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GO TO MONTANA VIA THE St. Paul, Minneapolis & 2kLanitoba RAILWAY. A MAGNIFICENT Daily Train Service! "The Montana Express," WILL BE INAUGURATED NOVEMBER 10, 1888 Elegant Dining Cars, Drawing Room Sleepers, Handsome Day Doaches, AND FREE Colonist Sleepers WITH KITCHEN AND LAVATORY THE ONLY LINE TO THE THREE GREAT CITIES OF MONTANA, GREAT FALLS, HELENA AND BUTTE. For Maps and general information imiuire of your own Ticket Agent, or F. I. WHITNEY, Gen'l Pass. and Tk't Agt., St Paul, Minn. BINSEY l SSABQl! 2STO3. 6 JUSTJD 8 Washington Street, Ann ArW, Michigan. Have alwayson hand a complete Stock of ermi thinir I t nu 8R0CBRY LINE! Teas, Cof ees and Suga:- All prime Articlcs bought for Cash aui ■■■ atlow figures. Our frequent large ( Teas is a sure sigu that we lve barKaino in QUALITY AND PRIOE. Weroastour own coffees every wk,filwKj frosh and good. Our bakery turns out thevtibest of Bread, Cake and cracker?. Cali une 66e us. _________ lew Advertisenients BESTAND CHEAPEST ORANGE LAND IN THE WORLD. For IVirtioiilnrs nnd lcscriUve irulir wldress the BARTON LAND AND WATER CO., I.OS ABOBUai, CAI.. " -ooli' Cotto Root Compound.-ComMJteax! posoil of Cotton Root. Tunsy and PennymSÊBÊm roval Stuvrnnfiilly u-'fd mtmthty. Safe, UwUf". Klfcctnal. l'lcnsant. Í1 bv mail, ordruuTT-T Mr PONO LILV COMPAHY, o]i In Ann Arbor bv all rinurs-fsts OuUA, l$uávMSbL)&UviA'' &■ ti 'tn.&Mut Ljl miKc tau. wvÍ3Í5.i.ví' ttó W. B. WARNER, 24 STATffi B. No better place in the city to biiy your GROOBRIES Business condueleJ on CASII basi?. No Goods gold on credit to anyone, tmr. prices are low enousrh to make it au object for yon to trade with hira. Telephone Connection. AU Goods delivered. gflfe PENNYROYAL WAFERS iK2 Are fluccessfully used tputlily bv over IIVW ■ÜBIjulii's. Are Soft, EfftetuiU and Pieatant. il fij per box by nialï, or at drufigisu. Sealed PurSf J? ticularg 2 postale sumios. Addreas r Fislinr lilock. ÍS Woodward ave Detroit, Mica, Nol.l by (I. J. KH( A CO. LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STUDENTS ! 'I In 4reat Ent?lMh Prenrrlption wlll restore that lint Vitulity and a Kugged, Healtby Cenditlon follow its une. Buy at your (iniKgirtt'8, one packase, 81 ; six for 85 KUKEKA CHEMICAL 00., Detroit, Mich. Si1i1 by H. J. BrtiWH Co. "CHICAGO TRUSS." rNcw Spiral Sprino Tru. Hard liabbtr I'ad; Oleas, Durable, Cheap. Appraved Dy the iiljthest Medical AuIbority. Worn day and night uy au Infant a week old er an Adult 80 years. Eastt# mljwhd. It meets all forma of Scrotal Fermoral, Inguinal mul l'iiiliüi. I Hernia, i botli Iufams aml Adulta. Satisfaction guaranteed i all case. Any desirable pnmra olnaiued. If your (iruggist (iok's not keep tbin Tius, endose stanips and aiMress. iiimac; TBvm co., liiïo. III. OFFICE AND FITTING BOOM, 1Í E. tambdph St , T. Y. KAYNE. Manager. Solil by Ann Arbor uruggMI. ■ Ho rmt En at tiu Newspaper Adver ■ " I2LÜ? tislnir Aki'iw.v of Mesara. N. W. AYER A SON. uur uuUiurizcd ugeuta. THE JSARGH OF PROGRESSf OUR LATESTIMPROVEMENTS "Coniprtitlontithelifeoftradc"anillf]roii have not socn our latest improvctl goods, you cannot lin.icinc how lively trade ia, or ! lianl uur cuuiputiturs li;ive to work to kwD Wtthln llfftal at us. Aak your rptailer fnrtho Janus KeuM1 t3 Shoc, or tlie Jamu Mi-mis' $ 1 stHK', sooordlng to your i ds. l'oi-itively DOlM crimine unk-ss haviiiif our uamo nd prlM aUiniiod ilainly on the Buks. Your retailer wlll supply you with shocs 80 stamped If you insist upon hls duing so; if you do not insist, s retalíela will coax you into buying inferior shots upou wuich they make a larger pruilt. , npr ik $3 shoe Ion 4C UN EX CELLED IN fcf C0IH YXSTYLE UNEQUALLEU KjNDURABILITr ISif. CpERFECTIOfC JAMES.WEARS'f] fc-j Bneh has been the recent proRress In onr branch of Industrv t wo are now ablo to alürm that the Jame Jleiins'$4 Shoe is In every respect equal to the ahoM whlch only a few years ago were ntailid at cight or ten dollars. If you wlll try on a pair you will bo convinced that we do not 'xaííj?cratc Ours are the original $3 and 4 shoes, and thosewho imitate our svstein of business are unublo to couipeUs with us in qiiality of factory producís. In our linea we are the lanjest mauufacturers In the United Statea. siiuPHfrom our colpbrati-tl fiictory are sola by wlde-awHk retailers in all part of the country. We wlll place lliem easily wilhln vour reich m uny state or terrieory If you will Invest ona cent in a postal eard and wrlle to U8. JmiKH Mru Ui Co., 41 Lincoln St, Bostor., Ull. k,. . mm r.laiii .' ' MOITHLY SICKNESS. sawSKADFl ELD EEGULATOR (fÓ. v'v.-aavsts. JtTVtJtKa.GA If you re anything to teil, ' to rent; if you hav hslm thiny ; if you have found any va ■ "" want rooms, board, work n r (I sun, advertise il intite ' Waui' coluu . of The Register.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register