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He ate green cucumbers: The}' mude iiim quite sick; But he l"Uk a lew '1' ilets" 'lliat him riühtquick. An eflsiei i'hysic. Yon never wlll firid Tlimi l'ierte'c smull '"Pellets,'1 The Purtativeklnd. Small but nroi u 'h u-nu per vial. TheJans ought t he fnendly with the U liied States 8 p'wpi Oír imporislast vrr rxc ded hy $8.000,000 tl;eimports of any otber cmn'ry A l'lal l'onl raliel ion. 8"meo' e ha ' olí yrnj thar viúr ca'aTh is nema' le It is not so. Dr. ü- turih R medy will cure u. It. is pli-a ant o and it alwnys does ita work ihorusílly. We h .Te yet t hear of' a cuse in whieh it did not aooomplih a cure wnen fmthfnly useil. Calarrh a ripease which i is dmgerous to iieylec'. A c-rtan medy is at your comraand. Avail V"Urseif ol it betdre thecomplaint assunies a moro ser'OiH f Tm. All musjgists. Put up f'or a tli d - A window shutter. Beware 1 oliidiieiils for iilnrrh ttaat cuntaiu Merca ry, ;iv Mrtrcury will surely destrov !he sense if t-ntifll acd C"tn[)lH'ely dfrange ihewh'iln -ys em when eutern t; it t ro ígh the mucus mrfaCHs. Such artilles í-hould i ever be use'd exee pt on prescrip ions 'mra repntable phy-uins, as the damae ihey will do are ten told to the aonii y u can possnly derive from thera. H 's Cn'arrh Cure, mauutactured by F. J. Chenev & Co., Toledo, O., C'nain-i no mercury, muí is Uken iniernallv, and ets direc ly upon the blooii and mucu surfaces ot the -y-tem. In buvin.' Hall's Catan h Cure De Rureyou get th genuitie, it i t ken in 'ernnlly and made in Tuledo, Ohio, by F. J Che ey & Co. --LFSold by Dru?gi.ts, price 75o. per but le. The craeksi. n v.i - Blast ii! Pile ! Piles ! Helling Piles. Symptoms - Moisture; intense itchiner and stiigin; most at r;ght; worse by scratching. Ifalliwedtoc Btlnup, lumors f'Tin, wh'uh otten bleed and nleeratH, becomitig very sore. Swayne s Ointment -tops the iichinjí and blt-emng, lels ulcera tintf, and in mogt cases tpmnws the lunors At drugpis1", or hy mil tor 50 cents. Dr. Swayne & S n. PhiUd-lp'iia. Silton cheee and ship biscuit the lare-t nastronomicl C'prica of ihe toddeing army of Anylomaniacs. VJVXW V DVVVj, complaint of thousands suffering from Asthina, Consumption, Oughs, etc. Did you ever try Acker"8 English Remedy? It is the best preparation known for all Lung Troublea, Süld on a positivo guaran tee at 10c.. 50c. John Mookk Druggisl. Ri8sia would like to borrow a big block "f ihe American Treastiry surplus, but it ís not likely that she will be hccommodated. Even if sh got the money she would g and spend it for gunpowder and fireworks nd O'her npedless things. REMETDYRFAlhl Chronic Rheumatism. Prompt, Permanent Cures. Once Curetl, Always Cured. Fort Madison, lowa, Peb. 24, 1887. Suffered teverely with rhetunatism Ín knee; could hardly move. Two applícations of 8t. Jacobs OU oompletely cured me. No return Ín 2 years. J. H. DUFFEE8. Once Curetl v Always Cured. Canajoharie, N. T., Feb. 10, 1887. Awoke wtth excruciating pain in shoulder; trled ravious remedies wlth no elfect. Went to my office; pain became insufferabie. went home at 11 o'clock and used St. Jacobs OU. The effect was mágica!; Ealn ceased; retuincd to work at 1 o'clock. Cor is remained permanent. WILLET F. CO0K. Once Cured, Always Cured. Lowelt, Mass., Oct. 29, 1886. Bad tevere rheiunatlsm Ín knee; trled many remedies without relief, trled St. Jacobs 011 and was promptly cured. No return of paln Ín severa! year. DAVID LAWRENCE. Proof. The testlmony cannot be dlsputed. It has besa verined and renewed after a lapte of year Ro return of paln. No competltíon can show lik resulta, AT ÜRUGGIST3 AND DEALERS. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER C0., Baltimore, Md. -


Old News
Ann Arbor Register