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The Common Council

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The comtiion council met laat Thursday evening, and the first thing that carne up was the proposition of Messrs. Lennon, Weeks and Chas. R. Gardner, that Ann Arbor make a street on their land. A quit claim deed to the city of the land neceísary for the high way was presented and accepted. The land in the deed is described as tollows : "Beine land for ahighwaySO feet In width, commcncing on Hroadway In the Fifth ward on the soiuh-east slde thereof at the corner betweeu 8. D. Lennou ar,d Geo. Week's land; thence south-easterly, the center line of the hignway following the boundary between said Lennon and Week's as far as the nature of the ground is desirable for the location of said hignway ; thence northeasterly, northerly. eaaterly, soutbeasterly and southerly around the big bend of the Huron rirer known as Ceder bend on the routheast qnarter of section 21, townxhip 2, south of range 6east, Michigan, across the land of Lennon, the land of C. R. Gardner and Mr. Salome T. Gardiner, to the south line of said section 21; the south end of road to come out on section line west of Mrs Gardioer's house by the most practicab'e route." Messrs. Lennon, Week, et. al. reserve the right to the timber on this strip of land. For this land the city of Ann Arbor must construct the road, pay one dollar, and make a bridge acroas a ravine on Lennon's land high enough to permit cattle to pass under. The street committee was ordered to have a eurvey made of the proposed road. THE SKCOND STREKT OPENING. This vexed question was practically settfeii by the passage of the following: Resolved, That the mayor and city recorder be and are hereby directed lo draw an order on the city treasurerfor the ium of tüOO, payable Feb 1 1889, In favor of Philip Bach, aud that the city attorney be directed to tender the same to said Philip Bach lor the right of way for Becond-st. extensión, and if accepted to obtain a release across said Bach land for the same. And in case he shall refute io accept the same the mayor and city attorney are hereby instructed to commence the customary proceedings as precribed in the charter for condemning sa:d right of way. The following resolntion was adopted : Resolved, That this council, desiring to manifest the good will exiBtlng toward the Toledo R. R ,on the part of the citizensof Ann Arbor hereby agrees to at once open Second st. on condition that the railroad company shall bulld a depot at least s gciod as the plans siibmitted indícate. At the same time we respectfully ask that the plans be reconsiderad by the company with a Yiew of giving our city a largerand better buildingwhich we think its growing condition warrant. TAXES. The following amounts were ordered to be levied and collected for tares, for the current year, upon the city st large : General purposes $6 000 8treet purposes 2,000 Water works fund „ 5 000 For general purposes, voted at tax-payers' meeting June 4, 188S 5,000 {18,000 From wards, for street purposes : First ward „ 7,000 Second" 1 ooo Third ■ ilooo Fourth " 1 O0B Fifth " ;;;;;: '700 Sixth " _ ifooo 8,400 Total ïö.400 REGISTRATIOS. The council resolved itse.lf into a board of registration, and fixed Tuesday, Oct. 30, as the day for reeistration, and the places in each ward as follows: First ward, Albert Sorg's paint shop; second, Herz's paint shop; third, Agricultural room in court-house; fourth and 6ftb, Enginehouse; sixth, Sixth ward Engine-house. THE SORO MATTER AGAIN. The city attorney reported in regard to Ex-city Treasurer Sorg's property. It seems that there are two mortgages ahead of the city's, amounting to $3.500, and that Mr. Sorg has only a fifth interest in the Sorg estáte. Judge Joslyn apked the council if it would accept 50 cents on the dollar and raise the mortgage which the city holds on the Sorg bloek on Washington-st. The city Bttorney advised that no reply be given ; but that it be considered when Mr. Sorg walks up and exhibits the money. MONDA Y EVENING SESS1ON. Charles Zurn asked that he be allowed to erect a wasron shed on the north end of his meat market on 10. Washington-Bt, the shed to ba covered with metal. The deed of Philip Bach of the land necessary for the opening of Second-et. was read. It wa? accepted and ordered to be recorded. The liquor bond of Ira Bortell was referred to the city attorney, to be accepted if he finda it in proper shape. The recorder was instructed to advertise for bids for furnishing 150 cords of white oak wood for the use of the city poor. The followicg resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the special sldewalk assessment agaiust the property of Miss Cobb, Mrs. Haas Mrs. Clarken, Richmond & Treadwell Mrs llcCormack. Mrs. Fay, and Philip Bach be ordered pread upon the supervisors' assessment roll as provided by the dly charter. The following was adopted : Resolved, That the expense of opening Secondst, amounting to eight hundred and one dollars, be ordered spread upon the supervisor' as-ssment rolls for the city at large.


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