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SENATE. Washington-, Dec. 4.- The Benate metat oon ycsterday. At 1:35 the President's message was presented and the clork beK&n to rea 1 it. The reading occupied an hour aud tweuty minutes. At its conclusión the message was laid on the tabie and rdered printed. Several Senators then gave not.fieation thaï. several pending bilis would be pressed to a vote, after which an adjournment was taken for the day. Washington, Dec. 5.- In the Benato yesterday bilis were introduced for the establishment in the Interior Departmsnt f a bureau of health to be under the direction of a commissioner who shall receive an annual salary of Í5,ÜOO per annum, and to allow persons who have abandonad or relinquished their homestead entries to make another entry. Discussion of the Tariff bill was postponed. HOUSE. Washington, Dec. 4.- In the House yesterday prayer was offerd by Chaplain MiUburn, and the Clerk then callad the roll. At the conclusión of roll-call a resolntlon was adopted instructing the Clerk to Inform the Benate that the House was in session. At 1:3U the President's message was received and immediatelv read ; by the Clerk. The message was ordered i printed, and reforred to the committee of the whole. The House then adjourned. Washington, Dec 5. - In the House yesterday a joint resolution was introduced jproposing an amendment to the constitutlon providing that the President and Vice-President shall be chosen every iourth yoar by the direct votes of the people. A petitiou was presented from citiens of North Dakota praying for the admission of the iwo Dakotas and the r.ght to hold constitutional conventions in Jïorth Dakota, Washington and New Mexico. OTHER NOTES. Washington, Dec. 1. - Secretary Whitney in his annual report says we can not at present protect our coast, but we can return blow for blow, for we shall soon be I lui condition to launch a neet of large and 'fast cruisers against the commerce of an enemy, able to inflict the most serious and lasting injury thereon. The expenditures for the year ended June 30 last were 146,830,630. The estímate for the navy and marine cor ps for the next fiscal year is ' 138,767,677, and includes $9,717,000 for I re aso of the navv, construction and armatnent, f2, 214,248 for improvements at navy yards, and f240,000 for a new naval observatory. The appropriations for the current fiscal year aggregate M9, 942, 481. Washington, Dec 1. - The annual report f the Inter-State Commerce Commission cstimates the raiiroad mileage of the country on June 30, 1888, at 152,781 miles, of which 2,312 were completed within the preceding six months. The effect of the law is declared to be beneflciaL Washington, Dec. 3. - The report of the Director oí the Mint shows that the production of gold and silver in the United States for the calendar year 1887 was $33,00,000 gold and $53,355,000 silver. The aggregate coinage of the world, including reeoinage during the calendar year 1887, was 124,992, 465 gold and tl60,9S4,877 silver. Washington, Dec. 3. - The annual report ef the Becretary of the Interior shows that the total number of acres patonted during the year was 8,605,194, and that speciflo claims had been newly asserted to 18,776,L31.92 acres. The receipts from the disposalof public lands were $12.701,072; from sales of lndian lands, $821,113; a total of $13,522,15. The reports of lndian agente ghowed the total number ol Indians in the country to be 240,095. Washington, Dec. 3- The statement of the public debt shows the total debt to be $1,890 975,250; caBh in Treasury, $52,234,C10; debt loss cash in Treasury, $1,148,489,853. Incroas during November, $11,. 199,817. Decrease since June 30, 1888, U7,094,803. Washington, Dec. 3.- The twenty-sixth annual report of the Comptroller of the Currency contains a summary of the State and condition of the National banks durinp the year. The number reporting October4was 3,140, of which the capital st ck exoeodedS;92,000,000; surplus fund, $185,000,000; other undivided proflts, $70,000,000; and the outstanding circubition against bonus, ïlöl.ïlK.OOU. Tno individual deposits amountod to $1,350,000,000 and Government deposits to 56,000,000. The total number of new National banks organized during the year was 132; 42 banks went out of the system during the year. Since the bezinning of tho National banking system tho total claims proved against all failed banks have been less than {52,000,OUO, and the aggrcgate of dividends paid upon those claims has exceeded $33,000,000. Wasuint.ton, Dec. 4. - Secretary Endieottfs report of the Administration of the War Department during the fiscal year ended June 30 last, 9hows the total expendi.ture to have been f41,165,107; the appropriatijns for the current fiscal year amount tS9,üï9,9:M; and the estimates for the fiscal year ending June, 30, 1890, aggregate $44,632,507. The attention of Congress is called to tho defenseless condition of the sea-coast and lake frontiers. Washixgton, Deo. 4. - The Secretary f the Treasury bas transmitted to Conress estimates of appropriations required for the Government service for the fiscal year ending June 30. 189J. They aggreeate t323,4H7.488, which is $3,062,305 less than the estimates for 1839 and 13,530,511 more than the appropriations for the current fiscal year. Washington, Dec. 4.- The annual report of' the Postmaster-General says the total revenue for the year was i 52, 695, 176. The total expenditure was 156,885,403. The estimated doficiency therefor is $i,Q0,W. The total estimated rtoss receipts for the year ending June 30, 1889, is 57,392,576. The amount appropriated for the service of this year is tíO,8tiO,233, or an excess over the amount of revenue estimatod above of $3,467,657. The total number of post-nfnees is 57,376, an increase over 188.'. of ü,124. .In the railway mail service an increase of about 12,000 miles is shown. There is an increase of 17,077,999 in the number of miles traveled per minimi. Tlie f ree delivery service was . extended to 169 additional plaoea, making a total of 358 f ren delivory cities. Statistics are submitted which show that the ■postal system of the United States is the leading ono of the world. Washington', l)ec. 5. - Secretary Anson McCook. of the Sonate, presentcel h s annual report of expendituros yosterday. It sttows tliat there was expended during tbe year: For salaries and mileago of Senators, f:94, 157. For salaries oí offleers, te., 1888,674. For contingent expenses 15?,701. Total, t890,KQ. Wasuisgton, Dec. 5.- John H. Walsh has tendered nis resiarnation as Suirintendent of tlie Treasury. He went to his come in Albauy beíorethe electiou to vote for j. i ideiit Cleveland, but has not returned sílice, lio sont las r.-.i-;i onbj mail instead. No reason was asM-ned in thecommun catón. Washington, Dec. 5.- The PostmasterGeneral has ordcred tho establishment of the iree delivery system at the following post-offioes: Batavaia, N. Y. ; OrawfordsTille, Ind ; Fremont, O. ; Muncie, Ind. ; Chippewa Falls, Wis. ; Elyria, O. ; Greenville, S. C. ; Nebraska City, Neb. ; Red Wing, Minn. ; Warren, O. Washington, Dec. 5.- The anuui.l report of the Secretar; of the Ti-easury shows that the ordinary revenues of the Government from all sources in the fiscal year ended June 30, 1888, were (879, 6,074. 78. The ordinary expenditures for tlie sania period wero Í259 (553, 958 7. This left a surplus of 119,fil2,116.09. The receipts of 1888 exceeded t:iose of 1887 by t7.8B;,797.19, of which L5.473,840.70 was internal re7enue and ,804,280.50 customs. For the year 1890 the total receipts are estimated, upon the bais of existin? laws, at 1377,000,000. and the total expendítures at $328,667,485.34, leaving a surplus for that ye ,r of 53. 432.511.66. The receipts of capitation tax for the year ending June 30, 1888, were $291,189.50. The expenditures on account of mmigr.ition durjng the year were 59,836 10. The total number of immigrants arr ving at the various ports was 529,333. of whom 343.774 were males. Of these 1,118 were returned for tne following causes: Cunvicts, 15; lunática, 73; idiots, 19; liable to become public chargas, 1.01L Washington, Dec. 5. - The Secretary of War has issued a general order directing that when aot preveuted by active service all the available infantry, cavalry and light artillery of the army shall devote a part of each summer to praetice marches, encampments, maneuvers and other field operations. Washington, Dec. 5. - The Treasury Department monthly statement of changes in circulation during November past places the total circulation of the country on December 1 at ,406 150,456.


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