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i. - asa ■MI18a i, -i -i . & 'SS9JUX3 oi'ifliít-H o tnoou; WIN -1 ■ : -i mu-. o Sí S xajHUBnv SSS2SSB S 55SS8 O tO TJ O t OOXOiCO .a ás ■nngjdajxa j j dxa -OOZ.IBJI ;OUJ!N- ! o m-o :uí PUB dBH p,o :""-in ; ■ m o : c :r-coOo: o oh e S 5 ?" 32 h -Anua -dxs „ qq pajiran puB ooomoi w m '.eioia orao : : : o o oiflto 2 a a asa 2 "nns jdaoxa í -i-i 'esaidxa Ba 8S2SS i j : S 383K8 af?t-t : : : io iaccccm a a a a nnsjdaax ■ ■ I!K 88385SS 3 883 S i jjjiüji y y I j3,ssb iboot j PUB m -iO O W5tiOUS -O ssaadxa 8ii8íí : :■ :" s :ncuS :■. la s a ■i"ia_I I o,i . fSOJdXJ Ipr-mio uj : : :t-, OgjDBJ ='-" : : :-io-í f-I Y spiaBy pLf) lO-rt 05 íiíoHiO'j'fi CQ D JiO O iC G V t 00 Oí O I r rr 2 O flH :n cí - : leonuro O . p,-. a a' nns idaoxa oí ; ■ssajdxa íbo 3SS5 3 ! i I38SS S S ■ungjdaoxa : :7 i i i I j j I j !3 3 J ' ■ :- ': :e ' J í iiÍ í Ijlijilf ggggL gggjgg O. W. RUGGLES. H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. A., Chicago. Local Ag't, Ann Arbor. Toledo, AnnArüor & Nortü MicMan B'v Time Table going into effect Snnday, Sept. 30, '88. Going North. Going South. STATIONS. Pas. ets. M8ail Standard Time. _ M-H p_ A. M. P M. A. M LVEl [AKK P. M. ÍTlí! aTÍ 3 26 . 35 .Toledo 1 10 11 00 4 06 6 19 Monroe Junct'n 12 24 10 20 4 16 6 27 Dundee 12 18 10 13 " 3! 6 46 Xilan 12 00 9 50 ..... .. 4 52 7 08 Piltsfleld 11 40 9 32 7 30 5 0 7 20 ..Ann Arbor... 11 25 9 20 9 30 8 00 5 2 7 85 Leland's 11 10 9 05 9 10 5 45 7 49 Whitmore Lake 10 55 8 50 5 52 7 5 Hamburp 10 48 8 45 .. 6 34 8 45 Howel' 10 11 8 13 7 15 9 35 Durand 9 35 7 30 _ 7 4' 10 00 Corunna 9 17 6 49 7 55 10 10 Owosso 9 10 6 40 9 1 1 1 36 Ithaca 7 50 5 32 "" - 9 35 11 56 St. Louis 7 30 5 15 9 4112(2 ..Alma 7 23 5 10 10 2d 12 45 ...Mt. Pleasant... 6 40 4 35 P. M 3 30 Cadillac 2 00 - M '■ M. A. M. P. M.Ia. M. AU passenger trains run daily except Sunday. ConnecUout at Toledo with rallroadsdivergu r, At Manhattan .Tunction with Wheeliug & Lake Ene E. S. At Alexis Junetiop witb M. C H E L. A'y acd F & P. M R E A' Monroe Jnoctior wun L. 8. a. M. a K'y. At Dundee wltb L81 M. 8.. and M. & O. Ry. At Milán with W., 8t. L. & P. Ry. At Pittsfleld with L. 8. & M 8 Rt At Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. R., and at Soutn Lyon with Detroit, InMue and North ernR.R.,audu. T. R. H. W. AHH1EY. W. H.BENNFTT. Superintendent, Gen. Passender Aeent. A. J. PAISLEY, Agent, Ann Arbor. At Ashley with tne Toledo, tiaginaw & Muskegon railway. REPORT 0F THJü uoNDITION OFTHK Ann Arbor Savings Bank AT ANN ARBOR, MICH., OK MONDAY, July 2d, A. D. 1888, HADE Ín Accordance wltta Kectlons 18, 1 and 67 oí i lio leneral Banking l.u as Ameuded in 1S71. RESOURCBB. Loans and Discounts } 304,983 76 Bonds and Mortgages 218 091 69 Overdrafts 158 06 Furmture and Fixtures 1,930 85 Due from National and State Banks.... 74.049 79 Cash on hand 29,340 35 LtABILITIES. 628'554 4 Capital Stock f 50,000 00 Surplus Fund 50,000 00 Undivided Hroflts 41,995 99 July Dividend 2 755 00 Due Depositara 483,803 41 S 628,554 40 I do solemnly swear that the above statementif trae, to the best of my knowledge and belief. CHAS. E. HI8COCK, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2d day of July., 1888. ADAM D. SEYLER, Notary Publia Henry Richards, KO 9 DETROIT ST. Dealer in all kinds of HARD WOOD, LUMBBR, FENCB POSTS, etc, also all kinds of STONE AHD CORD WOOD I am also Agent for the celebrated CHAMPION BINDERS AND U0WEP.5, And Keep a Full Line of Repairs for the Same. A FINE PIECE OF ÁOBÁCCO IS INDEED A LUXIIFO" FiNZER'S i VJlVl COMES AS -7-grNEARBEING KTOBACCO 'AND IS =5j -[-q KNOWN ASA ƒ Jí MAKE IT $rand AMONG DEALERS THESE GOODS ARE ON THE MARKET Al ONLY ONE SHAPE, 3x12 FULL 16 OZ. PLUG- THE MOST CONVENIENT TO CUT IN POCKET PIECES OR CARRY WHOLE. JNO. FINZER & BROS., LonisYille, Ky. WWFM .fCSSÈk. ÏQC"dGOLOWATCHp ■%■■■■ ï PjffiHBiPil tü Beat $Nsb Ir ■■ M BgWjKlfl watcb In the worM. Per- BBb8SJmBk%W witb workü and c&aea off Wm wËggL0efijjr eqwalvalae-O.EPEHSO JE iUSBi HowIb thiaposslblat Wyyyyflgy BQQ u eacn lorality, tO keep! tbalr homesnd bow to tbose wbo cali, a complete Hoe ofow valaableand very nseful HOUSEHOLD NinPI.ES. These well aB the wntch.we aend fret'.aml after jon have kept tbem Id your borne for i months and hown tbcm to tlioas wbo tuay have called.tbey become yonr own prnperty; K ia poMlble to mke thts great offer, eendinj; tbe KOUD OüLDvatcbiDí] COST1 aamplefl free, aa theBbowininf tbe samples 1d any locallty, alwaya resnlttt in a large trad far tu; afteroar samples have been lúa local ity fora mnotbortvo we neualiy get from $1OOO to $SOOO In trade Trom tte ■arrounding country. Tbla, tbe most wonderful offer m koowD,la mado in order th at our eamples may be placed at aocm where they can be pen, all over America. Wrlte at once.aa makeure of tbe chance. Keader It wtll behardlyany trooUs for yoo to ihow tbe samples to tbose who may cali at yonr hit- QS yoor reward UI be moat satlsfactory. A postal cardas wblcb to mitaofl costa batí cent and afleryoakaowall,ffaL do not care to go further, wby no barra ta done. But lf yocdo Mnd yoor addresa at once, yon can aecure FREE ona oítkm beat aolid gold watcbea In the world and our large llaeof CO8TLY SAMPLES. We pay all expresa, frelfht, f. AOdxtmQBO. 8TUÍ90N A CO., Box 61ï, POBTLAND, UAOOt LUMBER LUMBER! LUMBERi If you cont.emplate buildingr oall st FF.RDON Ifflïii! Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., atui get our figures for all kinds 01 LtJMBEE We manufacrure our own Lumbei and ?uarantee VERY LOW PRICES 49-Oive iis cali a-uil w ill mnhe i co .tour iii(t'hI, am onr ïaru1 and !-■ icrat( Htock fuHy HiiHtiiiuhour lumon tlon. tAMtM 1KH.BKKT, JCrvw. 1. Hï?rK.Sat. Tj. (JURES PILES, HJjyV SALT RHEUM, VPVJgr ABLE REMEDY tWtfëtf$& FOR CATARRH. QCCTS. Reliadle drugöists sell taV ■ IT ON A PoSITIVE GuARAWTCÏ USED ALL THE TEAB ROUND I JOH RISTONS SARSAPARILLA For LIVER COMPLAÏNT, DYSPEPSIA, PURIFYING the BLOOD. Usedfor3O - Piles and all DisYears. Best 1 euscs tliat arlse Preparation ■ from a Dlsordered in the World lVv Uver, Siomach, for Sick Ilcisd. WJLOL3 orati Inipure aclie, Pain fl ml It is a In the Side VI M Perful tonic fop and Back, WWk ,7 -T ,. .. ' Xr WÊÊÜm lile, especially t.pat.on, I WL fcu;alesP& chily. pies on Ule ÉMiM dren. Itcannot Kace, Skin tSKM ■ hurt the most Mlseascs, Salt fPP delicate consüIt ia the Best Medicino n use for Regulatino ihe Bowelt. QUART BOTTLES, $1.00. Threo Bottles for 8"J.-"0. Delivcred free of any charge. Sold by all Druggists. -Senl for Circular. W. JOHNSTON & CO., Detroit, Wllch.


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Ann Arbor Register