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"We Point with Prlde" Po the ''Q-ood nine at home," won by 3ood's Sarinparilla. Iti Lowfll, Mass., where it ia prepared, there is more of ïojd's Sarsaparilla eold than of all other medicines, and it has given the best satis aetion since its introduction ten years ago. fhis could not be if the did not os?ess merit. If vou suffer from impure )lood, try Hood's Sarsapn illa und realiza ts pecular curative power. " I don't. care much for Browne," said Bjones. "He's not soeitb'tt. Why, the oor thing never drinks unless he is ,hiraty." - New York Sun. B warranted, is because it is the best Biood Preparation known. It will poeitively cure all Blood Diseases, purifies the whole system, and thoroughly builds up the constitution. Reinember, we guarantee it. John Moorf, Druggist. Love-making is one of the arts in which exuerienee is not essential to succes?. - Merchant Traveler. One Bottle 'nrel Hlni. A. H. Thompson, Rnckfmd, 111.. writes : 'I have been troubled wi;h Catarrh for years, nothing helped me until I tried Pajillon Cvarrh Cure. I followeJ directions, ind with lees than one bottle. I am cured." Papilion (extract of flax) Ctarrh Cure will positively and permanntly cure Bronchial Catarrh, Acure or Ohronio Ca;arrh, also Rosa Cold nd Ha" Fever. Lrge bottles $1.00, for sale by Eierbüch & Son. A mother who does nt want her boy to run off to sea should usu her pauker spsringly and he eooDomioal with her smacks. - O wi. Dr. FlagB's Family Ointment Never fnils to snd heil Cüts, BüRN8, BbüISES, FLESH WoüNDS, INFLAMMATION, SPBAINS, PlMPLES, ChiLBLAINS, Salt Rheüm, Chapped or Hand, Frost Bites, Cold Sores, Sore Nipples, and II dist-aes nd rruuiions of ihe Skin The man who "enn't earn his salt" is a pretty poor sück. Salt is now selling at three pounds for a cent. Eczcm, Itcby, Mcaly, Skin Tortures. The simple application of "Swayne's OiNTMEN"T,"whithoutany internal medicine, will cure any case of Tetter, SU Rheum, Ringworm, Piles, Pimples, Eczema all Soly, Itchy Skin Eruptions, no matter how obstinate or long standing. It is potent, effective, oud costs but a trifle. There'8 nuthing like leather' excep-ing, of course, the upper crust of the youag wile's flrst pie. - Journal of Education. "Helio, got a new sled, haven't yer?" shouted Charlie to his chubby ueighbor across the Street. "Yer bet I have," and he yanked the drag rope till the sled passed in front of him in uil view. "Where'd ye get it, oa c::apel street?" "Na-aw, they only throw in string and a píece of court piaster there; I gut this sled on Btate street. where they throw in a Pomeroy's Pe roline Poroused Piaster, which is so good for Lame Back, i heumatism, etc." '"That ain't much, it only cnsts 25 cents at any druggist'a." "It don't cost much, yer bet. but it's worih it's weinht in gold." Charlie had had a sled before, and knew juyt what was needed. For Sale by 11 J. Browu, Distriet Agent for Arbor Ann. If a man h,is brass hecan getalong with a moderate supply of tin. THE GflEAT REGULATOR. Vk No medicine is so FS1'1 _-Ta "''iversally used as YTTTTlTJTím Simruoiis Liver ReguLL=Lé=======jSlator. It won its way KjjW'ntü every home by Tí SSfílÚ' Pure. sterling merlt. It ö SííVJ? take8 tne Place of a súL&&4 doctor and costly presSKfZtiL Ssriptioiis. It is a Hm wr -M'Bfamily medicine conIrTTTVÏ il V taining no danperous y ' - XxM qualities, but purely 3"" ST vegetable ; gente in its aetion and can be safely given to any person no matter what age. WORKING PEOPLE can take Simmons Liver Reaulator without loss of time or danger from exposupre, and the system will be built up and invigorated hy it. It promotes digestión, dissipates sick headache, and gives a ktrong mil tone 'O the system. Il has no equal as a prepuratory medicine, ai d can be safely used in any sickness. It acts gently on the Bowels and Kidneys and corrects the action of the Liver. Indorsed by persons of the highest character and eminence as The BE3T Family Medicine. If a Child has the colic it 1 a sure and safe remedy. It will restore strength to the overworked faiher and relieve the wife from low spiriK headache, dyspepbia, conhtipation and lUeilla. BIÏTSEY & SIABQL7 6 A.2STJD 8 Washington Street, Ana ArbOï Michigan. Have always on hand a complete Stock of even thingl. ttiti GROCERY LIP! Teas, Coffees and Sugan All prime Anieles bought for Cash and can se) atlow figures. Our frequent large lnvoloe o Teas is a sire sign tbat we give bargalns in QUAtlTY AND PRIOE. We roast our own coffees every week, al-waji fresh and good. Our bakery turns out the ver; best of Bread, Cakes and crackers. Cali ase ■MU, Cures Indigestión, Blltousness, Gonstipation. Kid tiey diföculty, Nervousne88,and Purifles the Blood . No fiitmly ehould be without it. Sample and circu lar girmg partioulars can be bad of any Irumrlat. Or. A. P. SAWYER MEDICINE CO., Chicago. 11.00 ONB MüNTH'B TKILATMENT 11.00.


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