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Wells, Richardson & Co.

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My Poor Back ! That " poor back " is held responsible for more than its share of the safferings of mankind. If your dog bites a man who kicks ft, do you blame the dog ? On the same principie the kidneys utter their protest fc against nervousness, impure blood, and resulting constipation. 1 hese force them Bf to do extraordinary work in ridding the system of the poisons which are the jS, result o{ effete matter retained in the blood. Then the sufferer says the jLmfj back; aches; the kidneys are diseased. " Not yet;" but they will sfbe unless the nerves are strengthened, the blood purified, and the constipation fGÈMT removed. These are the causes of kidney troubles, and Paine's Celery WjËtm Compound removes them quickly. With its tonic, purifying, and laxative ÊÊB effect, it also strengthens the weak kidneys, making it almost mfallible in F curing all diseases of the nerves and kidneys. If your hopes of cure have not fgl been realized, try Paine's Celery Compound; it gives perfect health to all who complai.ii of "their poor backs." Frice f 1.00. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. SeND FOR ILLUSTRATED PAPER. Proprietors, BURLINGTON, VERMONT.


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Ann Arbor Register