Test MKt Wk Bomethlne Hew, Tery Btmnf 30 ether styles At prieel to luit tyeryiolj For sale by all dealers. [Copyrighted 1888, by Wm, Ayrïs & Sos.J


Old News
Ann Arbor Register