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OCR 35 CEJÍT COIitraUf. Advertisements, such as To Rent. For Sale, and Wants, uot exceeding three Unes, can bc inserted three weeks lor ïJ3 cents. Man wants but little here below, But he wants that little bad ; The way to net it very quick Is to run a little al. HELP Hllll). ETC. WANTED- At No. 2 Packard st., a Girl to do houework. WANTKD-ti rent, small house or 4 unfurnished rooms, suitible fur house keeping. Inquire at Register office. WANTED-One Bushelman and two Coat Makers. W. G. BurchfieW, 6 E. Huron bt., Ann Arbor, Mich. I.OSI' LOST- Between Tliompson and Main Sts., a Black Silk Umbrella: F. Fould markedon Handle. Finder rewarded by leaving at Mr. Sesöions, on Williams bt. LOST- A reward of $10.00 will be paid to the honest person who will return to The Register Office, Three Bills. one, $20 and two SlO's, lott on Hurón, Main, Washington or Fourth-sts. LOST- $50 between the Opera House and Orleans Ave., through the Campus, Saturday night, 27th. tlO reward for returaing to T. Nakagawa, 61 Orleans Ave. LOST.- My vegetable account book. Finder please leave at P. O. box No. 18U2, and obligo Stephen Adams. FOK S.ll.i:. FOR SALE- 40 Acres of Improved Land. two miles froni Wayne Village, House and Barn, flrst-class soil. Geo. Olp, Ann Arbor. FOR SALE- A Portland Cutter, at til. Apply __atL4BJ"aekard-st: FOR SALE, VERY CHEAP- Nice feeding Carrots. Will be delivered if desirt d. Addre's Box 1484, or apply at the NorgateFarm, Pittsöeld. fpOR SALE - Driving and general purpose Horse. weight, eleven hundred ; 6 years old ; will be sold cheap. Lew H. Cleroent. ÍOR SALE- The beat Grocery Store in Ypsilanti. Apply by letter to Box 466, Ypsilauti, Mich. I7OR SALE OR RENT- My residence, No. 49 S. University Ave. House very conveniently sltuated. Enqulre of Hudson T. Morton FOR MALE OR RENT-Several Houses In different parts of the city. One new, conveniently situated for roomers and boarders ; Also se'eral very desirable building lots, situated in difterent parts of the city, for Sale ou long time or mouthly payments. if desired, at reasunable prices. Enquire of Hudson T. Morton, 49 South Universiiy Ave. I70R SALE -A laree Crown Jewel Stove No. 4 r and a small Base Burner Stove, at No. 40 South Twelflh Street. Úfc K c For sale.- Heavy horse eight years oíd tfpü'ft for farm work only. Strong and true Only 855. A. Wilskv. OLD PAPERS for Sale. Cali at Watts' Jewelry Store, No. 10 South Main-st. FOR SALE.- Pianos at reduced priees. I mean business. Now is your time. A. Wilsey, 2o South Fourth-st. FOR SALE- Fruit Farm, 19 acres, at Ann Ar hor. Michigan, for sale at a bargain. Only reason for sellin ts unable to tend to ft. Cholees land, highest cultivation. 11 acres in raspberries and blackberries ; 4 in (rapes, pears andpeaches; 2 ingrove pía' tatlon two years oíd. Cash sales thi8 year $1600. Abundant water; House cost S5.000. Elegant lawn, hedges and shnde. One mile from Court-house. Terms easy. J. H. Clough FOR SALE- A good, new Milch Cow. K mile north of Delhi Milla. Wm. W. Tubbs. FOR 8ALE.- A lot, five by four rods. at the north east corner of North and Second Street. Good building lot. D. Cramer. tfOR SALE- The Barton House. Thomas Phillips, Ypsilanti. FOR SALE- Vyundlvided one-halfofa Farm, situatul three miles E. of Anu Arbor, and known as the Howe and North Farm. Address me at 1223, Grand Ave., Kansas City, Ho. Mrs. Miza North. IOR SALE.- House ana lot No. 44 Washingtonr st. Apply of N. W. Cheever, No. 10 North 4thBt. IOR SALE- Building Lote, fronting west side r Mann st. Extra view; Sizes to suit; long time for payments. J. D. Duncxn, 76 Mlller Ave. rARUE ÍJEW HOUSE, with o e or two lots. J for sale or exchange for smaller property, If not sold, will be for rent. J. P. Judson, South üniversity Ave. FOR lltl'. FURNISHED Rooms with Board, at No. 14 Bowery-st. TO RENT - A Cottage, suitable for a small family, or two or three Studeuts who would wish to board themseves in a retired place. Enquire ol J. D. Baldwin. I"1O RENT- A new 5-roomed house on West Huronst. Apply at John Mooie's drug store or at No.3S.Thayer-8t ___ TO RENT- House suitable for small family. No. 11 Tappen St Inqulre of B. Mount, No. 66 E. Uniyereity Ave TO RENT.- After the flret of September, two storts on State-st, Opposlie University. In quire of J.H. Nickels. 1JIANO FOR SALE.- Students or anyone wlshlng a first-class Piano very cheap should see this one, at No. 18 Spring street. REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Housesand lots valued from tl.000 to$6,UOOand containliig from one-fifth of an acre to iwenty acres - ah in the city limita. Houses rented un reasonable term in central loealities. Farms exchangcd for city property. Enquire of J. Q. A.SESSION8, 632tf Attorney and Real Estáte Aeent. Office over Express Office. Main St., Ann Arbor. t! I s 1 : V.i.W EOGü. TO THE LADIES of Ann Arbor: I wish to state tliat I am the only authorized and competent agent h re teaching the Livingston System and that all others advertising to teach this System are fraudulent and incompetent. Proof of this assertion can be siven at any time This city was advertised andpaid for by me. and anyone atttmpting to teach altertbls notlce shall be dealt with according to the law. It would be well for the person who lately advertif-ed to learn how to cut a garment perfectly befoie attempting to teach others. Patterns of all kinds cut to measure and guaranteed. Lizzle M. Foley, 95 E. Huron-st. 1NTELLIGENCE OFFICE No 60 E. Washingtonst. Those wauting girls for domektic service, and girls wantiug such places, had bettvr apply. Mbs. J. Akmbrustek. PROF. LIVINGSTON'S French System of Dress Cutting taunht by Maggle L. Norton, No. 14 North 12th st. Terms reasonable. DRESS-MAKING. No. 41 Wall-st., Fifth ward. Mrs. H. Graves. d o i per month. Good agents wanted of both 3rOV sexes. Business honorable and permanent. New plan of work. Address with stamp, M. Le'gh, lock box 321. Jackson. Mich. rpHE Dwellingover Brown & Cady's Store, on JL State-st. is just finished, will be rented to a Kood family on very reasonable terms. Apply to J. D. Baldwin or Brown & Cady. Randall's Annual Hoüday opening will be on 3aturday and Monday, December 1 and 3. Erervbody invited.


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Ann Arbor Register