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Wlngs mul Slinks. This is the airy, stinging tule of another sprightly amusing book by Palmer Cox It is one oL the Queer People series, and similar to its eutnpanio'i " Pawg and Claws,"of which we told you recemly. Thi8 one of tbe funniest and brightestbook-for youngsters we have ever geen. The ilhn tratinna ure iplendid and will mske the bojs and girls roar with lau-jhter. The Boston Budget says: "As a holiday book nothing can be more appropria'e, siuce nothing could confer greater pleasure upon the little ones." The National RepubliCHn say : "Every page is a picture and all the text nmsie, a fountain of fun, never ceasing. It will make young eves blnze." It will certainly be wonderfullv popular. Ii is published by Messrs. Huhbard Broa., of Philadelpbia, Chicigo, and Kansas Ciiy, to whom persons des'ring a copy or an agency should app'y. State of Ohio, "ity of Toledo Lucas County, S. S. Krank J. Chenny cath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Oiifnny & Co., doiog business in the City .f Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and 'hat snid firra will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS tor eaon and every case ot Catrrb ihat cannot be cured by the ue of Hall's Catarrii Cure FRANK J. CHENNY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my prftence, this 6th day of December, A. D '8. A. W. GLEASON Í- - Notary Public. SEAL i Hall'8 Caterrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly upon the blood and tnucus surfaces of the system. Snd for testimoniáis, free. F. J. CHENNY & CO., Toledo, O. J3f=Sold by druggists, 75 cents. A babe in the house is a well-spring of pleasure, but twins - twins are deluge. ________ $300 Keward. If you suffer from dull, heavy headache, obstruction of the nasal passages, discharges falling from the head into the throat, sometimos profuse, watery, and acrid, at ethers, thick, tenacious, mucoue, purulent, bloody and putrid ; if the eyes are weak, watery, and inflamed ; and there ia ringing at the ears, deafness, hacking or coughingto clear the throat, expectoration of offengive matter, together with scabs from ulcera; the voice being changed and having a nasal twang; the breath offen sive ; smell and taste impaired; experience a sensation of dizziness, with mental de pression, a hacking cough, and general debility, then you are suffering chronic nasal catarrh. Only a few of the above nanaed svmptoms are likelv to be present in any one case at one time, or in one stuge of the disease. Tbousands of cases annually, without manifesting half of the above symptoms, reduit in consumption, and end in the grave No disease is so commoj, more deceptiveand da"geru, Ies8 under stood or more unsuccessfully treated by physicians. The manufacturers of Dr. Saee's Catarrh Remedy offer, in good faith, $500 reward for a case of catarrh which they cannot cure. The Remedy is sold by druggists at only 50 cents. After a band boy has taken a few lesfons ou an instrument hebeeotnes hia own tooter. Catarrh orieinates in ecorfulos taint. Hood'8 Sarsaparill purifies the bloed, and thus permaneitlv cures catsrrh. Mortgngc Kale. Whereas, William A. Masón and Elizabeth Mason, bis wife, ol Noi thficld, in Waslr.enaw County, Michigan, execuud a mortgage to Edward Treadwell and Koah W. Cheever, execaiore of the will of Hiram Arnold. deceased, to secure the paymeut of certaln principal and interest therein mentioned, which montage bearsdate January2Sth, 1886, and was recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Washtenaw County Michigan, on theEüth day of January. 1886 at 3% o'clock, p. m., in Liber 69 of Mortgiges i.n page 74 and whereas default ha been made for more than sixty daj ■ in the paymeut of an instailment of interest which became due thereon un the 26th day of January, 1887 as well as the sueco ding i stallment of interest which became due thereon January 5tb , '8S8. and by reason thereof and pursuantiothe terms of sa d mortxage, the principal sum unpald oi said mortgaee of twenty-one hundred and len dOilars with all the arrearage ol interest thereon, at option of said mortgagees became due and payable immedlately thereaiter and the power of sale contaiued in said mortgage became op rative. and the said mortg gees do herely declare ittbeir option an 1 do hereby elect to have the principal sum of said mortgage and allinteiest the'eon become now due and payable. And whereas there Is now claimed to be due and payable as aforesaid upon said mortgage and the note seoure d the eby at the nate of this notice the mm of two thousand four hundred and flfiyflve dollars (Í2.15 00) in additi n to all other legal cOBts, and no suit c procecding in law or equity having been instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereot, Notlce is therefore hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale ol the mortgaged premises therein described or ome part ther, of, to wit: All of the followlng ilescribed land situated in the township of N rrihfielii.Iu Washtenaw County, Michigan, viz: The N rth East quarter of the South-Wc t quarter of Section No. Thirly one 31) in township No. One South, In Range No. Six, East ; also the South seventeen 1 17) acres of the West half of the North-East quarter of said Section No. '1 hirty one, it being d visions No one, two. three. four, and one acre oft' of the south side of división No. Five in the partition if the estáte of Putrick McMahon. dei'eased, as appears by the report of the commissioners on file in the l'r bate uffic-e lor Washtenaw Coumy, all iu township one south, in range six east, and containinx In all sixty-eisht acres of land, more or less, at public vendue on the twenty third day of February, 1889, at t'-n o'clock in the forenoon, at the Huron street enlrance to the Court House, In the city of Aun Arbor, in said County of Washtenaw, that being the p ace of holding the Circu t Court in said ounty Dated, November 26th, 1888. Edward Treadwei.l and NOAH W. (HEEVEK, Executors of the will of Hiram Arnold, deeeaaed.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register